6 research outputs found

    Appendix A. Information supplementing main text includes a table displaying classification of temporal overlap between training-activity stressors and prairie habitat, figures illustrating current risk and changes in risk to potential habitat for Mazama pocket gopher (Thomomys mazama) under alternative management scenarios including either 100% Scotch broom removal or additional year-round restrictions, and figures depicting risk to potential habitat for all study species [streaked horned...

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    Information supplementing main text includes a table displaying classification of temporal overlap between training-activity stressors and prairie habitat, figures illustrating current risk and changes in risk to potential habitat for Mazama pocket gopher (Thomomys mazama) under alternative management scenarios including either 100% Scotch broom removal or additional year-round restrictions, and figures depicting risk to potential habitat for all study species [streaked horned lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata), Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha taylori), Mazama pocket gopher (Thomomys mazama)] under alternative management scenarios including either additional seasonal restrictions alone or combined with 100% Scotch broom removal

    Orchard on hillslope.

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    <p>Typical landscape pattern of steep hills with orchards surrounded by wildlands.</p

    Study area in southern California.

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    <p>Study sites within Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.</p

    Variable importance weights (<i>ω</i>) for predictors of occupancy for bobcats, coyotes, and gray foxes.

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    <p>Variable importance weights (<i>ω</i>) for predictors of occupancy for bobcats, coyotes, and gray foxes.</p

    Top-ranked models of site occupancy (ψ) and detection rate (p) for gray fox.

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    <p>Footnote: All models with <b>Δ</b>AICc <2.0, plus the intercept-only models, are reported. K is the number of parameters, <b>Δ</b>AICc is the difference between the AICc of the model and the lowest-AICc model, <i>ω</i> is the AICc model weight (summed for the averaged model), ψ is the predicted occupancy at a site and <i>p</i> is the probability of detecting the species at a given site. Covariate abbreviations: distwild is distance to continuous wildland, land cover is land cover (avocado orchard, near orchard, or wildland) at the camera site, and woodland, avocado orchard, shrub and disturbed refer to the area of that land cover in the neighborhood of the camera site.</p

    Top-ranked models of site occupancy (ψ) and detection rate (p) for bobcat.

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    <p>Footnote: All models with <b>Δ</b>AICc <2.0, plus the intercept-only models, are reported. K is the number of parameters, <b>Δ</b>AICc is the difference between the AICc of the model and the lowest-AICc model, <i>ω</i> is the AICc model weight (summed for the averaged model), ψ is the predicted occupancy at a site and <i>p</i> is the probability of detecting the species at a given site. Covariate abbreviations: distwild is distance to continuous wildland, land cover is land cover (avocado orchard, near orchard, or wildland) at the camera site, and woodland, grass/herbaceous, shrub, avocado orchard and disturbed refer to the area of that land cover in the neighborhood of the camera site.</p