13 research outputs found

    Intervention dans le Podcast les Arts du FLE pour faire le point sur la perspective actionnelle en classe de langues

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    Ce podcast est disponible en ligne, à l'adresse suivante :https://agi.to/podcast/arts-du-fle-08-actionne-ton-approche/Ce numéro 8 des Arts du FLE (émission spécialisée en FLE) propose un dossier spécial approches pédagogiques et perspective actionnelle. J'en suis l'invitée et j'y réponds de manière détaillée pendant près d'une heure aux questions de l'animateur et créateur de ce Podcast, Sébastien Durietz (en poste actuellement à l'ONU, à New-York)

    Additional file 9: Table S8. of DNA methylation signatures of chronic low-grade inflammation are associated with complex diseases

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    Significant methylation-expression results and corresponding expression-CRP results for the replicated CpGs. (XLSX 11 kb

    Additional file 6: Figures S1–S4. of DNA methylation signatures of chronic low-grade inflammation are associated with complex diseases

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    (PDF 1036 kb

    Additional file 10: Table S9. of DNA methylation signatures of chronic low-grade inflammation are associated with complex diseases

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    Significant associations between DNA methylation and corresponding nearby genetic variants and between the genetic variant and CRP in the largest published GWAS of CRP (n = 66,185). (XLSX 12 kb

    Additional file 3: of Exome-chip meta-analysis identifies novel loci associated with cardiac conduction, including ADAMTS6

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    Video S1. (Quicktime) Video to illustrate the DORV phenotype finding in an Adamts6 mutant heart. (MOV 1983 kb

    Additional file 2: of Exome-chip meta-analysis identifies novel loci associated with cardiac conduction, including ADAMTS6

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    Figure S1. Manhattan plot for European and African-American ancestry single variant analysis. Figure S2. Quantile-quantile plot for European and African-American ancestry single variant analysis. Figure S3. Manhattan plot for EA single variant analysis. Figure S4. QQ plot for EA single variant analysis. Figure S5. Manhattan plot for AA single variant analysis. Figure S6. Quantile-quantile plot for AA single variant analysis. Figure S7. Miami plot European and African-American ancestry sex-stratified single variant analysis. Figure S8. Quantile-quantile plots for European and African-American ancestry sex-stratified single variant analyses. Figure S9. Normal morphology of adult Adamts6 heterozygous hearts. (DOCX 4290 kb

    Genome-Wide Significant SNPs from the Sex-Combined Multi-Ethnic Meta-Analysis.

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    <p>The novel loci identified using Multi-Ethnic Meta-analysis (that were not identified in the European only analysis) are listed in <b>bold</b>.</p>*<p>When possible, plausible biological candidate genes have been listed; otherwise, the closest gene is designated.</p>‡<p>Lead SNP is the SNP with the lowest <i>p</i>-value for each locus.</p>†<p>Positions are relative to Human Genome NCBI Build 36.</p>§<p>log<sub>10</sub> Bayes factor (BF) from the MANTRA analysis. A log<sub>10</sub> BF of 6 and higher was considered as a conservative threshold for genome-wide significance.</p>††<p>The posterior probability of heterogeneity between studies.</p>¶<p>EA: effect allele, NEA: non-effect allele.</p>¶¶<p>EAF: Frequency of effect allele in CEU, East Asian, and AA, populations respectively.</p

    Regional plots of eight newly discovered genome-wide significant chromosomal regions associated with adiponectin concentrations in European populations.

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    <p>A) chromosome 16q23.2, B) chromosome 19 q13.11 C) Chromosome 3p21.1, D) two loci on chromosome 12q24.31, E) chromosome 8q24.13, F) chromosome 6p21.1, and G) chromosome 1q41. In each panel, purple diamonds indicate the top SNPs, which have the strongest evidence of association. Each circle shows a SNP with a color scale relating the r<sup>2</sup> value for that SNP and the top SNP from HapMap CEU. Blue lines indicate estimated recombination rates from HapMap. The bottom panels illustrate the relative position of genes near each locus. Candidate genes are indicated by red ovals.</p

    The Association of Lead Genome-Wide Significant SNPs for Adiponectin with mRNA Levels of Their Nearest Gene.

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    ‡<p>Lead SNP is the SNP with the lowest <i>p</i>-value for each gene in gene expression data.</p>‡‡<p>Lead SNP is the SNP with the lowest <i>p</i>-value for each locus in meta-analysis from discovery phase.</p>¶<p>EA: Effect allele.</p>¶¶<p>EAF: Frequency of effect allele.</p>§<p>Betas are estimated expression levels of the genes.</p>*<p>P value for lead SNP is the SNP in gene expression data.</p>**<p>P value for lead SNP in meta-analysis from discovery phase.</p>$<p>r<sup>2</sup> LD between lead SNP from expression and lead SNP from meta-analysis.</p

    Flow chart of study design.

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    <p>Flow chart of study design.</p