8 research outputs found

    Diffusion tenor model parameter maps.

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    Fractional anisotropy (top row), radial (second row), mean (third row), and axial (bottom row) diffusivity maps for an example participant that demonstrates the diffusion tensor model fit the data as expected. (TIF)</p

    Whole-brain fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity results.

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    Fractional anisotropy results are shown in Panel A; the first row illustrates the large positive cluster in the right SLF (orange), the second row illustrates the negative cluster in the left CST/ATR/SLF, and the third row illustrates the positive cluster in bilateral CST in the brainstem. Radial diffusivity results are shown in Panel B; the first row shows the negative cluster in the left SLF, the second row shows the positive cluster in the ATR/CST, and the third row illustrates the negative cluster in the bilateral CST in the brainstem. The last row shows the negative cluster in the right ATR.</p

    Delayed visuospatial memory test and motor skill task.

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    A. Participants completed the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Delayed Recall test (measures delayed visuospatial memory). An example drawing from one of the participants is shown. B. Participants used their nondominant hand to perform the motor task that mimicked the upper extremity movements required to feed oneself. This image is adapted from the “Dexterity and Reaching Motor Tasks” by MRL Laboratory that is licensed under CC BY 2.0.</p

    Principal component values and one-week skill retention and delayed visuospatial memory performance.

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    Principal component values (y-axis) for each participant was highly correlated with their one-week skill retention and Delayed Recall scores (x-axes), demonstrating that it was indeed a good representation of the shared variance of both behaviors. (TIF)</p

    Participant one-week skill retention and correlation with delayed visuospatial memory performance.

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    A. Participants completed 50 training trials of the reaching task and were retested one week later to determine skill retention. Trials were consolidated into blocks of five trials each. Mean motor performance (trial time in seconds) is plotted on the y-axis, where lower values indicate better performance; vertical error bars show standard deviation. B. Skill retention was measured as the last block of the training session subtracted by the retest block (one week later). Participants’ skill retention is on the y-axis and Delayed Recall scores are on the x-axis; the figure illustrates that skill retention and Delayed Recall scores are positively correlated, where higher Delayed Recall scores predict better skill retention.</p

    Fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity values versus principal component values for each cluster.

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    Fractional anisotropy (panel A) and radial diffusivity (panel B) values with respect to principal component values for each significant cluster. L = left. R = right. ATR = anterior thalamic radiation. CST = corticospinal tract. SLF = superior longitudinal fasciculus. COG = center of gravity. (TIF)</p