4 research outputs found

    DIG Program Manager Digital Storytelling Resource

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    Serves as a resource for Program Managers to capture quality images and share detailed captions for effective digital storytelling

    DIG Social Media Manager Guidebook: Style Guide

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    DIG does not currently have an established Social Media Style Guide. A style guide establishes consistent brand messaging across all public communication channels and allows DIG to communicate more consistently and effectively with its current and target audiences. This consistent brand messaging will build loyalty and trust, both of which are important in growing DIG’s donor base and establishing strong partnerships. The style guide will also serve to guide Social Media Managers in crafting captions for posts on social media

    DIG Social Media Manager Guidebook: Strategy Guide

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    The social media strategy guide is a framework for the DIG directors and the Social Media Manager to get the most out of DIG social media pages. The use of social media should be intentional, and this guide is an important step in creating a consistent, engaging social media presence. Social media pages, when managed well, can be powerful tools to communicate stories and garner support. In 2019, 72% of adults used at least one social media site (PEW). This means that social media is an incredibly powerful tool to reach a large network of donors and partners. It can be used to maintain and build relationships with DIG’s current and potential donors, supporters, and partners

    DIG Social Media Manager Guidebook: Responsibilities Guide

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    The Social Media Manager Responsibilities Guide clarifies the responsibilities of the Social Media Manager on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis. Previously, the expectations of the Social Media Manager were not thoroughly documented. This document should enhance the organization of the content-sharing process by providing clear timelines and tools for managing DIG’s social media pages. It should be referred to by the Social Media Manager when they take on the role, as well as when they go through the posting process, to ensure no steps are missed