544 research outputs found

    Educational Attainment, Labour Market Conditions and Unobserved Heterogeneity: The Timing of First and Higher-Order Births in Britain

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    This paper analyses the effects of women’s education and aggregate unemployment rates on fertility in Britain. We combine micro-data on two cohorts who had different experience of education with macro-data on labour market conditions and examine how these factors impacted on the timing of births in Britain. We present results from hazard models estimated separately for each of two cohorts. The models analyse the timing of the first and second births, focusing on the associations of birth hazards with education level and a time-varying unemployment covariate. In addition we include in the models a range of other factors which may influence fertility behaviour and we utilise a method of controlling for unobserved heterogeneity in a robust fashion

    The Girl with the Colorful Aura

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    Heather Jenkins is studying psychology at the University of Arkansas. She plans on being an art therapist, combining her passion for art with the joy of helping others

    Ethical challenges experienced by UK military medical personnel deployed to Sierra Leone (operation GRITROCK) during the 2014–2015 Ebola outbreak : a qualitative study

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    Background: As part of its response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in west Africa, the United Kingdom (UK) government established an Ebola treatment unit in Sierra Leone, staffed by military personnel. Little is known about the ethical challenges experienced by military medical staff on humanitarian deployment. We designed a qualitative study to explore this further with those who worked in the treatment unit. Method: Semi-structured, face-to-face and telephone interviews were conducted with 20 UK military personnel deployed between October 2014 and April 2015 in one of three roles in the Ebola treatment unit: clinician; nursing and nursing assistant; and other medical support work, including infection control and laboratory and mortuary services. Results: Many participants reported feeling ethically motivated to volunteer for deployment, but for some personal interests were also a consideration. A small minority had negative feelings towards the deployment, others felt that this deployment like any other was part of military service. Almost all had initial concerns about personal safety but were reassured by their pre-deployment 'drills and skills', and personal protective equipment. Risk perceptions were related to perceptions about military service. Efforts to minimise infection risk were perceived to have made good patient care more difficult. Significantly, some thought the humanitarian nature of the mission justified tolerating greater risks to staff. Trust in the military institution and colleagues was expressed; many participants referred to the ethical obligation within the chain of command to protect those under their command. Participants expected resources to be overwhelmed and ‘empty beds’ presented a significant and pervasive ethical challenge. Most thought more patients could and should have been treated. Points of reference for participants’ ethical values were: previous deployment experience; previous UK/National Health Service experience; professional ethics; and, distinctly military values (that might not be shared with non-military workers). Conclusion: We report the first systematic exploration of the ethical challenges face by a Western medical military in the international response to the first major Ebola outbreak. We offer unique insights into the military healthcare workers’ experiences of humanitarian deployment. Many participants expressed motivations that gave them common purpose with civilian volunteers

    Potential research participants’ use of information during the consent process : a qualitative pilot study of patients enrolled in a clinical trial

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    There is increasing evidence that clinical trial participants are uninformed about the trials in which they participate, raising ethical concerns regarding informed consent. The aim of this pilot study was to explore clinical trial participants’ use of consent discussions and information sheets when considering participating in clinical trials research. A qualitative, interview-based pilot study was designed in order to elicit, through dialogue, details of the reasons for participants’ use of, and preferences regarding, different modes of information provision. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with two different groups of patients who were participants in the Reinforcement of Closure of Stoma Site trial. The first group comprised newly-consented trial participants, who had been recruited up to 72 hours before our interview; the second group comprised patients attending a follow-up clinic 12 months after joining the trial. Thirteen participants were recruited in total: three newly-consented patients, and ten follow-up patients. The study found that participants’ use of consent discussions to gain information about clinical trials was varied, and that they only minimally used information sheets after providing initial consent for the trial. Participants demonstrated varying degrees of knowledge about the trial, with some having forgotten that they were still involved in the trial. Participants reported a high level of trust in medical staff as a reason for not seeking more information about the trial. Some participants reported dissatisfaction with the timing of information provision. Some were amenable to novel ways of receiving trial information, such as web-based methods. The pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of a larger study into the provision of information to prospective clinical trial participants. The results suggest that considering alternative ways of providing information and the appropriateness of existing information provision may be acceptable to and useful for potential trial participants

    Who gets the gametes? An argument for a points system for fertility patients

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    This paper argues that the convention of allocating donated gametes on a “first come, first served” basis should be replaced with an allocation sys-tem that takes into account more morally relevant criteria than waiting time. This conclusion was developed using an empirical bioethics method-ology, which involved a study of the views of eighteen staff members from seven UK fertility clinics, and twenty academics, policy-makers, representa-tives of patient groups, and other relevant professionals, on the allocation of donated sperm and eggs. Against these views, we consider some nu-anced ways of including criteria in a points allocation system. We argue that such a system is more ethically robust than “first come, first served”, but we acknowledge that our results suggest that a points system will meet with resistance from those working in the field. We conclude that criteria such as a patient’s age, potentially damaging substance use, and parental status should be used to allocate points and determine which patients re-ceive treatment and in what order. These and other factors should be ap-plied according to how they bear on considerations like child welfare, pa-tient welfare, and the effectiveness of the proposed treatment

    Stories in Song : Voice Faculty Recital

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    The talented members of the KSU voice faculty present a special recital with the works of Britten, Schubert, and Schumann. Featured Faculty artists include: Todd Wedge, Heather Witt, Jana Young, and Dr.s Nathan Munson and Eric Jenkins.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/2307/thumbnail.jp

    Preparing for operation GRITROCK : military medical ethics challenges encountered in the planning stages of the UK Ebola response mission

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    In early September 2014, MĂ©decins sans FrontiĂšres (MSF) took the unusual step of calling on governments to deploy military, as well as civilian, assets to help combat the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemic raging in West Africa (MSF, 2014). The UK government announced a package of aid in response to the outbreak, including the deployment of military experts, targeted primarily on Sierra Leone. (Gov.UK 2014) The scale of the outbreak and the responses to it attracted comment from many quarters and raised ethical issues. We were interested in the ethical challenges that would confront the troops on the ground in Sierra Leone, particularly those who were healthcare professionals. We successfully secured UK funding council research funds to explore these challenges. During the preparatory stages of this project, however, it became clear that ethical decisions had also been made during the planning stages of the deployment in anticipation of issue that may be faced on the deployment. These planning issues are of interest in their own right, even though they fell outside the aims of our project, and we explore of some these in this chapter

    An operational overview of the EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) Northeast Pacific field deployment

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    The goal of the EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) field campaign is to develop a predictive understanding of the export, fate, and carbon cycle impacts of global ocean net primary production. To accomplish this goal, observations of export flux pathways, plankton community composition, food web processes, and optical, physical, and biogeochemical (BGC) properties are needed over a range of ecosystem states. Here we introduce the first EXPORTS field deployment to Ocean Station Papa in the Northeast Pacific Ocean during summer of 2018, providing context for other papers in this special collection. The experiment was conducted with two ships: a Process Ship, focused on ecological rates, BGC fluxes, temporal changes in food web, and BGC and optical properties, that followed an instrumented Lagrangian float; and a Survey Ship that sampled BGC and optical properties in spatial patterns around the Process Ship. An array of autonomous underwater assets provided measurements over a range of spatial and temporal scales, and partnering programs and remote sensing observations provided additional observational context. The oceanographic setting was typical of late-summer conditions at Ocean Station Papa: a shallow mixed layer, strong vertical and weak horizontal gradients in hydrographic properties, sluggish sub-inertial currents, elevated macronutrient concentrations and low phytoplankton abundances. Although nutrient concentrations were consistent with previous observations, mixed layer chlorophyll was lower than typically observed, resulting in a deeper euphotic zone. Analyses of surface layer temperature and salinity found three distinct surface water types, allowing for diagnosis of whether observed changes were spatial or temporal. The 2018 EXPORTS field deployment is among the most comprehensive biological pump studies ever conducted. A second deployment to the North Atlantic Ocean occurred in spring 2021, which will be followed by focused work on data synthesis and modeling using the entire EXPORTS data set

    The Whole is Not the Sum of Its Parts: Specific Types of Positive Affect Influence Sleep Differentially

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    Given the known detrimental effects of poor sleep on an array of psychological and physical health processes, it is critical to understand the factors that protect sleep, especially during times of stress when sleep particularly suffers. Positive affect (PA) arises as a variable of interest given its known associations with health and health behaviors and its ability to buffer stress. In two studies, we examined which types of PA (distinguished by arousal level and trait/state measurement) were most beneficial for sleep and whether these associations varied depending on the stress context. In Study 1, college students (N = 99) reported on their PA and sleep during the week of a major exam. In Study 2, two weeks of daily PA and sleep data were collected during a period with no examinations in a similar sample of students (N = 83). Results indicated that high trait vigor was tied to better sleep efficiency and quality, especially during high stress. Trait calm was generally unhelpful to sleep, and was related negatively to sleep duration. State calm, on the other hand, interacted with stress in Study 2 to predict more efficient day-to-day sleep on days with higher average stress. These findings illustrate the importance of considering arousal level, affect duration, and stress context in studies of PA and health

    Effects of mu- and kappa-2 opioid receptor agonists on pain and rearing behaviors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Management of pain involves a balance between inhibition of pain and minimization of side effects; therefore, in developing new analgesic compounds, one must consider the effects of treatment on both pain processing and behavior. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the mu and kappa-2 opioid receptor agonists on general and pain behavioral outcomes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>As a general behavioral assessment, we modified the cylinder rearing assay and recorded the number and duration of rearing events. Thermal sensitivity was evaluated using either a reflexive measure of hindpaw withdrawal latency to a radiant heat source or using an orofacial operant thermal assay. Acetic acid-induced visceral pain and capsaicin-induced neurogenic inflammatory pain were used as painful stimuli. The mu-opioid receptor agonist, morphine or the kappa-2 receptor agonist GR89696 was administered 30 min prior to testing. A general linear model repeated measures analysis was completed for baseline session comparisons and an analysis of variance was used to evaluate the effects of treatment on each outcome measure (SPSS Inc). When significant differences were found, post-hoc comparisons were made using the Tukey honestly significant difference test. *P < 0.05 was considered significant in all instances.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that morphine and GR89,696 dose-dependently decreased the number of reaching events and rearing duration. Rearing behavior was not affected at 0.5 mg/kg for morphine, 1.25 × 10<sup>-4 </sup>mg/kg for GR89,696. Hindpaw thermal sensitivity was significantly increased only at the highest doses for each drug. At the highest dose that did not significantly influence rearing behavior, we found that visceral and neurogenic inflammatory pain was not affected following GR89,696 administration and morphine was only partially effective for blocking visceral pain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrated that high levels of the opioids produced significant untoward effects and made distinguishing an analgesic versus a more general effect more difficult. Quantification of rearing behavior in conjunction with standard analgesic assays can help in gaining a better appreciation of true analgesic efficacy of experimental drugs.</p
