11 research outputs found

    Astro2020 White Paper: A Direct Measure of Cosmic Acceleration

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    Nearly a century after the discovery that we live in an expanding Universe, and two decades after the discovery of accelerating cosmic expansion, there remains no direct detection of this acceleration via redshift drift - a change in the cosmological expansion velocity versus time. Because cosmological redshift drift directly determines the Hubble parameter H(z), it is arguably the cleanest possible measurement of the expansion history, and has the potential to constrain dark energy models (e.g. Kim et al. 2015). The challenge is that the signal is small - the best observational constraint presently has an uncertainty several orders of magnitude larger than the expected signal (Darling 2012). Nonetheless, direct detection of redshift drift is becoming feasible, with upcoming facilities such as the ESO-ELT and SKA projecting possible detection within two to three decades. This timescale is uncomfortably long given the potential of this cosmological test. With dedicated experiments it should be possible to rapidly accelerate progress and detect redshift drift with only a five-year observational baseline. Such a facility would also be ideal for precision radial velocity measurements of exoplanets, which could be obtained as a byproduct of the ongoing calibration measurements for the experiment.Comment: White paper submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Survey. 6 page

    Forecasting cosmic acceleration measurements using the Lyman-α\alpha forest

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    We present results from end-to-end simulations of observations designed to constrain the rate of change in the expansion history of the Universe using the redshift drift of the Lyman-α\alpha forest absorption lines along the lines-of-sight toward bright quasars. For our simulations we take Lyman-α\alpha forest lines extracted from Keck/HIRES spectra of bright quasars at z>3z>3, and compare the results from these real quasar spectra with mock spectra generated via Monte Carlo realizations. We use the results of these simulations to assess the potential for a dedicated observatory to detect redshift drift, and quantify the telescope and spectrograph requirements for these observations. Relative to Liske et al. (2008), two main refinements in the current work are inclusion of quasars from more recent catalogs and consideration of a realistic observing strategy for a dedicated redshift drift experiment that maximizes v˙/σv˙\dot{v}/\sigma_{\dot{v}}. We find that using a dedicated facility and our designed observing plan, the redshift drift can be detected at 3σ3\sigma significance in 15 years with a 25m telescope, given a spectrograph with long term stability with R=50,000R=50,000 and 25% total system efficiency. To achieve this significance, the optimal number of targets is four quasars, with observing time weighted based upon v˙/σv˙\dot{v}/\sigma_{\dot{v}} and object visibility. This optimized strategy leads to a 9% decrease in the telescope diameter or a 6% decrease in the required time to achieve the same S/N as for the idealized case of uniformly distributing time to the same quasars.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Astro2020 Project White Paper: The Cosmic Accelerometer

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    We propose an experiment, the Cosmic Accelerometer, designed to yield velocity precision of 1\leq 1 cm/s with measurement stability over years to decades. The first-phase Cosmic Accelerometer, which is at the scale of the Astro2020 Small programs, will be ideal for precision radial velocity measurements of terrestrial exoplanets in the Habitable Zone of Sun-like stars. At the same time, this experiment will serve as the technical pathfinder and facility core for a second-phase larger facility at the Medium scale, which can provide a significant detection of cosmological redshift drift on a 6-year timescale. This larger facility will naturally provide further detection/study of Earth twin planet systems as part of its external calibration process. This experiment is fundamentally enabled by a novel low-cost telescope technology called PolyOculus, which harnesses recent advances in commercial off the shelf equipment (telescopes, CCD cameras, and control computers) combined with a novel optical architecture to produce telescope collecting areas equivalent to standard telescopes with large mirror diameters. Combining a PolyOculus array with an actively-stabilized high-precision radial velocity spectrograph provides a unique facility with novel calibration features to achieve the performance requirements for the Cosmic Accelerometer

    The first super-Earth Detection from the High Cadence and High Radial Velocity Precision Dharma Planet Survey

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    The Dharma Planet Survey (DPS) aims to monitor about 150 nearby very bright FGKM dwarfs (within 50 pc) during 2016-2020 for low-mass planet detection and characterization using the TOU very high resolution optical spectrograph (R\approx100,000, 380-900nm). TOU was initially mounted to the 2-m Automatic Spectroscopic Telescope at Fairborn Observatory in 2013-2015 to conduct a pilot survey, then moved to the dedicated 50-inch automatic telescope on Mt. Lemmon in 2016 to launch the survey. Here we report the first planet detection from DPS, a super-Earth candidate orbiting a bright K dwarf star, HD 26965. It is the second brightest star (V=4.4V=4.4 mag) on the sky with a super-Earth candidate. The planet candidate has a mass of 8.47±0.47MEarth\pm0.47M_{\rm Earth}, period of 42.38±0.0142.38\pm0.01 d, and eccentricity of 0.040.03+0.050.04^{+0.05}_{-0.03}. This RV signal was independently detected by Diaz et al. (2018), but they could not confirm if the signal is from a planet or from stellar activity. The orbital period of the planet is close to the rotation period of the star (39-44.5 d) measured from stellar activity indicators. Our high precision photometric campaign and line bisector analysis of this star do not find any significant variations at the orbital period. Stellar RV jitters modeled from star spots and convection inhibition are also not strong enough to explain the RV signal detected. After further comparing RV data from the star's active magnetic phase and quiet magnetic phase, we conclude that the RV signal is due to planetary-reflex motion and not stellar activity.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The first super-Earth detection from the high cadence and high radial velocity precision Dharma Planet Survey

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    The Dharma Planet Survey (DPS) aims to monitor about 150 nearby very bright FGKM dwarfs (within 50 pc) during 2016–2020 for low-mass planet detection and characterization using the TOU very high resolution optical spectrograph (⁠R≈100000⁠, 380–900 nm). TOU was initially mounted to the 2-m Automatic Spectroscopic Telescope at Fairborn Observatory in 2013–2015 to conduct a pilot survey, then moved to the dedicated 50-inch automatic telescope on Mt. Lemmon in 2016 to launch the survey. Here, we report the first planet detection from DPS, a super-Earth candidate orbiting a bright K dwarf star, HD 26965. It is the second brightest star (V = 4.4 mag) on the sky with a super-Earth candidate. The planet candidate has a mass of 8.47 ± 0.47MEarth, period of 42.38 ± 0.01 d, and eccentricity of 0.04+0.05−0.03⁠. This radial velocity (RV) signal was independently detected by Díaz et al., but they could not confirm if the signal is from a planet or stellar activity. The orbital period of the planet is close to the rotation period of the star (39–44.5 d) measured from stellar activity indicators. Our high precision photometric campaign and line bisector analysis of this star do not find any significant variations at the orbital period. Stellar RV jitters modelled from star-spots and convection inhibition are also not strong enough to explain the RV signal detected. After further comparing RV data from the star’s active magnetic phase and quiet magnetic phase, we conclude that the RV signal is due to planetary-reflex motion and not stellar activity