36 research outputs found

    Scoping Review of Health Economics Research on Refugee Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    OBJECTIVES: Most refugees and internally displaced people (IDP) stay in low- and middle-income settings. A substantial proportion are hosted by countries in sub-Saharan African (SSA), which puts significant pressure on limited government healthcare budgets. As health economics may guide more optimal healthcare decision making, we scope the health economics literature on forcibly displaced populations in SSA to identify the nature and range of health economics evidence. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review of peer-reviewed and gray literature in English published from 2000 to 2021. Our search terms comprised a combination of keywords related to refugees, SSA, and health economics. We followed a stepwise methodology consisting of the identification and selection of studies, extraction and charting of data. RESULTS: We identified 29 health economics studies on refugees and IDPs in SSA covering different providers, interventions, and delivery platforms. Twenty-one articles studied the determinants of health, followed by 5 on the supply of healthcare and 2 concerned with economic evaluation and the demand for healthcare, respectively. We found an equal division of articles focusing on refugees and IDPs, as well as by settlement type. Mental health was the most frequently studied health area and Uganda was the most studied destination country. CONCLUSIONS: The health economics literature on refugees in SSA remains limited. Our scoping review encourages future research to study a larger variety of healthcare systems and health economic topics such as economic evaluations, health financing and whole health systems to support resource allocation decisions and sustainable long-term solutions

    Evaluating the role of breastfeeding peer supporters’ intervention on the inpatient management of malnourished infants under 6  months in Kenyan public hospitals

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    Background: The 2013 WHO guidelines for nutritional rehabilitation of malnourished infants under six months (u6m) focus on inpatient re-establishment of exclusive breastfeeding and recommends discharge when infant is gaining weight on breastmilk alone. Guided by a breastfeeding support tool, breastfeeding peer supporters (BFPS) can support implementation of these guideline by providing continuous individualised breastfeeding counselling to mothers of malnourished infants u6m. Recording and sharing information plays an important role in shaping in-patient care but little is known about recording practices for inpatient nutrition rehabilitation of infants u6m or how such practices affect care. We set out to explore introduction of BFPS into hospitals, and how it shaped the recording and practices of care for acutely malnourished infants u6m. Methods: We applied a descriptive, exploratory design involving a pre and during intervention audit of the infant u6m inpatient records in two hospitals in Kenya, as well as pre- and post-intervention in-depth interviews with health workers involved in the care of admitted infants u6m. We developed an audit tool and used it to extract routine data on patient information from hospital records. Data were entered into a REDCap database and analyzed using STATA 17.0 software. We conducted thirty in-depth interviews with health workers exploring their care practices and their perceived effect of the presence of the BFPS on health workers treatment practices. We analysed interview data using thematic framework approach. Results: A total of 170 and 65 inpatient files were available for the audit during the pre- and post-intervention period respectively. The presence of the BFPS seemed to have encouraged the recording of (i) breastfeeding status upon admission, (ii) breastfeeding management plan and (iii) reporting of its implementation and progress during treatment. The breastfeeding peer support intervention had a positive impact on breastfeeding recording and reporting practices. Health workers reported that the BFPS facilitated the recording of observed breastfeeding data and how their records influenced final inputs of breastfeeding support provided in the inpatient file. Conclusions: Guideline implementation tools facilitate effective application of guidelines and should accompany any guideline formulation process and have their effectiveness at recording and monitoring progress evaluated

    Economic burden and mental health of primary caregivers of perinatally HIV infected adolescents from Kilifi, Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: Eighty per cent of perinatally HIV infected (PHI) adolescents live in sub-Saharan Africa (sSA), a setting also characterized by huge economic disparities. Caregiving is crucial to the management of chronic illness such as HIV/AIDS, but the economic costs and mental disorders borne by caregivers of PHI adolescents often go unnoticed. In this study, we evaluated economic costs, coping strategies and association between economic cost and mental health functioning of caregivers of perinatally HIV infected adolescents in Kilifi, Kenya. METHODS: We used a cost of illness descriptive analysis approach to determine the economic burden and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) to assess the caregivers' mental health. Cross-sectional data were collected from 121 primary caregivers of PHI adolescents in Kilifi using a structured cost questionnaire. Economic costs (direct and indirect costs) were measured from primary caregivers' perspective. We used descriptive statistics in reporting the results of this study. RESULTS: Average monthly direct and indirect costs per primary caregiver was Ksh 2784.51 (USD 27.85). Key drivers of direct costs were transportation (66.5%) and medications (13.8%). Total monthly costs represented 28.8% of the reported caregiver monthly earnings. Majority of the caregivers borrowed resources to cope with high economic burden. About 10.7% of primary caregivers reported depressive symptoms. Caregivers with positive depression screen (PHQ-9 score ≥ 10) had high average monthly direct and indirect costs. However, this was not statistically different compared to costs incurred by caregivers who screened negative for depressive symptoms. CONCLUSION: Our study indicates that HIV/AIDS is associated with a significant economic burden for caregivers of adolescents living with HIV. Results underscore the need for developing economic empowerment and social support programmes that reduce the economic burden of caring for perinatally infected adolescent. These efforts may improve the mental health and quality of life of caregivers of adolescents living with HIV

    The cost of illness for childhood clinical pneumonia and invasive pneumococcal disease in Nigeria.

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    BACKGROUND: Pneumococcal disease contributes significantly to childhood morbidity and mortality and treatment is costly. Nigeria recently introduced the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) to prevent pneumococcal disease. The aim of this study is to estimate health provider and household costs for the treatment of pneumococcal disease in children aged <5 years (U5s), and to assess the impact of these costs on household income. METHODS: We recruited U5s with clinical pneumonia, pneumococcal meningitis or pneumococcal septicaemia from a tertiary level hospital and a secondary level hospital in Kano, Nigeria. We obtained resource utilisation data from medical records to estimate costs of treatment to provider, and household expenses and income loss data from caregiver interviews to estimate costs of treatment to households. We defined catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) as household costs exceeding 25% of monthly household income and estimated the proportion of households that experienced it. We compared CHE across tertiles of household income (from the poorest to least poor). RESULTS: Of 480 participants recruited, 244 had outpatient pneumonia, and 236 were hospitalised with pneumonia (117), septicaemia (66) and meningitis (53). Median (IQR) provider costs were US17(US17 (US14-22) for outpatients and US272(US272 (US271-360) for inpatients. Median household cost was US51(US51 (US40-69). Overall, 33% of households experienced CHE, while 53% and 4% of the poorest and least poor households, experienced CHE, respectively. The odds of CHE increased with admission at the secondary hospital, a diagnosis of meningitis or septicaemia, higher provider costs and caregiver having a non-salaried job. CONCLUSION: Provider costs are substantial, and households incur treatment expenses that considerably impact on their income and this is particularly so for the poorest households. Sustaining the PCV programme and ensuring high and equitable coverage to lower disease burden will reduce the economic burden of pneumococcal disease to the healthcare provider and households

    Treatment-seeking and recovery among young undernourished children post-hospital discharge in Bangladesh: a qualitative study

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    Introduction: Post-hospital discharge mortality is high among undernourished children in many low and middle-income countries. Although a number of quantitative studies have highlighted a range of potential socio-cultural, economic and health system factors influencing paediatric post-discharge treatment-seeking and recovery, few studies have explored family and provider perspectives of the post-discharge period in-depth. Methods: This work was part of a large, multi-country prospective cohort study, the Childhood Acute Illness and Nutrition (CHAIN) Network. We conducted a qualitative sub-study to understand the post-discharge treatment-seeking and recovery experiences of families of undernourished children aged 2–23 months admitted in a rural and urban icddr,b (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh) hospital. Methods included repeat in-depth interviews (73 interviews in total) with 29 family members of 17 purposively selected children. These data were supplemented by interviews with 33 health workers, and by observations in hospitals and homes. Results: Important drivers of treatment-seeking perceived to support recovery included advice provided to family members while in hospital, media campaigns on hygiene practice, availability of free treatment, and social and financial support from family members, relatives and neighbours. Key perceived challenges included low household incomes, mothers having to juggle multiple responsibilities in addition to caring for the sick child, lack of support (sometimes violence) from the child’s father, and family members’ preference for relatively accessible drug shops, physicians or healers over hospital admission. Conclusion: Development of interventions that address the challenges that families face is essential to support post-discharge adherence to medical advice and recovery. Potential interventions include strengthening information giving during hospitalization on what post-discharge care is needed and why, reducing direct and indirect costs associated with hospital visits, engaging fathers and other ‘significant others’ in post-discharge advice, and building mobile phone-based support for follow-up care

    Level and determinants of county health system technical efficiency in Kenya: two stage data envelopment analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Improving health system efficiency is a key strategy to increase health system performance and accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage. In 2013, Kenya transitioned into a devolved system of government granting county governments autonomy over budgets and priorities. We assessed the level and determinants of technical efficiency of the 47 county health systems in Kenya. METHODS: We carried out a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) using Simar and Wilson's double bootstrap method using data from all the 47 counties in Kenya. In the first stage, we derived the bootstrapped DEA scores using an output orientation. We used three input variables (Public county health expenditure, Private county health expenditure, number of healthcare facilities), and one outcome variable (Disability Adjusted Life Years) using 2018 data. In the second stage, the bias corrected technical inefficiency scores were regressed against 14 exogenous factors using a bootstrapped truncated regression. RESULTS: The mean bias-corrected technical efficiency score of the 47 counties was 69.72% (95% CI 66.41-73.01%), indicating that on average, county health systems could increase their outputs by 30.28% at the same level of inputs. County technical efficiency scores ranged from 42.69% (95% CI 38.11-45.26%) to 91.99% (95% CI 83.78-98.95%). Higher HIV prevalence was associated with greater technical inefficiency of county health systems, while higher population density, county absorption of development budgets, and quality of care provided by healthcare facilities were associated with lower county health system inefficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this analysis highlight the need for county health departments to consider ways to improve the efficiency of county health systems. Approaches could include prioritizing resources to interventions that will reduce high chronic disease burden, filling structural quality gaps, implementing interventions to improve process quality, identifying the challenges to absorption rates and reforming public finance management systems to enhance their efficiency

    Examining health sector stakeholder perceptions on the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya

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    Efficiency gains is a potential strategy to expand Kenya’s fiscal space for health. We explored health sector stakeholders’ understanding of efficiency and their perceptions of the factors that influence the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya. We conducted a qualitative cross-sectional study and collected data using three focus group discussions during a stakeholder engagement workshop. Workshop participants included health sector stakeholders from the national ministry of health and 10 (out 47) county health departments, and non-state actors in Kenya. A total of 25 health sector stakeholders participated. We analysed data using a thematic approach. Health sector stakeholders indicated the need for the outputs and outcomes of a health system to be aligned to community health needs. They felt that both hardware aspects of the system (such as the financial resources, infrastructure, human resources for health) and software aspects of the system (such as health sector policies, public finance management systems, actor relationships) should be considered as inputs in the analysis of county health system efficiency. They also felt that while traditional indicators of health system performance such as intervention coverage or outcomes for infectious diseases, and reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health are still relevant, emerging epidemiological trends such as an increase in the burden of non-communicable diseases should also be considered. The stakeholders identified public finance management, human resources for health, political interests, corruption, management capacity, and poor coordination as factors that influence the efficiency of county health systems. An in-depth examination of the factors that influence the efficiency of county health systems could illuminate potential policy levers for generating efficiency gains. Mixed methods approaches could facilitate the study of both hardware and software factors that are considered inputs, outputs or factors that influence health system efficiency. County health system efficiency in Kenya could be enhanced by improving the timeliness of financial flows to counties and health facilities, giving health facilities financial autonomy, improving the number, skill mix, and motivation of healthcare staff, managing political interests, enhancing anticorruption strategies, strengthening management capacity and coordination in the health sector

    Analysing the Efficiency of Health Systems: A Systematic Review of the Literature.

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    BACKGROUND: Efficiency refers the use of resources in ways that optimise desired outcomes. Health system efficiency is a priority concern for policy makers globally as countries aim to achieve universal health coverage, and face the additional challenge of an aging population. Efficiency analysis in the health sector has typically focused on the efficiency of healthcare facilities (hospitals, primary healthcare facilities), with few studies focusing on system level (national or sub-national) efficiency. We carried out a thematic review of literature that assessed the efficiency of health systems at the national and sub-national level. METHODS: We conducted a systematic search of PubMed and Google scholar between 2000 and 2021 and a manual search of relevant papers selected from their reference lists. A total of 131 papers were included. We analysed and synthesised evidence from the selected papers using a thematic approach (selecting, sorting, coding and charting collected data according to identified key issues and themes). FINDINGS: There were more publications from high- and upper middle-income countries (53%) than from low-income and lower middle-income countries. There were also more publications focusing on national level (60%) compared to sub-national health systems' efficiency. Only 6% of studies used either qualitative methods or mixed methods while 94% used quantitative approaches. Data envelopment analysis, a non-parametric method, was the most common methodological approach used, followed by stochastic frontier analysis, a parametric method. A range of regression methods were used to identify the determinants of health system efficiency. While studies used a range of inputs, these generally considered the building blocks of health systems, health risk factors, and social determinants of health. Outputs used in efficiency analysis could be classified as either intermediate health service outputs (e.g., number of health facility visits), single health outcomes (e.g., infant mortality rate) or composite indices of either intermediate outputs of health outcomes (e.g., Health Adjusted Life Expectancy). Factors that were found to affect health system efficiency include demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population, macro-economic characteristics of the national and sub-national regions, population health and wellbeing, the governance and political characteristics of these regions, and health system characteristics. CONCLUSION: This review highlights the limited evidence on health system efficiency, especially in low- and middle-income countries. It also reveals the dearth of efficiency studies that use mixed methods approaches by incorporating qualitative inquiry. The review offers insights on the drivers of the efficiency of national and sub-national health systems, and highlights potential targets for reforms to improve health system efficiency

    Budget monitoring, accountability practices and their influence on the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya.

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    Public Finance Management (PFM) practices influence the attainment of health system goals. PFM processes are implemented within the budget cycle which entails the formulation, execution, and monitoring of government budgets. Budget monitoring and accountability actors, structures, and processes are important in improving the efficiency of health systems. This study examined how the budget monitoring and accountability processes influence the efficiency of county health systems in KenyaWe conducted a qualitative case study of four counties in Kenya selected based on their relative technical efficiency. We collected data using in-depth interviews with health and finance stakeholders (n = 70), and document reviews. We analyzed data using a thematic approach, informed by our study conceptual framework. We found that weak budget monitoring and accountability mechanisms compromised county health system efficiency by a) weakening the effective implementation of the budget formulation and execution steps of the budget cycle, b) enabling the misappropriation of public resources, and c) limiting evidence-informed decision-making by weakening feedback that would be provided by effective monitoring and accountability. Devolution meant that accountability actors were closer to implementation actors which promoted timely problem solving and the relevance of solutions. Internal audit practices were supportive and provided useful feedback to health system managers that facilitated improvements in budget formulation and execution. The efficiency of county health systems can be improved by strengthening the budget monitoring and accountability processes. This can be achieved by increasing the population's budget literacy, supporting participatory budgeting, synchronizing performance and financial accountability, implementing the existent budget monitoring and accountability mechanisms, rewarding efficiency, and sanctioning inefficiency