7,572 research outputs found

    Transient electrophoretic current in a nonpolar solvent

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    The transient electric current of surfactants dissolved in a nonpolar solvent is investigated both experimentally and theoretically in the parallel-plate geometry. Due to a low concentration of free charges the cell can be completely polarized by an external voltage of several volts. In this state, all the charged micelles are compacted against the electrodes. After the voltage is set to zero the reverse current features a sharp discharge spike and a broad peak. This shape and its variation with the compacting voltage are reproduced in a one-dimensional drift-diffusion model. The model reveals the broad peak is formed by a competition between an increasing number of charges drifting back to the middle of the cell and a decreasing electric field that drives the motion. After complete polarization is achieved, the shape of the peak stops evolving with further increase of the compacting voltage. The spike-peak separation time grows logarithmically with the charge content in the bulk. The time peak is a useful measure of the micelle mobility. Time integration of the peak yields the total charge in the system. By measuring its variation with temperature, the activation energy of bulk charge generation has been found to be 0.126 eV.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    On the Riemann Tensor in Double Field Theory

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    Double field theory provides T-duality covariant generalized tensors that are natural extensions of the scalar and Ricci curvatures of Riemannian geometry. We search for a similar extension of the Riemann curvature tensor by developing a geometry based on the generalized metric and the dilaton. We find a duality covariant Riemann tensor whose contractions give the Ricci and scalar curvatures, but that is not fully determined in terms of the physical fields. This suggests that \alpha' corrections to the effective action require \alpha' corrections to T-duality transformations and/or generalized diffeomorphisms. Further evidence to this effect is found by an additional computation that shows that there is no T-duality invariant four-derivative object built from the generalized metric and the dilaton that reduces to the square of the Riemann tensor.Comment: 36 pages, v2: minor changes, ref. added, v3: appendix on frame formalism added, version to appear in JHE

    Massive Type II in Double Field Theory

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    We provide an extension of the recently constructed double field theory formulation of the low-energy limits of type II strings, in which the RR fields can depend simultaneously on the 10-dimensional space-time coordinates and linearly on the dual winding coordinates. For the special case that only the RR one-form of type IIA carries such a dependence, we obtain the massive deformation of type IIA supergravity due to Romans. For T-dual configurations we obtain a `massive' but non-covariant formulation of type IIB, in which the 10-dimensional diffeomorphism symmetry is deformed by the mass parameter.Comment: 21 page

    How dsDNA breathing enhances its flexibility and instability on short length scales

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    We study the unexpected high flexibility of short dsDNA which recently has been reported by a number of experiments. Via the Langevin dynamics simulation of our Breathing DNA model, first we observe the formation of bubbles within the duplex and also forks at the ends, with the size distributions independent of the contour length. We find that these local denaturations at a physiological temperature, despite their rare and transient presence, can lower the persistence length drastically for a short DNA segment in agreement with experiment

    Ramond-Ramond Cohomology and O(D,D) T-duality

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    In the name of supersymmetric double field theory, superstring effective actions can be reformulated into simple forms. They feature a pair of vielbeins corresponding to the same spacetime metric, and hence enjoy double local Lorentz symmetries. In a manifestly covariant manner --with regard to O(D,D) T-duality, diffeomorphism, B-field gauge symmetry and the pair of local Lorentz symmetries-- we incorporate R-R potentials into double field theory. We take them as a single object which is in a bi-fundamental spinorial representation of the double Lorentz groups. We identify cohomological structure relevant to the field strength. A priori, the R-R sector as well as all the fermions are O(D,D) singlet. Yet, gauge fixing the two vielbeins equal to each other modifies the O(D,D) transformation rule to call for a compensating local Lorentz rotation, such that the R-R potential may turn into an O(D,D) spinor and T-duality can flip the chirality exchanging type IIA and IIB supergravities.Comment: 1+37 pages, no figure; Structure reorganized, References added, To appear in JHEP. cf. Gong Show of Strings 2012 (http://wwwth.mpp.mpg.de/members/strings/strings2012/strings_files/program/Talks/Thursday/Gongshow/Lee.pdf

    Particle number fluctuations in nuclear collisions within excluded volume hadron gas model

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    The multiplicity fluctuations are studied in the van der Waals excluded volume hadron-resonance gas model. The calculations are done in the grand canonical ensemble within the Boltzmann statistics approximation. The scaled variances for positive, negative and all charged hadrons are calculated along the chemical freeze-out line of nucleus-nucleus collisions at different collision energies. The multiplicity fluctuations are found to be suppressed in the van der Waals gas. The numerical calculations are presented for two values of hard-core hadron radius, r=0.3r=0.3 fm and 0.5 fm, as well as for the upper limit of the excluded volume suppression effects.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    The local symmetries of M-theory and their formulation in generalised geometry

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    In the doubled field theory approach to string theory, the T-duality group is promoted to a manifest symmetry at the expense of replacing ordinary Riemannian geometry with generalised geometry on a doubled space. The local symmetries are then given by a generalised Lie derivative and its associated algebra. This paper constructs an analogous structure for M-theory. A crucial by-product of this is the derivation of the physical section condition for M-theory formulated in an extended space.Comment: 20 pages, v2: Author Name corrected, v3: typos correcte

    Dominance of Particle Resonances over Parametric Instabilities in High-Intensity Linear Accelerators

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    For high-intensity linear accelerators, space-charge halo mechanisms are largely classified into two families: particle resonances and parametric instabilities. The dominance between the fourth-order particle resonance and the envelope instability has been argued and studied. Our studies and previous literatures indicate the dominance of particle resonances over parametric instabilities in high-intensity linear accelerators. Any counter evidence has not been found yet. Also all the studies indicate that parametric instabilities are unlikely to be observed in actual linear accelerators unless waterbag or KV beams are generated. We propose a way to overcome the previous design rule to avoid the zero-current phase advance sigma_o > 90{\deg} for the high-intensity linac. The interplay is presented of the envelope instability and the fourth-order parametric instability

    CloudNine: Analyzing Meteorological Observation Impact on Weather Prediction Using Explainable Graph Neural Networks

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    The impact of meteorological observations on weather forecasting varies with sensor type, location, time, and other environmental factors. Thus, quantitative analysis of observation impacts is crucial for effective and efficient development of weather forecasting systems. However, the existing impact analysis methods are difficult to be widely applied due to their high dependencies on specific forecasting systems. Also, they cannot provide observation impacts at multiple spatio-temporal scales, only global impacts of observation types. To address these issues, we present a novel system called ``CloudNine,'' which allows analysis of individual observations' impacts on specific predictions based on explainable graph neural networks (XGNNs). Combining an XGNN-based atmospheric state estimation model with a numerical weather prediction model, we provide a web application to search for observations in the 3D space of the Earth system and to visualize the impact of individual observations on predictions in specific spatial regions and time periods
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