21 research outputs found

    The banking marketing in sustainability conditions

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    The marketing contributes to the conquest and sell of products and services to clients. Besides these actions, the development of banks is greatly based on their capacity to keep their clients and to create a favorable image for the future objects by means of verbal communication. We often hear that “if a client is satisfied he speaks about his satisfaction to three or four of his friends, but when he is not satisfied he shares this with more than twelve people”. Around us, the advice coming from the people close to us – especially the family – contributes to the selection of group “leaders”. Their influence is increasing. Taking into consideration the rate of market satiation in Europe, for this profession as banker, but also the low rate related to the renewal of clients according to demographic transformations, it is useless to insist over the importance of quality. Searching for a position in accordance with the principles of durable development and of an equitable trade, often offers an image highly wanted by the actors in their media. In addition, it allows to build a significant wall, if one day they are exposed to the occurrence of high risks.banks, banking marketing, verbal communication

    Economic theory and current global financial crisis

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    Economic systems as inherently unstable like financial markets and we should not seek to achieve perfect stability. A strategy may have more support would involve allow-ing, and sometimes encouraging, a larger short-term cycles, using drop smaller, more fre-quent work to rid the system of excesses. In this way, it can be avoided crises forced the kind where we are now. To achieve this policy it would require recognition of the impor-tance of the volume of excessive credit growth and excessive decline in the volume of credit, and a review of our attitudes related to central bank policy and economic cycles. Normally we should not consider any economic contractions as failures of government policies, but to see them as a normal part of development of a healthy economy. We should strive to achieve some of this improved stability by encouraging greater self-discipline of the financial market participants. It would be useful in a clear message ex-plaining under-basis limitations on certain macroeconomic variables and the value of oth-ers; significance of monitoring credit creation should be increased.financial crisis, debt, tax supervision


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    The rhythm of significant growth of the credit, as well as the conduction of it preponderantly towards the population represents characteristics met in Romania until middle of 2008 year. Before these evolutions, the Romanian banks appeared to have found the necessary instruments for a corresponding management of the crediting process. Since October of last year, the event fund the consequences of international financial crisis, witnessing a phenomenon to halt the credit. Among the products that I estimate that the Romanian banking sector will preponderantly use are: credits designated to the acquisition of goods of long term use; credit cards; mortgage credits; derived financial instruments.retail, risk, profit, market, international financial crisis, new banking products


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    Five fundamental forces have transformed the structure of financial markets and institutions and reflect the intense competition financial firms face today: deregulation/reregulation, financial innovation, securitization, globalization, and advances in technology. Market participants can choose from a larger number of suppliers which places a premium on customer service. To remain competitive, banks should identify the products with which they have a market advantage and provide personal service. The basic theme is that increased competition, brought about not only by continued deregulation but also as financial firms find ways around regulation, has encouraged banks to assume increased portfolio risks in order to earn acceptable returns.deregulation/reregulation, financial innovation, securitization,globalization, advances in technology

    Romanian economy evolution's risks in conditions of U.S. housing and real estate market crisis

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    Until present, Romanian real estate market doesn’t affect much by U.S. housing and financial crisis. Though, considering the ongoing globalization process Romania simply can not avoid risks coming from the interaction of its own economy with the other ones. More or less, sooner or later, the global credit crunch will affect our country's economy. Our government, through its fiscal policies and BNR, through its monetary policy just simply can not avoid the impact of an international crisis on the Romanian economy. But some of such bad effect could be, at least, diminished by coherent fiscal policies and flexible monetary policies the way that the rest of the economy (not housing related) to remain in quite good shape.mortgage crisis, real estate market, banking system, monetary policy

    The costs of quality : an important decision tool

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    At present many company leaders of assimilate the insurance of quality with a rule imposed from the outside and with an administrative act, which is an error. The biggest impediment in implementing the systems of quality insurance is the fact that producers do not acknowledge its economic advantages. Quality is seen as a desired social objective but its contributions to the profit of the company are considered to be marginal. This paper aims to putting into emphasis the total interdependence between the concept regarding the quality insurance and the commercial success, redefining in economic terms the objectives and the actions necessary for the implementation of the system of quality insurance. The production of quality products is not something sufficient. The costs of realizing the objectives must be carefully observed, so that the long term effect of the quality costs within the company be the desired one. That is why it is important that the efficiency of a system of quality be measured in economic terms. The costs of quality do not distinguish themselves from the other types of costs. Just as the costs for maintenance, projection, production, sale and other activities, they can be measured and analyzed in the stages of the product’s life cycle, as well as in all the operational levels of the company.peer-reviewe

    Challenges of ROBOR Growth

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    The paper presents the evolution and causes of ROBOR growth between May 2013 and July 2018, bringing arguments that invalidate some opinions advocated by the pro-bank analysts' choir on the determinants of the ROBOR index growth. Our analysis led us to the conclusion that inflation in July 2017 to date means a small part of ROBOR's increase, and considering bank liquidity as responsible for ROBOR growth is inadequate. The ROBOR value is the effect of a bilateral oligopolistic market, and this value (imposed in the calculation of interest) distorts the credit market

    The Implication of the Public Budget in Financing the Regional Development

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    With reference to Romania, in particular, but also to other member states of the European Union, we can state that, yearly, the process of regional development of these states, is dependent on the public budget they dispose. The regional development implies not only a strategy in perfect tune but also the identification and the provision of some real, accessible financing sources. As concerns the mentioned strategy, one must mention that it is highly important that it is elaborated based on some thorough analyses and on specific fields that have as support realistic data, in order to be angle to establish achievable development goals. As concerns the financing sources that will contribute to the insurance of the sustainability of the strategy of regional development, the practice proved that these must be ensured for an average or long time so as they can be able to reach their objective. The identification and insurance of the financing sources of the strategy of regional development is a highly complex process that represents a priority for every state. In Romania’s case, for instance, the main financing sources of the regional development strategy 2014 -2020 are represented by funds allocated from the public budget and from the European funds. Because of this reason, in the present scientific approach I intend to analyse the implications that the public budget has in financing the regional development, taking into account that on level and its availability also depends the absorption of European funds