38 research outputs found


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    Inter-animal signaling from irradiated to non-irradiated organisms has been demonstrated for whole body irradiated mice and also for fish. The aim of the current study was to look at radiotherapy style limited exposure to part of the body using doses relevant in preclinical therapy. High dose homogenous field irradiation and the use of irradiation in the microbeam radiation therapy mode at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) at Grenoble was tested by giving high doses to the right brain hemisphere of the rat. The right and left cerebral hemispheres and the urinary bladder were later removed to determine whether abscopal effects could be produced in the animals and also whether effects occurred in cage mates housed with them. The results show strong bystander signal production in the contra-lateral brain hemisphere and weaker effects in the distant bladder of the irradiated rats. Signal strength was similar or greater in each tissue in the cage mates housed for 48hrs with the irradiated rats. Our results support the hypothesis that proximity to an irradiated animal induces signalling changes in an unirradiated partner. If similar signaling occurs between humans, the results could have implications for caregivers and hospital staff treating radiotherapy patients

    Targeted Accumulation of Macrophages Induced by Microbeam Irradiation in a Tissue-Dependent Manner

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    Radiation therapy (RT) is a vital component of multimodal cancer treatment, and its immunomodulatory effects are a major focus of current therapeutic strategies. Macrophages are some of the first cells recruited to sites of radiation-induced injury where they can aid in tissue repair, propagate radiation-induced fibrogenesis and influence tumour dynamics. Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) is a unique, spatially fractionated radiation modality that has demonstrated exceptional tumour control and reduction in normal tissue toxicity, including fibrosis. We conducted a morphological analysis of MRT-irradiated normal liver, lung and skin tissues as well as lung and melanoma tumours. MRT induced distinct patterns of DNA damage, reflecting the geometry of the microbeam array. Macrophages infiltrated these regions of peak dose deposition at variable timepoints post-irradiation depending on the tissue type. In normal liver and lung tissue, macrophages clearly demarcated the beam path by 48 h and 7 days post-irradiation, respectively. This was not reflected, however, in normal skin tissue, despite clear DNA damage marking the beam path. Persistent DNA damage was observed in MRT-irradiated lung carcinoma, with an accompanying geometry-specific influx of mixed M1/M2-like macrophage populations. These data indicate the unique potential of MRT as a tool to induce a remarkable accumulation of macrophages in an organ/tissue-specific manner. Further characterization of these macrophage populations is warranted to identify their organ-specific roles in normal tissue sparing and anti-tumour responses

    Microbeam Radiation Therapy controls local growth of radioresistant melanoma and treats out-of-field locoregional metastasis.

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    PURPOSE Synchrotron-generated microbeam radiotherapy (MRT) represents an innovative preclinical type of cancer radiotherapy with an excellent therapeutic ratio. Beyond local control, metastatic spread is another important endpoint to assess the effectiveness of radiotherapy treatment. Currently, no data exists on an association between MRT and metastasis. Here, we evaluated the ability of MRT to delay B16F10 murine melanoma progression and locoregional metastatic spread. METHODS AND MATERIALS We assessed the primary tumor response and the extent of metastasis in sentinel lymph nodes in two cohorts of C57BL/6J mice, one receiving a single MRT and another receiving two MRT delivered with a 10-day interval. We compared these two cohorts with synchrotron broad beam-irradiated and non-irradiated mice. In addition, using multi-plex quantitative platforms, we measured plasma concentrations of 34 pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and frequencies of immune cell subsets infiltrating primary tumors that received either one or two MRT treatments. RESULTS Two MRT treatments were significantly more effective for local control than single MRT. Remarkably, the second MRT also triggered a pronounced regression of out-of-radiation field locoregional metastasis. Augmentation of CXCL5, CXCL12 and CCL22 levels after the second MRT indicated that inhibition of melanoma progression could be associated with increased activity of anti-tumor neutrophils and T-cells. Indeed, we demonstrated elevated infiltration of neutrophils and activated T-cells in the tumors following the second MRT. CONCLUSIONS Our study highlights the importance of monitoring metastasis following MRT and provides the first MRT fractionation schedule that promotes local and locoregional control with the potential to manage distant metastasis

    Minibeam Radiation Therapy Treatment (MBRT): Commissioning and First Clinical Implementation.

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    BACKGROUND Minibeam radiation therapy (MBRT) is characterized by the delivery of submillimeter wide regions of high "peak" and low "valley" doses throughout a tumor. Preclinical studies have long shown the promise of this technique, and we report here the first clinical implementation of MBRT. METHODS A clinical orthovoltage unit was commissioned for MBRT patient treatments using 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 cm diameter cones. The 180 kVp output was spatially separated into minibeams using a tungsten collimator with 0.5 mm wide slits spaced 1.1 mm on center. Percentage depth dose (PDD) measurements were obtained using film dosimetry and plastic water for both peak and valley doses. PDDs were measured on central axis for offsets of 0, 0.5, and 1 cm. The peak-to-valley ratio (PVR) was calculated at each depth for all cones and offsets. To mitigate the effects of patient motion on delivered dose, patient-specific 3D printed collimator holders were created. These conformed to the unique anatomy of each patient and affixed the tungsten collimator directly to the body. Two patients were treated with MBRT, both received 2 fractions. RESULTS Peak PDDs decreased gradually with depth. Valley PDDs initially increased slightly with depth, then decreased gradually beyond 2 cm. PVRs were highest at the surface for smaller cone sizes and offsets. In vivo film dosimetry confirmed a distinct delineation of peak and valley doses on both patients treated with MBRT with no dose blurring. Both patients experienced prompt improvement in symptoms and tumor response. CONCLUSIONS We report commissioning results, treatment processes, and the first two patients treated with MBRT using a clinical orthovoltage unit. While demonstrating feasibility of this approach is a crucial first step toward wider translation, clinical trials are needed to further establish safety and efficacy

    Vascular mimicry in zebrafish fin regeneration: how macrophages build new blood vessels.

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    Vascular mimicry has been thoroughly investigated in tumor angiogenesis. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that a process closely resembling tumor vascular mimicry is present during physiological blood vessel formation in tissue regeneration using the zebrafish fin regeneration assay. At the fin-regenerating front, vasculature is formed by mosaic blood vessels with endothelial-like cells possessing the morphological phenotype of a macrophage and co-expressing both endothelial and macrophage markers within single cells. Our data demonstrate that the vascular segments of the regenerating tissue expand, in part, through the transformation of adjacent macrophages into endothelial-like cells, forming functional, perfused channels and contributing to the de novo formation of microvasculature. Inhibiting the formation of tubular vascular-like structures by CVM-1118 prevents vascular mimicry and network formation resulting in a 70% shorter regeneration area with 60% reduced vessel growth and a complete absence of any signs of regeneration in half of the fin area. Additionally, this is associated with a significant reduction in macrophages. Furthermore, depleting macrophages using macrophage inhibitor PLX-3397, results in impaired tissue regeneration and blood vessel formation, namely a reduction in the regeneration area and vessel network by 75% in comparison to controls

    Microbeam Radiotherapy—A Novel Therapeutic Approach to Overcome Radioresistance and Enhance Anti-Tumour Response in Melanoma

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    Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer, due to its invasiveness and limited treatment efficacy. The main therapy for primary melanoma and solitary organ metastases is wide excision. Adjuvant therapy, such as chemotherapy and targeted therapies are mainly used for disseminated disease. Radiotherapy (RT) is a powerful treatment option used in more than 50% of cancer patients, however, conventional RT alone is unable to eradicate melanoma. Its general radioresistance is attributed to overexpression of repair genes in combination with cascades of biochemical repair mechanisms. A novel sophisticated technique based on synchrotron-generated, spatially fractionated RT, called Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT), has been shown to overcome these treatment limitations by allowing increased dose delivery. With MRT, a collimator subdivides the homogeneous radiation field into an array of co-planar, high-dose microbeams that are tens of micrometres wide and spaced a few hundred micrometres apart. Different preclinical models demonstrated that MRT has the potential to completely ablate tumours, or significantly improve tumour control while dramatically reducing normal tissue toxicity. Here, we discuss the role of conventional RT-induced immunity and the potential for MRT to enhance local and systemic anti-tumour immune responses. Comparative gene expression analysis from preclinical tumour models indicated a specific gene signature for an 'MRT-induced immune effect'. This focused review highlights the potential of MRT to overcome the inherent radioresistance of melanoma which could be further enhanced for future clinical use with combined treatment strategies, in particular, immunotherapy

    Transient and Efficient Vascular Permeability Window for Adjuvant Drug Delivery Triggered by Microbeam Radiation

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    Background: Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT) induces a transient vascular permeability window, which offers a novel drug-delivery system for the preferential accumulation of therapeutic compounds in tumors. MRT is a preclinical cancer treatment modality that spatially fractionates synchrotron X-rays into micrometer-wide planar microbeams which can induce transient vascular permeability, especially in the immature tumor vessels, without compromising vascular perfusion. Here, we characterized this phenomenon using Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) and demonstrated its therapeutic potential in human glioblastoma xenografts in mice. Methods: the developing CAM was exposed to planar-microbeams of 75 Gy peak dose with Synchrotron X-rays. Similarly, mice harboring human glioblastoma xenografts were exposed to peak microbeam doses of 150 Gy, followed by treatment with Cisplatin. Tumor progression was documented by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and caliper measurements. Results: CAM exposed to MRT exhibited vascular permeability, beginning 15 min post-irradiation, reaching its peak from 45 min to 2 h, and ending by 4 h. We have deemed this period the "permeability window". Morphological analysis showed partially fragmented endothelial walls as the cause of the increased transport of FITC-Dextran into the surrounding tissue and the extravasation of 100 nm microspheres (representing the upper range of nanoparticles). In the human glioblastoma xenografts, MRI measurements showed that the combined treatment dramatically reduced the tumor size by 2.75-fold and 5.25-fold, respectively, compared to MRT or Cisplatin alone. Conclusions: MRT provides a novel mechanism for drug delivery by increasing vascular transpermeability while preserving vessel integrity. This permeability window increases the therapeutic index of currently available chemotherapeutics and could be combined with other therapeutic agents such as Nanoparticles/Antibodies/etc

    Biological Entanglement–Like Effect After Communication of Fish Prior to X-Ray Exposure

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    The phenomenon by which irradiated organisms including cells in vitro communicate with unirradiated neighbors is well established in biology as the radiation-induced bystander effect (RIBE). Generally, the purpose of this communication is thought to be protective and adaptive, reflecting a highly conserved evolutionary mechanism enabling rapid adjustment to stressors in the environment. Stressors known to induce the effect were recently shown to include chemicals and even pathological agents. The mechanism is unknown but our group has evidence that physical signals such as biophotons acting on cellular photoreceptors may be implicated. This raises the question of whether quantum biological processes may occur as have been demonstrated in plant photosynthesis. To test this hypothesis, we decided to see whether any form of entanglement was operational in the system. Fish from 2 completely separate locations were allowed to meet for 2 hours either before or after which fish from 1 location only (group A fish) were irradiated. The results confirm RIBE signal production in both skin and gill of fish, meeting both before and after irradiation of group A fish. The proteomic analysis revealed that direct irradiation resulted in pro-tumorigenic proteomic responses in rainbow trout. However, communication from these irradiated fish, both before and after they had been exposed to a 0.5 Gy X-ray dose, resulted in largely beneficial proteomic responses in completely nonirradiated trout. The results suggest that some form of anticipation of a stressor may occur leading to a preconditioning effect or temporally displaced awareness after the fish become entangled