8 research outputs found

    Narrative Therapy and Narrative Coaching Distinctions and similarities

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    The aim of this article is to provide a link between narrative therapy and coaching and furthermore highlight distinctions and similarities between the two. The theory behind narrative therapy and narrative coaching will be further detailed with a focus on Michael Whites contributions. Next we will describe how externalizing conversations can be practised within narrative therapy and coaching and commonly used tools and techniques will be introduced, in an attempt to outline distinctions and similarities between the two helping relations. Finally, we will discuss narrative therapy in a coaching context, built around 13 statements, thereby trying to distinguish boundaries, distinctions and similarities between narrative therapy and coaching

    Cognitive behavioural coaching: And notes on its foundation in cognitive behavioural therapy

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    Even though Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one of the most evident therapeutic approaches, there are a lack of studies outlining the differences between cognitive behavioural therapy and cognitive behavioural coaching, differences that are fundamental to understand the different levels of involvement in the process. The aim of this paper is therefore to outline the distinction between cognitive behavioural therapy and cognitive behavioural coaching. The theory behind cognitive behavioural coaching will be further detailed and an in depth explanation of the theory will follow. Next, we will describe how cognitive behavioural coaching is practiced and commonly used models is presented. Finally, we will discuss the cognitive behavioural approach in a coaching context, built around 13 statements, thereby trying to distinguish boundaries, distinctions and similarities between a cognitive behavioural approach and coaching

    Psychodynamic: Therapy, Coaching and Coaching Psychology interface

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    This paper will provide an overview and discussion of the psychodynamic school of coaching psychology and psychodynamic therapy. Furthermore, we will consider some of the main similarities and differences in the application of psychodynamic coaching with a special focus on distinctions between therapy and coaching. These distinctions will be presented as thirteen bullet-points

    The state of play in European coaching & mentoring

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    This report provides an overview of the main findings from the 2017 European Coaching and Mentoring Research Project, undertaken by Jonathan Passmore and Hazel Brown, in partnership with the EMCC and the wider European coaching and mentoring industry. The study was planned in 2016 and undertaken during a 12-week period, between March and May 2017. This is one of a number reports published. This Executive Report is available free of charge, along with a National Report in countries that achieved over 50 coach or mentor participants. Each National Report is published in the language chosen by of the respective national coaching community. The aim of these national reports is to deepen understanding of coaching and mentoring and to widen engagement with coaching and mentoring.peer-reviewe

    Executive coaching

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    Executive coaching er en disciplin, som over de sidste tre årtier er blevet mere og mere populær. Alligevel er empirisk litteratur på området mangelfuld. Efter at have udført et systematisk review siden af kvalitative studier som undersøgte effekterne af executive coaching, blev det fundet, at kun 7 studier over en periode på 10 år levede op til de opstillede kriterier. Formålet med denne fænomenologiske undersøgelse er derfor at undersøge hvordan seks danske ledere oplever det at modtage executive coaching. Undersøgelsen er baseret på interviews med seks danske mellem- og topledere, som er ansat hhv. i en større dansk region og ved en større privat virksomhed. Dataene er blevet analyseret ved hjælp af den kvalitative analysemetode Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)