35 research outputs found

    Safety Issues, Security and Risk Management in Nautical Tourism

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    The relatively new nautical market gave rise to a special kind of tourism. Nautical tourism as a system has the characteristics of a traffic system with all its peculiarities. Nautical tourism is steadily increasing. In countries nurturing this type of economic activity, nautical tourism has the characteristics of mass tourism. Nautical tourism is a complex system consisting of and using various forms of technical and technological processes. As such it is exposed to various risks. Therefore, this paper proposes a systematic approach to the development of safety measures in nautical tourism

    The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Reputation, and Business Performance

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    Formerly, it was considered that the main task of the corporate sector is to ensure economic performance. Nowadays, this attitude has changed and the term the bottom line has been replaced by the term the triple bottom line. Accordingly, not only financial performance but also the impact on the environment and society in which the organization operates is taken into consideration when measuring its effectiveness. Today, a corporation is not only expected to operate efficiently but also to be socially responsible. On the other hand, thanks to emphasizing social responsibility in their communication with stakeholders, corporations can have a positive reputation and good business performance. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to investigate how corporate communications managers of successful retail companies in Croatia, based on their practical experience, perceive the relationship between corporate social responsibility, reputation, and business performance. Specifically, the in-depth interview method was used to examine the attitudes of corporate communications managers of successful companies in retail market on the relationship between corporate social responsibility, reputation, and business performance. The results show that the surveyed public relations experts notice a positive relationship between corporate social responsibility and reputation, and also see a positive relationship between corporate social responsibility and business performance

    Corporate Social Responsibility in the Practice of Public Relations Professionals

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    Are public relations a socially irresponsible profession? Although the image of public relations professionals can still be negative, in theory, they should help their organizations be socially responsible. This paper aims to explore the work of public relations experts concerning corporate social responsibility among those who work for successful retail chains in Croatia. The research paper resides on a survey conducted by the method of in-depth interviews with seven corporate communications managers selected among the 20 best retailers in the fast-moving consumer goods on the Croatian market. The research showed that the surveyed public relations experts are not directly in charge of the strategic planning of their companies socially responsible business programs. However, most respondents confirmed the existence of a communication strategy for CSR activities regarding different stakeholders.Ā  Besides, the results show that the heads of the communications department daily participate at the executive level of socially responsible programs. These results are showing that those corporate communications managers are generally not members of senior management, where decision-making takes place. Finally, the conclusion is that the surveyed public relations experts in their practical work mainly help their companies to be socially responsible. This work is licensed under aĀ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    A Common Opinion on Croatian Journalists Tested by PR Profesionals

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    Novinari u hrvatskoj javnosti nemaju naročito dobru reputaciju. Naime, uvriježeno je miÅ”ljenje da, između ostaloga, piÅ”u tendenciozno, da su skloni senzacionalizmu i manipulacijama te da im nedostaje analitičkih umijeća (usp. Kanižaj i Skoko, 2010; JokoÅ” i Kanižaj, 2012). Cilj je ovog istraživanja dobiti uvid u to kako novinarski rad i novinarsku profesiju u Hrvatskoj percipiraju stručnjaci za odnose s javnoŔću u korporativnom sektoru, koji s novinarima svakodnevno neposredno surađuju. Kako bi se ispitala reputacija hrvatskih novinara među stručnjacima za odnose s javnoŔću, koriÅ”tena je metoda dubinskih intervjua, i to s osam stručnjaka za odnose s javnoŔću koji su zaposleni u većim korporacijama u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako intervjuirani stručnjaci za odnose s javnoŔću hrvatske novinare doživljavaju kao povrÅ”ne i pristrane izvjestitelje te viÅ”e kao tragatelje za senzacijom nego za istinom. S druge strane, intervjuirani stručnjaci za odnose s javnoŔću nisu hrvatske novinare doživjeli kao zavidne, neodgovorne i potkupljive osobe. Osim toga, pokazali su razumijevanje za novinare, koji se susreću s raznim teÅ”koćama, pogotovo u doba financijske krize.Journalists in Croatia do not enjoy formidable reputation among the public due to the beliefs that their writing is, inter alia, biased, inclined to sensationalism and manipulation, and that they lack analytical skills (see also Kanižaj and Skoko, 2010; JokoÅ” and Kanižaj, 2012). The aim of this research is to verify how journalistic work and journalistic profession in Croatia is perceived by corporate sector PR professionals who cooperate with them on a daily basis. Using the method of in-depth interviews conducted with eight PR professionals, the reputation of Croatian journalists has been put to the test. The research revealed that the interviewed PR professionals perceive Croatian journalists mostly as superficial and biased reporters who search for sensation rather than the truth. However, it turned out that the interviewees do not percieve journalists as being envious, irresponsible or corruptible. They even demonstrated true understanding of the difficulties that journalists encounter, especially in the context of the economic crisis

    Fever-induced seizures: where are we today?

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    Febrilne konvulzije su najčeŔći konvulzivni poremećaj. Obično predstavljaju samolimitirajući poremećaj bez dugoročnih posljedica. Međutim, mogu predstavljati početak epilepsije stoga je rastući broj epilepsijskih sindroma povezanih sa febrilnim konvulzijama. Ovi sindromi prezentiraju se od samoograničavajućih i medikamentima kontroliranih entiteta do teÅ”kih epileptičkih encefalopatija. Razumijevanje spektra poremećaja povezanih s febrilnim konvulzijama doprinosi dijagnozi koja zauzvrat nudi informacije o terapijskoj paradigmi, prognozi i genetičkom savjetovanju.Febrile seizures are the most common seizure disorder. Usually represent only limiting disorder with no long-term consequences. However, it can represents the beginning of epilepsy, in therefore a growing number of epileptic syndromes associated with febrile seizures. These syndromes are presented by self-limiting and medication controlled entities to severe epileptic encephalopathy. Understanding spectrum disorders associated with febrile seizures contributes diagnosis, which in turn provides information on the therapeutic paradigm, prognosis and genetic counseling

    A preliminary study of the miRNA restitution effect on CNV-induced miRNA downregulation in CAKUT

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    Background The majority of CAKUT-associated CNVs overlap at least one miRNA gene, thus affecting the cellular levels of the corresponding miRNA. We aimed to investigate the potency of restitution of CNV-affected miRNA levels to remediate the dysregulated expression of target genes involved in kidney physiology and development in vitro. Methods Heterozygous MIR484 knockout HEK293 and homozygous MIR185 knockout HEK293 cell lines were used as models depicting the deletion of the frequently affected miRNA genes by CAKUT-associated CNVs. After treatment with the corresponding miRNA mimics, the levels of the target genes have been compared to the non-targeting control treatment. For both investigated miRNAs, MDM2 and PKD1 were evaluated as common targets, while additional 3 genes were investigated as targets of each individual miRNA (NOTCH3, FIS1 and APAF1 as hsa-miR-484 targets and RHOA, ATF6 and CDC42 as hsa-miR-185-5p targets). Results Restitution of the corresponding miRNA levels in both knockout cell lines has induced a change in the mRNA levels of certain candidate target genes, thus confirming the potential to alleviate the CNV effect on miRNA expression. Intriguingly, HEK293 WT treatment with investigated miRNA mimics has triggered a more pronounced effect, thus suggesting the importance of miRNA interplay in different genomic contexts. Conclusions Dysregulation of multiple mRNA targets mediated by CNV-affected miRNAs could represent the underlying mechanism behind the unresolved CAKUT occurrence and phenotypic variability observed in CAKUT patients. Characterizing miRNAs located in CNVs and their potential to become molecular targets could eventually help in understanding and improving the management of CAKUT

    Comparison of crown damage assessment on analog and digital infrared color (CIR) aerial photographs

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    Negativne posljedice propadanja Å”uma nastoje se umanjiti provođenjem gospodarskih mjera i praćenjem zdravstvenog stanja stabala, odnosno procjenom oÅ”tećenosti kroÅ”anja. Utvrđivanje zdravstvenog stanja Å”uma provodi se, osim terestričkim načinom, i metodama daljinskih istraživanja ā€“ interpretacijom infracrvenih kolornih (ICK) aerosnimaka. Inventarizacija oÅ”tećenosti Å”uma pomoću aerosnimaka temelji se na ustanovljavanju stupnja oÅ”tećenosti pojedinačnih stabala (kroÅ”anja), uz kvalitetno izrađen fotointerpretacijski ključ. Na temelju provedene fotointerpretacije infracrvenih kolornih (ICK) aerosnimaka, mogu se odrediti pouzdani statistički podaci o oÅ”tećenosti Å”uma. Inventarizacije oÅ”tećenosti Å”uma na ICK aerosnimkama do sada su se provodile fotointerpretacijom analognih aerosnimaka na analitičkim stereoinstrumentima. Napretkom tehnologije analogne snimke su zamijenjene digitalnim, analitički stereoinstrumenti - digitalnim fotogrametrijskim stanicama, a interpretacija se obavlja u programu na zaslonu računala. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti rezultate procjene oÅ”tećenosti kroÅ”anja na analognim i digitalnim ICK aerosnimkama istoga područja, zbog čega je bilo potrebno aerosnimke iz 1989. godine skeniranjem prevesti u digitalni oblik, te digitalne snimke iz 2008. godine prevesti u analogni oblik.Za dio gospodarskih jedinica Josip Kozarac i Opeke, provedena je interpretacija analognih i digitalnih aerosnimaka iz dva perioda snimanja (1989. i 2008. godina). Na svakoj točki rastera 100x100 m procijenjena su 4 najbliža stabla (kroÅ”nje) te izračunati pokazatelji oÅ”tećenosti (O, SO, IO, SO1) za pojedine vrste drveća, za sve interpretirane vrste zajedno, po prugama snimanja, te ukupno za područje istraživanja. Na temelju izračunatih pokazatelja oÅ”tećenosti, dobivenih interpretacijom analognih i digitalnih snimaka iz 1989., te 2008. godine, utvrđeno je da između rezultata ne postoji značajna razlika s obzirom na procjenu zdravstvenog stanja stabala (oÅ”tećenosti kroÅ”anja).Time su poboljÅ”ane postojeće metode procjene zdravstvenoga stanja i ukazano na mogućnosti primjene digitalnih ICK aerosnimaka u Å”umarstvu.Efforts to mitigate negative consequences of massive forest dieback include the implementation of economic measures, monitoring the health status of individual trees i.e. assessment of crown damage. Apart from terrestrial methods, forest health is also determined with remote sensing methods, which involve interpretation of color infrared (CIR) aerial photographs. The inventory of forest damage by using aerial photography is based on the establishment of the degree of damage to individual trees (crowns) using a well-designed photo interpretation key. Reliable statistical data of forest damage can be obtained on the basis of photo interpretation of CIR aerial photography.Inventories of forest damage have so far been conducted with photo interpretation of analog aerial photographs on analytical stereo instruments. With the advancement of technology, analog images have been replaced by digital and analytical stereo instruments ā€“ by digital photogrammetric workstations, and interpretation is done on the computer screen.The main goal of the research was to compare the results of crown damage assessment on analog and digital ICK aerial photographs of the same area, which is why it was necessary to convert aerial photographs from 1989 by scanning into digital form, and convert digital images from 2008 into analog form.Analog and digital aerial photographs from two recording periods (1989 and 2008) were interpreted for a part of the management units Josip Kozarac and Opeke. At each point of a 100x100 m grid, 4 nearest trees (crowns) were estimated and damage indicators (damage-O, mean damage-SO, damage index-IO, mean damage1-SO1) were calculated for individual tree species, for all the interpreted species together, per surveying strips, and for the total research area.On the basis of calculated damage indicators obtained by interpreting analog and digital images from 1989 and 2008, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between the results in terms of tree health assessment.The conducted research improved the existing methods of assessing the health status of individual trees and stands, and pointed out the possibilities of applying digital CIR aerial photographs in forestry

    Monitoring the Health Status of Trees in Maksimir Forest Park Using Remote Sensing Methods

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    Background and Purpose: In Zagreb, the forests have assumed the characteristics of forest parks, of which the most famous and the most visited is Maksimir Park. The health condition of many trees has deteriorated due to environmental changes and the forestā€™s age. The tree health status can be monitored by direct observation in the field using the terrestrial method, or by remote sensing methods. Recent advances in technology have made it possible to use high-resolution satellite imagery to monitor the damage. Materials and Methods: In order to estimate the health status of trees, the research area - Maksimir Forest Park - was visually interpreted by means of the WorldView 2 (WV2) satellite image, color composite (8, 5, 3). Such color composite was also used to delineate the strata. After delineation, a systematic sample of 25x25 m was laid over the stratum to help interpret the tree health status. Differences in tree damage were observed by comparing the WV2 images and other satellite images (Google Earth images from 2014 and 2016) recorded at different points in time. Field research was then conducted in order to inventory the current situation. Results: The main results of the research in Maksimir Forest Park include the calculation of damage indicators by tree species, as well as thematic maps with the spatial distribution of the mean damage (SO) and damage index (IO) for those tree species which are most represented in a particular stratum. Mean and significant damage of the most represented tree species and overall is also presented spatially in the form of thematic maps. A comparison of the results of WV2 satellite imagery and satellite images taken from Google Earth denoted a change in the tree health status, which confirms that satellite imagery can serve to inventory and track the condition in an area over a number of years. Field investigations and the assessment of tree health status confirmed the results obtained by satellite imagery interpretation. Conclusions: Since quality forest monitoring is based on systematic collection of forest data in any area or at any point in time, the obtained results not only represent the current health status, but also provide a basis for monitoring and predicting the future conditions

    Hiperspektralni senzori i primjena u Ŕumarstvu

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    Od samoga početka razvoja daljinskih istraživanja ljudi su pokuÅ”avali stvoriti alat za proučavanje Zemljine povrÅ”ine i dinamičnih pojava na njoj. Napretkom tehnologije najprije za vojne, a potom i za istraživačke potrebe, razvijeni su senzori za prikupljanje podataka snimanjem elektromagnetskoga spektra (multispektralni i hiperspektralni). U trenutku kada su postali dostupni za uporabu u civilnoj zajednici, postale su očigledne potencijalne koristi uporabe hiperspektralnih podataka. Razvoj hiperspektralnih senzora slijedio je razvoj računalne tehnologije i napredak softvera za obradu velikoga broja prikupljenih podatka. Danas se hiperspektralni senzori sve viÅ”e upotrebljavaju za razne namjene: proučavanje ekosustava, atmosfere, klime, hidrologije, iskoriÅ”tavanja minerala, načina koriÅ”tenja zemljiÅ”ta, zemljiÅ”noga pokrova i vegetacije. Zahvaljujući velikomu broju raznovrsnih informacija koje pružaju, hiperspektralni senzori imaju veliku mogućnost primjene u nadzoru i upravljanja okoliÅ”em te pomažu unapređenju upravljanja i donoÅ”enju boljih odluka pri ranom definiranju problema. Prva primjena hiperspektralnih senzora u Å”umarstvu u Hrvatskoj vezana je uz program Europske zajednice iz 2005. godine, kada su provedena prva snimanja linijskim hiperspektralnim senzorom. U sklopu provedenih snimanja izdvojene su prve spektralne krivulje obične jele i bijele imele, na osnovi kojih je prvi put izdvojena vrsta unutar vrste, odnosno pomoću hiperspektralnih snimaka razlučeni su grmovi poluparazitske vrste unutar kroÅ”anja domaćina te su definirane procedure za snimanja na velikim povrÅ”inama

    miRNA-free rare pathogenic CNVs could drive toward variable CAKUT phenotypes

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    Introduction: Genetic studies of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) have demonstrated variable penetrability and expressivity of the associated genetic defects. Previously, it was shown that deletions of 17q12 and 22q11.2 regions were specific for kidney anomalies (KA) while 16p11.2 and 1q21.1 loci showed extensive pleiotropy in CAKUT phenotypes. CNVs affecting miRNA gene dosage have been described to have functional influence on gene expression. We aimed to conduct comprehensive in silico analysis using publicly available databases to analyze miRNA content of CAKUT-associated CNVs in quoted chromosomal loci with regard to pleiotropy. Methods: Extensive literature review was conducted to collect data about pathogenic rCNVs associated with CAKUT. UCSC genome browser tool was employed for mapping miRNAs onto collected rCNV regions. Results: Analysis of CNVs in CAKUT included four studies counting more than 2500 patients. In further analysis we included 191 patients harboring pathogenic CNVs. Surprisingly, CAKUT pleiotropic regions (16p11.2, 1q21.2) did not contain any miRNA. 22q11.2 showed the densest miRNAs content (nā€‰=ā€‰21). Conclusions: Absence of miRNAs may potentially pronounce the pleiotropy of the CAKUT genetic defects, thus leading to the variety of phenotypes. Contrary, abundancy of miRNAs in 22q11.2 might be associated with reproducible phenotype, such as KA, producing the functional effect when deleted. This assumption agrees with recent results of miRNA expression variability in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference; August 28-31, 2021; Virtual ConferenceAbstracts from the 54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference: e-Poster