25 research outputs found

    കാലാവസ്ഥാവ്യതിയാനം പഠനവും അഭിമുഖികരണവും (Learning & Coping Climate Change-ClimEd Series:2C)

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    The GULLS project funded by the Belmont Forum addresses coastal vulnerability issues,- specifically the challenges that arise in food security and sustaining coastal livelihoods as a result of global warming and increasing human coastal populations. It seeks to identify adaptation options and strategies for enhancing coastal resilience at the local level and in doing so will contribute to capacity building and local empowerment. The goal of the project is to provide insight to coastal communities to adapt to climate change through trans-disciplinary approach

    കാലാവസ്ഥാമാറ്റം തടയലും സാമൂഹിക പങ്കും (Societal role in curbing climate change-ClimEd Series:3C)

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    An increase in earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate due to the greenhouse effect such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels / deforestation

    Glimpses of Personal Effectiveness: The Significance of Attitude and Attainment

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    Speaking the relevance of the topic, the major aim of the session is to highlight the most essential quality of positive attitude development among the trainees and thereby bringing about attainment of personal effectiveness to lead a successful and meaningful life

    Assembling a Small Scale Aquaponics System

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    An Aquaponics is the integration of traditional aquaculture with hydroponics. Commercial aquaponics uses methods and equipment from both the hydroponics and aquaculture industries. Effluents from aquatic animals are used by plants as food. In the process, the plants purify water for the aquatic animals. The fish waste provides an organic food source for the plants and the plants act as a natural filter. This nitrogen cycle is at the heart of aquaponics

    Developing Aptitude and Using Power of Sub-conscious Mind as Character Building Tool

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    Visualization is the process of creating and seeing a mental picture of the kind of thing we want to have or do, or the kind of person we want to be. Visualization goes hand in hand with auto-suggestion. Auto-suggestion without visualization is mechanical repetition and will be ineffective. In order to see results, auto-suggestion must be accompanied by feelings and emotions (visualization). The important caution regarding the auto-suggestion is that it may not be acceptable to the mind the first time you do it because it is an alien thought

    Community-based fisheries management

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    Does the fishery management regime in the Indian context require a reinvigoration? This is one of the queries which often becomes conspicuous, while speaking the present fishery management system prevailing in a developing country like India. Though the answer for the question is ‘yes’, it can also be a debatable issue highlighting both affirmative and negative sides of fishery management in the strict literal sense. Rather than exploring the intricacies of the meaning of ‘re-invigoration’ with a surgical postmortem approach, this paper is a simple and subtle effort on addressing the sociological issues by harnessing the paradigm of co-management ultimately for augmenting the fishery management perspective in the Indian context. It is a truth that, in the scenario of Indian Fisheries Management regime, the ‘questions’ are very tough and timid, but answers are so simple and known to everyone, though the impediment is the practical implementation part. The open access regime prevailing in the harvesting of marine fishery resources in our country warrants stronger emphasis on invoking technological innovations as well as management paradigms that reconcile livelihood issues with concerns on resource conservation. It is a truth that, innovations do not emerge in a socio-political vacuum. Of course, it is the extent of partnership between the research and the client system that decides the fate of any technology in terms of its adoption or rejection. Quite rational utilization of common property resources for sustainable development without endangering the environment is possible through community participation. For more than 6 million fishers and fish farmers, fisheries are a source of livelihood in India

    Positive Attitude and Attainment for Personal Effectiveness: Some Glimpses

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    „Personal effectiveness‟ is a branch of the self-help movement dealing with success, goals, and related concepts. Personal effectiveness integrates some ideas from “the power of positive thinking” and positive psychology but in general, it is distinct from the „New Thought Movement‟. A primary differentiating factor is that Personal Effectiveness proponents generally take a more systematic approach including a number of factors besides simple positive thinking. Some proponents take an approach with similarities to business process management techniques. Others may take a holistic spiritual and physical wellness approach

    Aptitude Development and Use of Sub-conscious Mind Power For Self Growth and Character Building

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    Simply speaking, aptitude is a component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level, which can also be considered "talent". Aptitudes may be physical or mental. Aptitude is developed knowledge, understanding, learned or acquired abilities (skills) or attitude. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to achievement, which represents knowledge or ability that is gained through learning. Often it is difficult to set apart an outstanding performance merely because of talent or simply because of hard trainin

    Impact of Self Help Groups in Gender Mainstreaming: A Case Study on Fish Amino Enterprise in Vypin, Kerala

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    A study for assessing the impact of SHGs in gender mainstreaming was undertaken on the fish amino acid producing units operating at Vypin located at Ernakulam District of Kerala. The analysis included specific aspects such as performance assessment of the SHGs, gender analysis, empowerment analysis and economic feasibility analysis which were carried out based on socio-economic surveys and personal interviews using pre-tested and structured data gathering protocols with standardized scales and indices involving the members of the SHGs. The male and female counterparts of the families were separately interviewed to assess the gender mainstreaming aspects in terms of equity and equality to access to resources, participation profile, decision making aspects, gender need analysis etc. Though majority of activities are female dominated, the male counterparts of the households also have definite role in decision making, purchase of accessories, sales, marketing etc. The indicative economics worked out for the economic feasibility analysis of the SHGs suggests that, the unit takes just one year to break even. A success case study was elucidated and documented as a documentary movie which can be used as a case model for promoting group action for mobilizing SHGs on a sustainable basis

    Impact of Self-Help Groups in gender mainstreaming: A case study on clam processing units in Pookaitha village, Kottayam, Kerala

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    A study for assessing the impact of SHGs in gender mainstreaming was undertaken on the clam processing units operating at Pookaitha located at Kottayam District of Kerala. The analysis included specific aspects such as performance assessment of the SHGs, gender analysis, empowerment analysis and economic feasibility analysis which were carried out based on socio-economic surveys and personal interviews using pre-tested and structured data gathering protocols with standardized scales and indices involving the members of the SHGs. The male and female counterparts of the families were separately interviewed to assess the gender mainstreaming aspects in terms of equity and equality to access to resources, participation profile, decision making aspects, gender need analysis etc. Though majority of activities are female dominated, the male counterparts of the households also have definite role in decision making, purchase of accessories, sales, marketing etc. The indicative economics worked out for the economic feasibility analysis of the SHGs suggests that, the unit takes two years to break even. A success case study was elucidated and documented as a documentary which can be used as a case model for promoting group action for mobilizing SHGs on a sustainable basis