7 research outputs found

    Od SARS-a do Kovid-a 19: od delimično istražene bolesti proŔlosti do pandemije sadaŔnjosti

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    U novembru 2002. godine, u kineskoj provinciji Guandong poče- la je epidemija, životno ugrožavajuće respiratorne bolesti nepoznate etiologije. Bolest se odlikovala teÅ”kim akutnim respiratornim sindro- mom i skraćeno se naziva SARS, a pred kraj ove pandemije, otkrive- no je da je prouzrokovana novim korona virusom (SARS-CoV). Iako su azijske cibetke (Pagumalarvata) direktno prenosile prepandemij- ski soj virusa na ljude, stvarni izvori virusa bile su različite vrste slepih miÅ”eva. Bolest se iz Kine proÅ”irila na 30 zemalja, dijagnostikovana je kod 8 000 ljudi i prouzrokovala je stopu smrtnosti od 10 posto. Slično prvoj, druga pandemija SARS-a je počela u kineskom gradu Vuhanu 2019. Godine i bila je povezana sa najmanje dve vrste sisara: pango- linima i slepim miÅ”evima. SARS-CoV 2, kao i bolest koja iz njega proi- stiče - COVID 19, su ovoga puta zarazili desetine miliona ljudi, godinu dana od izbijanja pandemije. COVID 19 je prouzrokovao stopu smrt- nosti od 2,4% i značajno je uticao na zdravstvene, obrazovne i eko- nomske sisteme i živote ljudi. Pokrenuta su brojna komparativna ispiti- vanja na animalnim modelima i uočene su razlike, ali i brojne sličnosti koronavirusnih infekcija mačaka i ljudi. Ponovljeni način prenoÅ”rnja i procena postojanja nekoliko hiljada korona virusa slepih miÅ”eva su- geriÅ”u da proÅ”la, sadaÅ”nja i buduća pandemija SARS-a, ne treba da budu iznenađenje

    Kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza Ag-NOR kod benignih i malignih tumora mlečne žlezde kuja

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    In this retrospective study, quantitative and qualitative analyses of argyrophil nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) in 54 malignant and 18 benign canine mammary gland tumors were made. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the mean number of AgNORs per cell between benign and malignant tumors (p lt 0.01). There was no significant difference in the mean number of AgNORs per cell between complex carcinomas, simple carcinomas and carcinomas in mixed tumors (p>0.05), as well as between adenomas and benign mixed tumors (p>0.05). Six different patterns of AgNOR distribution were observed. Types I, II, III and in only two cases, type IV, were observed in benign tumors, while all six types were observed in malignant tumors. The predominant types in malignant tumors were III, IV, V and VI. Cell types II, III and IV were predominant in malignant tumors with 5.5-7 AgNORs per cell, while cell types V and VI were dominant in tumors with more than 7 AgNORs per cell.U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji izvrÅ”ena je kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza arigrofilnih organizatora nukleolusa (AgNORs), 54 maligna i 18 benignih tumora mlečne žlezde pasa. Uočene su statistički značajne razlike u prosečnom broju AgNORs po ćeliji između benignih i malignih tumora (p lt 0.01). Nisu dokazane statistički značajne razlike u prosečnom broju AgNORs po ćeliji između kompleksnih karcinoma, prostih karcinoma i karcinoma u meÅ”ovitom tumoru (p>0.05). Zapaženo je Å”est različitih tipova distribucije AgNORs. Tipovi I, II, III i samo u dva slučaja tip IV su uočeni kod benignih tumora, dok su kod malignih tumora uočeno svih Å”est tipova. Dominantni tipovi kod malignih tumora su III, IV, V and VI. Ćelije tipa II, III i IV dominiraju kod tumora kji imaju prosečno 5.5-7 AgNORs po ćeliji, dok tipovi V i VI su dominantni kod tumora koji imaju prosečno viÅ”e od 7 AgNORs po ćeliji

    MorfoloŔka, patohistoloŔka i imunohistohemijska ispitivanja malignih limfoma pasa

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    Lymphoid tumors comprise one of the most common groups of tumors in dogs and there was considerable confusion with regard to their nomenclature and classification. A new classification of lymphoid neoplasm was proposed by the International Lymphoma Study Group and is accepted as the Revised European American Lymphoma Classification-R.E.A.L. Classification. These tumors are divided into three major categories: B cell neoplasm, T cell and natural killer neoplasm and Hodgkin's disease. Canine malignant lymphoma was detected 11 cases out of 119 dogs of different age, sex and breed, necropsied in the last two years at the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade. According to the anatomical classification, three different forms of lymphoma were seen: the most frequent form was multicentric (8 of 11 cases), followed by alimentary form (2 of 11 dogs) whereas coetaneous lymphoma occurred in 1 dog. Histologically, three different forms of lymphoma were found: poorly differentiated (in 6 cases), intermediate (in 4 cases) and well differentiated (in 1 case). By immunohistochemical demonstration of CD79, CD3 and MAC-387, we showed that B-cell lymphomas were predominant (8 of 11 cases), while T cell lymphomas were demonstrated in 3 cases.Tumori limfatičnog tkiva predstavljaju jednu od najčeŔćih grupa tumora sa značajnim nesuglasicama u pogledu nomenklatura i klasifikacije. Novu klasifikaciju limfoidnih neoplazmi ustanovila je međunarodna grupa za izučavanje limfoma i prihvaćena je pod nazivom R.E.A.L. klasifikacija. Ovi tumori su podeljeni u tri glavne kategorije: B ćelijske neoplazme, T ćelijske neoplazme i NK neoplazme i Hodkinsova bolest. Pojava malignih limfoma pasa ustanovljena je u 11 slučajeva od 119 pasa različite rase, starosti i pola, obdukovanih na Katedri za patologiju, Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu. Prema anatomskoj klasifikaciji uočene su tri različite forme limfoma: najčeŔća forma je multicentrična u 8 od 11 slučajeva, zatim alimentarna kod 2 od 11 pasa i forma kutanog limfoma kod jednog psa. HistoloÅ”ki su otkrivene tri različite forme limfoma: slabo diferentovani (6 slučajeva), srednji (4 slučaja) i dobro diferentovani (1 slučaj). Imunohistohemijskim dokazivanjem CD79, CD3 i MAC-387, dokazali smo da su B ćelijski limfomi dominantni u 8 od 11 slučajeva, dok su T ćelijski limfomi u naÅ”em sekcionom materijalu dokazani u 3 slučaja

    Retrospektivna analiza mezenhimskih tumora kože i mekih tkiva pasa

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    Out of the total number of 632 tumor specimens obtained from dogs of different breeds over the period of last 66 months, cutaneous tumors were diagnosed in 211 cases, i.e., in 123 (58.3%) male dogs and 88 (41.7%) bitches, aged on average 7 years. Among the total number of 211 skin tumors 32 types of cutaneous neoplasms were diagnosed, with epithelial and melanocytic tumors being the most predominant (58.3%), followed by hematopoietic tumors (22.3%) and mesenchymal tumors of the skin and soft tissues (19.4%). Cutaneous hematopoietic tumors comprising the total of 47 cases and mesenchymal tumors of the skin and soft tissues (41 cases) were subjected to detailed histological analysis, as well as immunohistochemical analysis if necessary, and the tumors were classified based on the most recent WHO classification of cutaneous neoplasms. The large number of cutaneous hematopoietic tumors is the result of a large number of mastocytomas and histiocytomas. These tumors were benign in 14 (29.79%) cases, while the remaining 33 (70.21%) were malignant. Out of the total number of canine tumors examined based on the biopsy and section materials over the last five years at the Department of Pathology, skin tumors and mammary gland tumors were proved to be the two largest groups diagnosed in 33.4% and 36% of cases, respectively.Od ukupno 632 neoplazme pasa različitih rasa, pregledanih u poslednjih 66 meseci, tumori kože dijagnostikovani su u 211 slučajeva i to kod 123 (58,3%) mužjaka i 88 (41,7%) ženki, prosečne starosti od 7 godina. Od ukupno 211 tumora kože, ustanovljena su 32 tipa neoplazmi, od kojih su najzastupljeniji bili epitelni i melanocitni tumori kože (58,3%), zatim hematopoezni tumori (22,3%) i mezenhimski tumori kože i mekih tkiva (19,4%). Kutani hematopoezni tumori, zastupljeni u 47 slučajeva i mezenhiski tumori kože i mekih tkiva (41 slučaj), podvrgnuti su detaljnoj histoloÅ”koj analizi i po potrebi imunohistohemijskim ispitivanjima i klasifikovani prema najnovijoj WHO klasifikaciji kutanih neoplazmi. Veliki broj kutanih hematopoeznih tumora je posledica brojnih mastocitoma i histiocitoma. Ovi tumori su bili benigni u 14 (29,79%) slučajeva, a preostalih 33 slučajeva (70,21%) su bili maligni tumori. Od ukupnog broja tumora pasa ispitanih u okviru biopsijskog i sekcionog materijala u proteklih pet godina na Katedri za patologiju, tumori kože i tumori mlečne žlezde predstavljaju dve najčeŔće grupe neoplazmi koje dijagnostikovane u 33,4%, odnosno 36% slučajeva

    Metode dijagnostike transmisivnih spongiformnih encefalopatija - TSE

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    TSE represents a group of neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans characterized by progressive tendency, long incubation period and fatal ending. Animal diseases are scrapie in sheep, transmissive mink encephalopathy (TME), chronic wasting disease of deer (CWD), bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), feline spongiform encephalopathy (FSE) and spongiform encephalopathy's in some zoo animals. In humans, five diseases are known: Creucfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS), kuru, fatal family insomnia, and new variant of CJD (vCJD). Basic pathogenic component is specific form of PrPsc fibrilar protein. There are no commercial diagnostic tests for PrPsc detection in live animals available at the moment, so the pathogen has to be confirmed by pathohystological, immunohystochemical and electron-microscopy examinations on tissue samples of the nervous, rarely lymphatic, system. In the recent years, in the field of routine confirmatory diagnostic, immunoblotting method - Priantes takes the first place. A routine, fast diagnostic test ELISA, has also been used (Biorad and Enfer). All the three methods mentioned above have been validated as 100% specific and are accepted by the European Community for diagnostic and control of transmissive encephalopathies.Transmisivne spongiformne encefalopatije predstavljaju grupu neurodegenerativnih oboljenja životinja i ljudi sa dugom inkubacijom progresivnim tokom i fatalnim ishodom. Ovde spadaju oboljenja životinja kao Å”to je skrepi kod ovaca, prenosiva encefalopatija nerčeva, bolest kroničnog slabljenja jelena, spongiformna encefalopatija goveda, spongiformna encefalopatija mačaka i spongiformne encefalopatije kod nekih životinja u zooloÅ”kim vrtovima. Kod ljudi je poznato pet različitih oboljenja kao Å”to su Creutzfeldt-Jakobova bolest, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinkerov sindrom, kuru fatalna familijarna insomnia, i nova varijanta CJD. Osnovna komponenta uzročnika svih navedenih bolesti je specifična forma PrPK flbrilarnog proteina. Danas joÅ” uvek nema dostupnih komercijalnih dijagnostičkih testova za detekciju PrPsc na živim životinjama, pa se agens dokazuje patohistoloÅ”kim, imunohistohemijskim i elektronmikroskopskim ispitivanjima na uzorcima tkiva nervnog, a rede limfatičnog sistema. Poslednjih godina u rutinskoj i konfirmativnoj dijagnostici neprikosnovena je imunobloting metoda - Priantes. Od brzih testova u rutinskoj dijagnostici koriste se joÅ” ELISA (Biorad i Enfer). Sve tri navedene metode su vrednovane kao 100% specifične i prihvaćene su od strane Evropske zajednice za dijagnostiku i kontrolu transmisivnih encefalopatija

    Nrf2 Activation Protects Against Organic Dust and Hydrogen Sulfide Exposure Induced Epithelial Barrier Loss and Invasion

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    Agriculture workers report various respiratory symptoms owing to occupational exposure to organic dust (OD) and various gases. Previously, we demonstrated that pre-exposure to hydrogen sulfide (HS) alters the host response to OD and induces oxidative stress. Nrf2 is a master-regulator of host antioxidant response and exposures to toxicants is known to reduce Nrf2 activity. The OD exposure-induced lung inflammation is known to increase susceptibility to a secondary microbial infection. We tested the hypothesis that repeated exposure to OD or HS leads to loss of Nrf2, loss of epithelial cell integrity and that activation of Nrf2 rescues this epithelial barrier dysfunction. Primary normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells or mouse precision cut-lung slices (PCLS) were treated with media, swine confinement facility organic dust extract (ODE) or HS or ODE+HS for one or five days. Cells were also pretreated with vehicle control (DMSO) or RTA-408, a Nrf2 activator. Acute exposure to HS and ODE+HS altered the cell morphology, decreased the viability as per the MTT assay, and reduced the Nrf2 expression as well as increased the keap1 levels in NHBE cells. Repeated exposure to ODE or HS or ODE+HS induced oxidative stress and cytokine production, decreased tight junction protein occludin and cytoskeletal protein ezrin expression, disrupted epithelial integrity and resulted in increased invasion. RTA-408 (pharmacological activator of Nrf2) activated Nrf2 by decreasing keap1 levels and reduced ODE+HS-induced changes including reversing loss of barrier integrity, inflammatory cytokine production and microbial invasion in PCLS but not in NHBE cell model. We conclude that Nrf2 activation has a partial protective function against ODE and HS