521 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]Although critics such as Jeffery Walker and Thomas Cole have elaborated on the correspondence between rhetoric and poetics by way of Aristotle, studies devoted to the Aristotelian tragedy have been inattentive to the interrelatedness between rhetorical persuasion and tragic catharsis. Therefore, this paper purposes to argue that catharsis is a concept integral to how Aristotle conceives of rhetoric by way of dialectic. In other words, with all its emotive connotations, catharsis is profoundly a logical notion: ideally, playwrights of tragedy arouse and purge pity and fear under the aegis of reason. Of particular concern is the role of the rhetorical enthymeme (an informal syllogism) in achieving cathartic effect. Aristotle’s endeavor to solemnize poetic creations thus crystallizes. This paper then clarifies the status of poetics in the Greek rhetorical tradition, expounds the relation of the Aristotelian tragedy to logic, and specifically explores the enthymematic reasoning that underlies catharsis. Such a rhetorical approach may contextualize Aristotle’s catharsis in a historicized framework and supplement related studies that have long been confined to elusive interpretations such as purgation, purification, and clarification.[[abstract]]雖然批評家如沃克(Jeffrey Walker)及柯爾(Thomas Cole)等人,已就亞里斯多德 (Aristotle)的思想推敲修辭(rhetoric)與詩學(poetics)之間呼應之處,對其悲劇論的討 論,卻未曾留意到修辭說服(persuasion)與悲劇淨化(catharsis)的互聯性。因此,本 文旨在申論,淨化的概念與亞氏藉由辯證(dialectic)理解修辭的思考路徑,原為一 致。即便此概念涉及情意相關的外延,在根本上仍為一邏輯體:理想上,劇作家須 能在理性的庇護下,勾起並排除悲憫及恐懼的情緒。當中,特別需要注意的是在此 淨化效應下修辭推論(enthymeme,即不完整的三段式論證法)的角色。亞式企圖莊 嚴化文藝創作的嘗試因而極為明顯。準之,本文將先論及在希臘修辭傳統裡詩學的 狀況,再闡明亞氏悲劇論的邏輯面向,並明確探討淨化作用所蘊含的修辭推論運作。 這樣的修辭取徑可在一具歷史縱深的框架中,脈絡化亞式的淨化說,以及增補傳統 上對淨化較為難以捉摸的種種詮釋

    The Impacts Of Presentation Modes And Product Involvements On “Line” Short Message Service (SMS) Advertising Effectiveness

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    In today’s ubiquitous commerce (UC) era, short message service (SMS) advertisement has played an important role in the world of marketing. Convenience and economical reasons influence SMS usage frequency along with social involvement to influence attitudes towards SMS advertising. SMS advertising creates numerous opportunities for the marketers in promoting their products effectively. Adopting the competition for attention theory as the theoretical framework, we developed hypotheses to investigate the influences of presentation mode and involvement on SMS advertising performance (recall of advertising information). An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of three types of information presentation modes (text-only, image-text, and emoji-text) in the contexts of two product types (high- versus low-involvement products) in the “LINE” SMS environment. Specifically, in this current study, we allocate participants to six experimental environments (text-only for high-involvement products, text-only for low-involvement products, image-text for high-involvement products, image-text for low-involvement products, emoji-text for high-involvement products and emoji-text for low-involvement products) randomly to collected empirical data to examine the proposed hypotheses. The research findings are expected to provide instrumental guidelines for the practitioners to better achieve the goals of ads in the “LINE” SMS environment. Also, the empirical results may provide insights into the research of advertising interface design of SMS and integrating efforts from cognitive science and vision research to understand users’ involvement of SMS advertising processes

    Glycogen synthase kinase 3α and 3β have distinct functions during cardiogenesis of zebrafish embryo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase, is known to play roles in many biological processes. Two closely related GSK3 isoforms encoded by distinct genes: GSK3α (51 kDa) and GSK3β (47 kDa). In previously studies, most GSK3 inhibitors are not only inhibiting GSK3, but are also affecting many other kinases. In addition, because of highly similarity in amino acid sequence between GSK3α and GSK3β, making it difficult to identify an inhibitor that can be selective against GSK3α or GSK3β. Thus, it is relatively difficult to address the functions of GSK3 isoforms during embryogenesis. At this study, we attempt to specifically inhibit either GSK3α or GSK3β and uncover the isoform-specific roles that GSK3 plays during cardiogenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We blocked <it>gsk3α </it>and <it>gsk3β </it>translations by injection of morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (MO). Both <it>gsk3α</it>- and <it>gsk3β</it>-MO-injected embryos displayed similar morphological defects, with a thin, string-like shaped heart and pericardial edema at 72 hours post-fertilization. However, when detailed analysis of the <it>gsk3α</it>- and <it>gsk3β</it>-MO-induced heart defects, we found that the reduced number of cardiomyocytes in <it>gsk3α </it>morphants during the heart-ring stage was due to apoptosis. On the contrary, <it>gsk3β </it>morphants did not exhibit significant apoptosis in the cardiomyocytes, and the heart developed normally during the heart-ring stage. Later, however, the heart positioning was severely disrupted in <it>gsk3β </it>morphants. <it>bmp4 </it>expression in <it>gsk3β </it>morphants was up-regulated and disrupted the asymmetry pattern in the heart. The cardiac valve defects in <it>gsk3β </it>morphants were similar to those observed in <it>axin1 </it>and <it>apc</it><sup><it>mcr </it></sup>mutants, suggesting that GSK3β might play a role in cardiac valve development through the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Finally, the phenotypes of <it>gsk3α </it>mutant embryos cannot be rescued by <it>gsk3β </it>mRNA, and vice versa, demonstrating that GSK3α and GSK3β are not functionally redundant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that (1) GSK3α, but not GSK3β, is necessary in cardiomyocyte survival; (2) the GSK3β plays important roles in modulating the left-right asymmetry and affecting heart positioning; and (3) GSK3α and GSK3β play distinct roles during zebrafish cardiogenesis.</p

    Decreased Risk of Osteoporosis Incident in Subjects Receiving Chinese Herbal Medicine for Sjögren Syndrome Treatment: A Retrospective Cohort Study with a Nested Case-Control Analysis

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    Sjögren syndrome (SS) is a long-lasting inflammatory autoimmune disease that may cause diverse manifestations, particularly osteoporosis. Though usage of Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) can safely manage autoimmune disease and treatment-related symptoms, the relation between CHM use and osteoporosis risk in SS persons is not yet recognized. With that in mind, this population-level nested case-control study aimed to compare the risk of osteoporosis with and without CHM use. Potential subjects aged 20–70 years, diagnosed with SS between 2001 and 2010, were retrieved from a national health claims database. Those diagnosed with osteoporosis after SS were identified and randomly matched to those without osteoporosis. We capitalize on the conditional logistic regression to estimate osteoporosis risk following CHM use. A total of 1240 osteoporosis cases were detected and randomly matched to 1240 controls at a ratio of 1:1. Those receiving conventional care plus CHM had a substantially lower chance of osteoporosis than those without CHM. Prolonged use of CHM, especially for one year or more, markedly dwindled sequent osteoporosis risk by 71%. Integrating CHM into standard care may favor the improvement of bone function, but further well-designed randomized controlled trials to investigate the possible mechanism are needed

    Myopia progression after cessation of atropine in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: To comprehensively assess rebound effects by comparing myopia progression during atropine treatment and after discontinuation.Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane CENTRAL, and ClinicalTrials.gov was conducted up to 20 September 2023, using the keywords “myopia," “rebound,” and “discontinue." Language restrictions were not applied, and reference lists were scrutinized for relevant studies. Our study selection criteria focused on randomized control trials and interventional studies involving children with myopia, specifically those treated with atropine or combination therapies for a minimum of 6 months, followed by a cessation period of at least 1 month. The analysis centered on reporting annual rates of myopia progression, considering changes in spherical equivalent (SE) or axial length (AL). Data extraction was performed by three independent reviewers, and heterogeneity was assessed using I2 statistics. A random-effects model was applied, and effect sizes were determined through weighted mean differences with 95% confidence intervals Our primary outcome was the evaluation of rebound effects on spherical equivalent or axial length. Subgroup analyses were conducted based on cessation and treatment durations, dosage levels, age, and baseline SE to provide a nuanced understanding of the data.Results: The analysis included 13 studies involving 2060 children. Rebound effects on SE were significantly higher at 6 months (WMD, 0.926 D/y; 95%CI, 0.288–1.563 D/y; p = .004) compared to 12 months (WMD, 0.268 D/y; 95%CI, 0.077–0.460 D/y; p = .006) after discontinuation of atropine. AL showed similar trends, with higher rebound effects at 6 months (WMD, 0.328 mm/y; 95%CI, 0.165–0.492 mm/y; p &lt; .001) compared to 12 months (WMD, 0.121 mm/y; 95%CI, 0.02–0.217 mm/y; p = .014). Sensitivity analyses confirmed consistent results. Shorter treatment durations, younger age, and higher baseline SE levels were associated with more pronounced rebound effects. Transitioning or stepwise cessation still caused rebound effects but combining optical therapy with atropine seemed to prevent the rebound effects.Conclusion: Our meta-analysis highlights the temporal and dose-dependent rebound effects after discontinuing atropine. Individuals with shorter treatment durations, younger age, and higher baseline SE tend to experience more significant rebound effects. Further research on the rebound effect is warranted.Systematic Review Registration: [https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=463093], identifier [registration number