4,081 research outputs found


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    The Effects of Bibliotherapy on Students Experiencing Grief, Loss, and Trauma

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    This literature review seeks to discover the impact and effect that bibliotherapeutic interventions can have on students who are experiencing grief, loss, and trauma in various forms. A literature review was created to synthesize the information from multiple studies and articles exploring the effects of bibliotherapy on individuals who have experienced trauma in the forms of death and bereavement, abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, natural disasters, terrorism, and acts of societal violence. Though there seems to be a shortage of research on effectiveness of bibliotherapy, the research that was found supports the idea that bibliotherapeutic interventions are beneficial for children and adolescents who have experienced grief, loss, and trauma. There is also support for school counselors to utilize bibliotherapeutic work in their interventions with students as it may help them to more openly communicate their experiences, identify proper coping skills, and instill in them the sense that they are not alone in their struggles

    Late glacial dynamics on the continental shelf of NE-Greenland - implications from submarine landforms

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    Favorable sea-ice conditions gave way to an acoustic survey offshore NE-Greenland in 2009. The acquired data set clearly depicts an area of sediment ridges in an area of at app. 18 x 9 km. The ridges are found in water depths between 270 and 350 m. The sediment ridges expand between 2,5 – 9 km, are 50 – 250 m wide and between 10 and 25 m high. In profile and without exception, these ridges are characterized by steep slopes towards West and gentle slopes towards East. Their internal structure, imaged by parametric echo-sounding data, shows that they have been deposited on a rather plain surface, thus representing positive sedimentation features rather than erosive remnant structures. Their curved shape, joint orientation and position on a basal till surface indicate their origin from glacial dynamics. We interpret these ridges as a set of terminal moraines. Since they are positioned on a basal till that extends further east, we consider these moraines to reflect short-lived re-advances during an overall recession of the ice stream. This is direct evidence for a highly dynamic behavior of an ice stream from the NE-Greenland Ice Sheet. The ages for these re-advances can be inferred from a thin sedimentary drape indicating a timing between Late Glacial and early Holocene


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    Effects of Professional Development Delivered in a Blended Format on General Education Elementary Teachers\u27 Knowledge of the Response to Intervention Process

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    Research within the last decade suggests that in-service general education elementary teachers’ understanding of and skills in administering Response to Intervention (RtI) practices are limited. A review of literature revealed a shortage of professional publications investigating the effects of RtI training for these teachers on their knowledge and skills. This project examined the effects of professional development delivered in a blended format on elementary general education teachers’ knowledge of the response to intervention process. Participants included female general education teachers with a current teaching assignment in grades one or two with a range of teaching experience from preschool through sixth grade across nine to 24 total years of teaching. Participants all had at least a bachelor’s degree and a current license to teach at the elementary level. The five-week training required participants to complete weekly modules on their own and participate in weekly follow-up group discussions to clarify and expand information from that week’s module and review the associated case study from the pretest. In the group sessions, participants discussed the content from that week’s module and received feedback from the trainer about the corresponding case study. Pretest/posttest measures included having participants (a) rate themselves on their level of confidence regarding different skills involved in the RtI process, (b) name key elements of RTI, and (c) respond to case studies. The student researcher concluded that the blended format of independent module learning and group discussions increased participants’ knowledge of and confidence surrounding the RtI process. The results of this study strengthen the call for more widespread and better training in RtI for general education elementary teachers


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    Baby Sitting

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    The Animal Kingdom

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