131 research outputs found

    Effects of food-borne nanomaterials on gastrointestinal tissues and microbiota

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    Ingestion of engineered nanomaterials is inevitable due to their addition to food and prevalence in food packaging and domestic products such as toothpaste and sun cream. In the absence of robust dosimetry and particokinetic data, it is currently challenging to accurately assess the potential toxicity of food-borne nanomaterials. Herein, we review current understanding of gastrointestinal uptake mechanisms, consider some data on the potential for toxicity of the most commonly encountered classes of food-borne nanomaterials (including TiO2 , SiO2 , ZnO, and Ag nanoparticles), and discuss the potential impact of the luminal environment on nanoparticle properties and toxicity. Much of our current understanding of gastrointestinal nanotoxicology is derived from increasingly sophisticated epithelial models that augment in vivo studies. In addition to considering the direct effects of food-borne nanomaterials on gastrointestinal tissues, including the potential role of chronic nanoparticle exposure in development of inflammatory diseases, we also discuss the potential for food-borne nanomaterials to disturb the normal balance of microbiota within the gastrointestinal tract. The latter possibility warrants close attention given the increasing awareness of the critical role of microbiota in human health and the known impact of some food-borne nanomaterials on bacterial viability. For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website.</p

    The mechanisms used by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli to control filopodia dynamics

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) subverts actin dynamics in eukaryotic cells by injecting effector proteins via a type III secretion system. First, WxxxE effector Map triggers transient formation of filopodia. Then, following recovery from the filopodial signals, EPEC triggers robust actin polymerization via a signalling complex comprising Tir and the adaptor proteins Nck. In this paper we show that Map triggers filopodia formation by activating Cdc42; expression of dominant-negative Cdc42 or knock-down of Cdc42 by siRNA impaired filopodia formation. In addition, Map binds PDZ1 of NHERF1. We show that Map–NHERF1 interaction is needed for filopodia stabilization in a process involving ezrin and the RhoA/ROCK cascade; expression of dominant-negative ezrin and RhoA or siRNA knock-down of RhoA lead to rapid elimination of filopodia. Moreover, we show that formation of the Tir-Nck signalling complex leads to filopodia withdrawal. Recovery from the filopodial signals requires phosphorylation of a Tir tyrosine (Y474) residue and actin polymerization pathway as both infection of cells with EPEC expressing TirY474S or infection of Nck knockout cells with wild-type EPEC resulted in persistence of filopodia. These results show that EPEC effectors modulate actin dynamics by temporal subverting the Rho GTPases and other actin polymerization pathways for the benefit of the adherent pathogen

    Understanding the Matrix:The Role of Extracellular DNA in Oral Biofilms

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    Dental plaque is the key etiological agent in caries formation and the development of the prevalent chronic oral inflammatory disease, periodontitis. The dental plaque biofilm comprises a diverse range of microbial species encased within a rich extracellular matrix, of which extracellular DNA (eDNA) has been identified as an important component. The molecular mechanisms of eDNA release and the structure of eDNA have yet to be fully characterized. Nonetheless, key functions that have been proposed for eDNA include maintaining biofilm structural integrity, initiating adhesion to dental surfaces, acting as a nutrient source, and facilitating horizontal gene transfer. Thus, eDNA is a potential therapeutic target for the management of oral disease–associated biofilm. This review aims to summarize advances in the understanding of the mechanisms of eDNA release from oral microorganisms and in the methods of eDNA detection and quantification within oral biofilms

    Differences in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain invasiveness are associated with heterogeneity in SPI-1 gene expression

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    Most studies on Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection focus on strains ATCC SL1344 or NTCC 12023 (ATCC 14028). We have compared the abilities of these strains to induce membrane ruffles and invade epithelial cells. S. Typhimurium strain 12023 is less invasive and induces smaller membrane ruffles on MDCK cells compared with SL1344. Since the SPI-1 effector SopE is present in SL1344 and absent from 12023, and SL1344 sopE mutants have reduced invasiveness, we investigated whether 12023 is less invasive due to the absence of SopE. However, comparison of SopE+ and SopE− S. Typhimurium strains, sopE deletion mutants and 12023 expressing a sopE plasmid revealed no consistent relationship between SopE status and relative invasiveness. Nevertheless, absence of SopE was closely correlated with reduced size of membrane ruffles. A PprgH–gfp reporter revealed that relatively few of the 12023 population (and that of the equivalent strain ATCC 14028) express SPI-1 compared to other S. Typhimurium strains. Expression of a PhilA–gfp reporter mirrored that of PprgH–gfp in 12023 and SL1344, implicating reduced signalling via the transcription factor HilA in the heterogeneous SPI-1 expression of these strains. The previously unrecognized strain heterogeneity in SPI-1 expression and invasiveness has important implications for studies of Salmonella infection

    Detection of a fluorescent-labeled avidin-nucleic acid nanoassembly by confocal laser endomicroscopy in the microvasculature of chronically inflamed intestinal mucosa

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases are chronic gastrointestinal pathologies causing great discomfort in both children and adults. The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases is not yet fully understood and their diagnosis and treatment are often challenging. Nanoparticle-based strategies have been tested in local drug delivery to the inflamed colon. Here, we have investigated the use of the novel avidin-nucleic acid nanoassembly (ANANAS) platform as a potential diagnostic carrier in an experimental model of inflammatory bowel diseases. Fluorescent- labeled ANANAS nanoparticles were administered to mice with chemically induced chronic inflammation of the large intestine. Localization of mucosal nanoparticles was assessed in vivo by dual-band confocal laser endomicroscopy. This technique enables characterization of the mucosal microvasculature and crypt architecture at subcellular resolution. Intravascular nanoparticle distribution was observed in the inflamed mucosa but not in healthy controls, demonstrating the utility of the combination of ANANAS and confocal laser endomicroscopy for highlighting intestinal inflammatory conditions. The specific localization of ANANAS in inflamed tissues supports the potential of this platform as a targeted carrier for bioactive moieties in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease

    Quantification of Extracellular DNA Network Abundance and Architecture within Streptococcus gordonii Biofilms Reveals Modulatory Factors

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    Extracellular DNA (eDNA) is an important component of biofilm matrix that serves to maintain biofilm structural integrity, promotes genetic exchange within the biofilm, and provides protection against antimicrobial compounds. Advances in microscopy techniques have provided evidence of the cobweb- or lattice-like structures of eDNA within biofilms from a range of environmental niches. However, methods to reliably assess the abundance and architecture of eDNA remain lacking. This study aimed to address this gap by development of a novel, high-throughput image acquisition and analysis platform for assessment of eDNA networks in situ within biofilms. Utilizing Streptococcus gordonii as the model, the capacity for this imaging system to reliably detect eDNA networks and monitor changes in abundance and architecture (e.g., strand length and branch number) was verified. Evidence was provided of a synergy between glucans and eDNA matrices, while it was revealed that surface-bound nuclease SsnA could modify these eDNA structures under conditions permissive for enzymatic activity. Moreover, cross talk between the competence and hexaheptapeptide permease systems was shown to regulate eDNA release by S. gordonii. This novel imaging system can be applied across the wider field of biofilm research, with potential to significantly advance interrogation of the mechanisms by which the eDNA network architecture develops, how it can influence biofilm properties, and how it may be targeted for therapeutic benefit. IMPORTANCE Extracellular DNA (eDNA) is critical for maintaining the structural integrity of many microbial biofilms, making it an attractive target for the management of biofilms. However, our knowledge and targeting of eDNA are currently hindered by a lack of tools for the quantitative assessment of eDNA networks within biofilms. Here, we demonstrate use of a novel image acquisition and analysis platform with the capacity to reliably monitor the abundance and architecture of eDNA networks. Application of this tool to Streptococcus gordonii biofilms has provided new insights into how eDNA networks are stabilized within the biofilm and the pathways that can regulate eDNA release. This highlights how exploitation of this novel imaging system across the wider field of biofilm research has potential to significantly advance interrogation of the mechanisms by which the eDNA network architecture develops, how it can influence biofilm properties, and how it may be targeted for therapeutic benefit

    The Effect of Surface Preparation on the Precipitation of Sigma During High Temperature Exposure of S32205 Duplex Stainless Steel

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    This is an Open Access Article. It is published by Springer under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence (CC BY). Full details of this licence are available at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Although the formation of sigma phase in duplex stainless steels is reasonably well documented, the effect of surface finish on its formation rate in surface regions has not been previously noted. The growth of the sigma phase precipitated in the subsurface region (to a maximum depth of 120 μm) has been quantified after heat treatment of S32205 duplex stainless steel at 1073 K (800˚C) and 1173 K (900˚C) after preparation to two surface finishes. Here, results are presented that show that there is a change in the rate of sigma phase formation in the surface region of the material, with a coarser surface finish leading to a greater depth of precipitation at a given time and temperature of heat treatment. The growth rate and morphology of the precipitated sigma has been examined and explored in conjunction with thermodynamic equilibrium phase calculations