190 research outputs found

    Savjetovanje Polimerni materijali i dodatci polimerima

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    Prevalencija senzibilizacije na Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus među industrijskim radnicima

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    Skin tests with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus were carried out by the standard prick method in six groups of industrial workers: meat processing workers (n=107), brewery workers (n-96), animal food workers (n-40), swine farmers (n=32), paper-mill workers (n-132) and wool-textile workers (n-111). The control group consisted of 158 subjects who were tested during the preemployment examinations and had not worked in industrial plants before. Skin reactions were read after 20 minutes by measuring the largest urtica diameter in millimeters. A diameter >3 mm was considered to be a sign of a positive skin reaction. In relation to the control group a significant (P<0.01) higher prevalence of positive skin reaction to D. pteronyssinus was found among the meat processing workers (41 vs. 13%), animal food workers (30 vs. 13%), swine farmers (34 vs. 13%) and wool-textile workers (32 vs. 13%). Results of the standard prick test were not significant for the brewery workers (21 vs. 13%) and the paper-mill workers (21 vs. 13% in controls). Our results demonstrate the need for applying specific individual health measures if working conditions favour the growth and reproduction of house dust mites.Ispitana je prevaleneija senzibilizacije na Dermatophagoides ptamnyssinus u skupinama radnika zaposlenih u različitim industrijama. Kožno testiranje prick metodom učinjeno je na standardni način alergenskim pripravkom imunološkog zavoda u Zagrebu (0,2%). Ispitivanje je provedeno u šest skupina radnika: iz mesne industrije - obrade peradi (n-107), proizvodnje piva (n=96), tvornice stočne hrane (n=40), svinjogojske farme (n=32) (prerade papira (n-132) i iz tekstilne industrije (n=111). Kontrolna skupina sastojala se od 158 ispitanika koji su testirani tijekom prethodnih pregleda i koji nisu do tada radili u industrijskim pogonima. U odnosu prema kontrolnoj skupini dobivene su značajne razlike (P<0,01) u prevalenciji pozitivnih kožnih reakcija na Dermatophagoicles pteronyssinus u mesnoj industriji (41:13%), tvornici stočne hrane (30:13%), svinjogojskoj farmi (34:13%) i u tekstilnoj industriji (32:13%). Kožne reakcije nisu bile značajne u proizvodnji piva (21:13%) i u preradi papira (21:13%). Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su značajno veću prevalenciju senzibilizacije na ovu grinju u mesnoj i tekstilnoj industriji u odnosu na opću populaciju. Rezultati pokazuju značenje prašinskih grinja u etiologiji zdravstvenih tegoba, u prvom redu dišnog sustava zaposlenih, i upućuju na potrebu provođenja specifičnih individualnih zdravstvenih mjera u zaposlenih, kao i u njihovom radnom okolišu

    Application of thermal analysis methods in biology and medicine

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    Thermal analysis methods are widely used in the characterization of substances and materials in chemistry and engineering. But they also find their application in life sciences: biology and medicine. This paper exhaustively and critically reviews the application of the most commonly used thermal analysis methods for the characterization of organs and tissues of plants, animals, and humans. The methods are suitable for differentiating between several types of water in a cell, optimizing treatment, storage, or cultivation conditions, following plant or animal development, medical diagnostics and modelling, and more. Expertise developed in the characterization of synthetic materials and molecules can be transferred to that of biological tissues and biomolecules and opens a perspective for interdisciplinary research. Still, researchers should take into consideration the inherent complexity of biological samples, as well as inevitable changes when isolating the tissue from the living organism

    Procjena atopije i kontaktne senzibilizacije tijekom prethodnih pregleda u prevenciji alergijskih bolesti

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of markers of atopy and contact sensitisation in asymptomatic young adults and to assess their role in pre-employment screening. The study included 351 subjects, of whom 166 women (mean age 28.0±6.4 years) and 185 men (mean age 26.3±5.4 years). The pre-employment examination commissioned by a pharmaceutical company included a questionnaire, the patch test with the European standard series of contact allergens, prick test with common inhalatory allergens, and the serum-specific IgE measurement. According to the medical history 115/166 (69.3%) women and 142/185 (76.8%) men were asymptomatic, but 28 (24.3%) asymptomatic women and 40 (28.2%) asymptomatic men showed atopy and/or contact sensitisation. Pre-employment allergy examination can be considered a reliable detection procedure for the majority of asymptomatic persons with atopy and contact sensitisation. The knowledge of these conditions gives the opportunity for secondary prevention and better diagnostic validation of occupational allergic diseases.Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi učestalost pokazatelja atopije i kontaktne senzibilizacije u asimptomatske mlade odrasle populacije tijekom prethodnih pregleda te procijeniti njihovo značenje u otkrivanju rizičnih osoba za razvoj alergijskih bolesti prije zapošljavanja. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 351 ispitanika, od toga 166 žena (srednja dob 28,0±6,4 godine) i 185 muškaraca (srednja dob 26,3±5,4 godine). Svi ispitanici ispitani su tijekom prethodnih pregleda za farmaceutsku industriju koja se smatra rizičnom za razvoj dišnih i kožnih bolesti. Za sve ispitanike ispunjen je alergološki upitnik, učinjeno je epikutano testiranje s europskom standardnom serijom kontaktnih alergena (Epipharm-ALK), prick-testiranje s najčešćim inhalacijskim alergenima (Imunološki zavod, Zagreb) i mjerenje serumskoga specifičnog IgE (UNICAP 100, Pharmacia). Ispitanici bez dišnih i/ili kožnih simptoma u anamnezi smatrani su asimptomatskima. Atopičarima su smatrani ispitanici s pozitivnim prick-testom i povišenim specifičnim IgE na jedan ili više inhalacijskih alergena. Ispitanici s pozitivnim epikutanim testom na jedan ili više kontaktnih alergena smatrani su osobama s kontaktnom senzibilizacijom. S obzirom na anamnestičke podatke, 115/166 (69,3%) žena i 142/185 (76,8%) muškaraca bili su asimptomatski. U 28 (24,3%) asimptomatskih žena i 40 (28,2%) asimptomatskih muškaraca utvrðeno je postojanje atopije i/ili kontaktne senzibilizacije. Prethodni alergološki pregledi mogu se smatrati pouzdanom metodom za otkrivanje većine asimptomatskih osoba s atopijom i kontaktnom senzibilizacijom. Znanje o postojanju ovih stanja kod radnika omogućuje provoðenje sekundarne prevencije i bolju dijagnostičku procjenu profesionalnih alergijskih bolesti

    Piroglifidne grinje (Pyroglyphidae) kao izvor profesionalnih alergena

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    Pyroglyphid mites are primarily associated with allergen exposure at home; hence the name house dust mites. However, we have found numerous studies reporting pyroglyhid mite levels in public and occupational settings. This review presents the findings of house dust mite allergens (family Pyroglyphidae, species ermatophagoides) as potential work-related risk factors and proposes occupations at risk of house dust mite-related diseases. Pyroglyphid mites or their allergens are found in various workplaces, but clinically relevant exposures have been observed in hotels, cinemas, schools, day-care centres, libraries, public transportation (buses, trains, taxies, and airplanes), fishing-boats, submarines, poultry farms, and churches. Here we propose a classification of occupational risk as low (occasional exposure to mite allergen levels up to 2 μg g-1), moderate (exposure between 2 μg g-1 and 10 μg g-1), and high (exposure >10 μg g-1). The classification of risk should include factors relevant for indoor mite population (climate, building characteristics, and cleaning schedule). To avoid development or aggravation of allergies associated with exposure to house dust mites at work, occupational physicians should assess exposure risk at work, propose proper protection, provide vocational guidance to persons at risk and conduct pre-employment and periodic examinations to diagnose new allergy cases. Protection at work should aim to control dust mite levels at work. Measures may include proper interior design and regular cleaning and building maintenance.Piroglifidne grinje smatraju se prvenstveno izvorom alergena u našim domovima. Postoji, međutim, sve više studija koje upućuju na izloženost piroglifidnim grinjama u javnim i radnim prostorima. Cilj je ovog pregleda prikazati alergene piroglifidnih grinja kao potencijalne štetnosti vezane uz radna mjesta i utvrditi rizična zanimanja za pojavu i progresiju bolesti uzrokovanih piroglifidnim grinjama. Iz baze PubMed izdvojene su studije koje su istraživale izloženost piroglifidnim grinjama (porodica Pyroglyphidae, rod Dermatophagoides) u različitim javnim i radnim prostorima. Piroglifidne grinje ili njihovi alergeni pronađeni su na različitim radnim mjestima, ali klinički značajne izloženosti zabilježene su u hotelima, kinima, školama, vrtićima, knjižnicama, vozilima (autobusima, vlakovima, taksi-vozilima), avionima, ribarskim brodovima, podmornicama, peradarnicima i crkvama. Predloženo je stupnjevanje rizika na radnim mjestima sa značajnom izloženosti alergenima piroglifidnih grinja kao niskog (povremena izloženost razinama >2 μg g-1), umjerenog (izloženost pretežno između 2 μg g-1 i 10 μg g-1) i visokog rizika (izloženost pretežno >10 μg g-1). Pri procjeni razine rizika treba uvijek uzeti u obzir čimbenike koji značajno utječu na populaciju grinja (klimatska regija, karakteristike zgrade, način čišćenja). Specijalisti medicine rada trebali bi razmotriti moguću profesionalnu izloženost piroglifidnim grinjama pri procjeni opasnosti za radna mjesta i provedbi mjera zaštite na radu, pri profesionalnoj orijentaciji, prethodnim i periodskim pregledima te dijagnostici bolesti vezanih uz rad, u svrhu prevencije pojave ili pogoršanja alergijskih bolesti uzrokovanih piroglifidnim grinjama. Mjere zaštite na radu trebaju biti u mjerene kontroli populacije grinja na radnom mjestu, uključujući odgovarajuće uređenje interijera te redovito čišćenje i održavanje zgrade

    Ultrasonic Extraction and TLC Determination of Glyphosate in the Spiked Red Soils

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    Pesticides that get into soil bind mostly to its solid phase by physical or chemical processes. In the valley of the Neretva River the use of herbicides, especially of glyphosate is widespread and sometimes uncontrolled. In this work ultrasonic solvent extraction (USE) followed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was applied for determining glyphosate presence in soil. The experiments were conducted with two characterised soil types. The impact of soil composition on extraction efficiency is discussed. Chemical analysis showed that soil 1 contained much more iron and aluminium oxides than soil 2, which was richer in humic substances. Low glyphosate efficiency (ca 44 % in both soils) could be attributed either to its binding to iron and aluminium oxides (soil 1), or to chemisorption on humic macromolecules (soil 2)

    Sensitization to Storage Mites in Urban Working Environment

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    Anamnestički podaci, prick kožno testiranje (PT) i specifični imunoglobulin E (sIgE) na skladišne grinje Lepidoglyphus destructor (LD) i Tyrophagus putresentiae (TP) analizirani su u 26 radnika tvornice recikliranog papira i u 36 poštara. PT je izvođen s Epipharm-ALK alergenima, a promjer urtike (D+d/2) od 3 mm i više smatrali smo pozitivnom kožnom reakcijom (PT+). SIgE mjeren je imunoCAP tehnologijom (Pharmacia AB Diagnostics). Vrijednosti >0,35 kU/I smatrali smo povišenima (sIgE+). Rezultati su pokazali značajno veće prevalencije osoba s PT+ i sIgE+ na LD i TP u radnika tvornice papira nego u poštara (38,5%: 8,3%; P<0,005 za LD, te 50%: 16,6%; P<0,005 za TP). U radnika tvornice papira sa sIgE+ nađen je značajno veći srednji promjer urtika (D+d/2) u kožnom testu za TP nego za LD (6,31±2,31: 3,11±1,53; P<0,001). Takva razlika nije nađena u poštara. Prevalencija respiratornih simptoma u osoba s PT+ i sIgE+ iznosila je u radnika tvornice papira 40% za LD i 53,8% za TP, dok je u poštara bila 100% za LD i 83,3% za TP. Rezultati upozoravaju na značajno veću prevalenciju senzibilizacije dišnog sustava na skladišne grinje LD i TP u radnika tvornice papira nego u kontrolnoj skupini, te potrebu otkrivanja broja i vrsta grinja u radnom okolišu, kao i otkrivanje i praćenje zdravstvenog stanja senzibiliziranih radnika tijekom prethodnih i periodičnih pregleda.This paper presents an analysis of a medical history questionnaire, skin prick test (SPT) and specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE) to storage mites Lepidoglyphus destructor (LD) and Tyrophagus putresentiae (TP) performed on 26 male paper mill workers and 36 postmen. SPT was performed with Epipharm-ALK allergens. Positive (PT+) were considered urticas with the mean diameter (D+d/2) of 3 mm or over. ImmunoCAP technology (Pharmacia AB Diagnostics) was applied in measuring sIgE. Increased (sIgE+) were considered values of over 0.35 kU/I. Paper mill workers manifested a significantly higher frequency of positive test results (sIgE+ and PT+) to LD and TP than did the postmen (38.5% vs. 8.3%, P<0.005 for LD, and 50% vs. 16.6%, P<0.005 for TP, respectively). Paper mill workers with sIgE+ manifested significantly greater mean skin reactivity (D+d/2) to TP than to LD (6.31±2.31 mm vs. 3.11±1.53 mm, P<0.001, respectively), while the postmen did not manifest such difference. Respiratory symptoms were found in 40% of paper mill workers with PT+ and sIgE+ to LD, and in 53.8% with PT+ and sIgE+ to TP. All postmen with PT+ and sIgE+ to LD and 83.3% with PT+ and sIgE+ to TP had respiratory symptoms. The study results indicate that it is necessary to monitor sensitization to mites and to establish methods for identification and quantification of mites in the working and general environment