25 research outputs found

    β-Hemolysis May Not Be a Reliable Indicator of Leukotoxicity of Mannheimia haemolytica Isolates

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    Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica causes bronchopneumonia in domestic and wild ruminants. Leukotoxin is the critical virulence factor of M. haemolytica. Since β-hemolysis is caused by a large number of leukotoxin-positive M. haemolytica isolates, all β-hemolytic M. haemolytica isolates are considered to be leukotoxic as well. However, conflicting reports exist in literature as to the leukotoxic and hemolytic properties of M. haemolytica. One group of researchers reported their leukotoxin-deletion mutants to be hemolytic while another reported their mutants to be non-hemolytic. The objective of this study was to determine whether β-hemolysis is a reliable indicator of leukotoxicity of M. haemolytica isolates. Ninety-five isolates of M. haemolytica were first confirmed for presence of leukotoxin gene (lktA) by a leukotoxin-specific PCR assay. Culture supernatant fluids from these isolates were then tested for presence of leukotoxin protein by an ELISA, and for leukotoxic activity by a cytotoxicity assay. All isolates were tested for β-hemolysis by culture on blood agar plates. Sixty-two isolates (65%) produced leukotoxin protein while 33 isolates (35%) did not. Surprisingly, 18 of the 33 isolates (55%), that did not produce leukotoxin protein, were hemolytic. Of the 62 isolates that produced leukotoxin, 55 (89%) were leukotoxic while 7 (11%) were not. All except one of the 55 leukotoxic isolates (98%) were also hemolytic. All seven isolates that were not leukotoxic were hemolytic. Taken together, these results suggest that β-hemolysis may not be a reliable indicator of leukotoxicity of M. haemolytica isolates. Furthermore, all M. haemolytica isolates that possess lktA gene may not secrete active leukotoxin

    Characterization of Innate Responses Induced by PLGA Encapsulated- and Soluble TLR Ligands In Vitro and In Vivo in Chickens.

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    Natural or synthetic Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands trigger innate responses by interacting with distinct TLRs. TLR ligands can thus serve as vaccine adjuvants or stand-alone antimicrobial agents. One of the limitations of TLR ligands for clinical application is their short half-life and rapid clearance from the body. In the current study, encapsulation of selected TLR ligands in biodegradable poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) polymer nanoparticles (PLGA NPs) was examined in vitro and in vivo as a means to prolong innate responses. MQ-NCSU cells (a chicken macrophage cell line) were treated with encapsulated or soluble forms of TLR ligands and the resulting innate responses were evaluated. In most cases, encapsulated forms of TLR ligands (CpG ODN 2007, lipopolysaccharide and Pam3CSK4) induced comparable or higher levels of nitric oxide and cytokine gene expression in macrophages, compared to the soluble forms. Encapsulated CpG ODN, in particular the higher dose, induced significantly higher expression of interferon (IFN)-γ and IFN-β until at least 18 hr post-treatment. Cytokine expression by splenocytes was also examined in chickens receiving encapsulated or soluble forms of lipopolysaccharide (a potent inflammatory cytokine inducer in chickens) by intramuscular injection. Encapsulated LPS induced more sustained innate responses characterized by higher expression of IFN-γ and IL-1β until up to 96 hr. The ability of TLR ligands encapsulated in polymeric nanoparticles to maintain prolonged innate responses indicates that this controlled-release system can extend the use of TLR ligands as vaccine adjuvants or as stand-alone prophylactic agents against pathogens

    The Regulatory Microenvironment in Feathers of Chickens Infected with Very Virulent Marek’s Disease Virus

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    Vaccines against Marek’s disease can protect chickens against clinical disease; however, infected chickens continue to propagate the Marek’s disease virus (MDV) in feather follicles and can shed the virus into the environment. Therefore, the present study investigated if MDV could induce an immunoregulatory microenvironment in feathers of chickens and whether vaccines can overcome the immune evasive mechanisms of MDV. The results showed an abundance of CD4+CD25+ and CD4+ transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β)+ T regulatory cells in the feathers of MDV-infected chickens at 21 days post-infection. In contrast, vaccinated chickens had a lower number of regulatory T cells. Furthermore, the expression of TGF-β and programmed cell death receptor (PD)-1 increased considerably in the feathers of Marek’s disease virus-infected chickens. The results of the present study raise the possibility of an immunoregulatory environment in the feather pulp of MDV-infected chickens, which may in turn favor replication of infectious MDV in this tissue. Exploring the evasive strategies employed by MDV will facilitate the development of control measures to prevent viral replication and transmission

    Cross protection to SARS-CoV-2 variants in hamsters with naturally-acquired immunity

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    Abstract Since SARS-CoV-2 was first reported in late 2019, multiple variations of the original virus have emerged. Each variant harbors accumulations of mutations, particularly within the spike glycoprotein, that are associated with increased viral transmissibility and escape immunity. The different mutations in the spike protein of different variants shape the subsequent antibody and T cell responses, such that exposure to different spike proteins can result in reduced or enhanced responses to heterologous variants further down the line. Globally, people have been exposed and re-exposed to multiple variations of the Ancestral strain, including the five variants of concerns. Studies have shown that the protective immune response of an individual is influenced by which strain or combination of strains they are exposed to. The initial exposure to a specific strain may also shape their subsequent immune patterns and response to later infections with a heterologous virus. Most immunological observations were carried out early during the pandemic when the Ancestral strain was circulating. However, SARS-CoV-2 variants exhibit varying patterns of disease severity, waning immunity, immune evasion and sensitivity to therapeutics. Here we investigated the cross-protection in hamsters previously infected with a variant of concern (VOC) and subsequently re-infected with a heterologous variant. We also determined if cross-protection and immunity were dependent on the specific virus to which the hamster was first exposed. We further profiled the host cytokine response induced by each SARS-CoV-2 variants as well as subsequent to re-infection. A comparative analysis of the three VOCs revealed that Alpha variant was the most pathogenic VOC to emerge. We showed that naturally acquired immunity protected hamsters from subsequent re-infection with heterologous SARS-CoV-2 variant, regardless which variant the animal was first exposed to. Our study supports observations that heterologous infection of different SARS-CoV-2 variants do not exacerbate disease in subsequent re-infections. The continual emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants mandates a better understanding of cross-protection and immune imprinting in infected individuals. Such information is essential to guide vaccine strategy and public policy to emerging SARS-CoV-2 VOCs and future novel pandemic coronaviruses

    Induction of immune response in chickens primed in ovo with an inactivated H9N2 avian influenza virus vaccine

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    Abstract Objective Infection of chickens with low pathogenic avian influenza virus, such as H9N2 virus, culminates in decreased egg production and increased mortality and morbidity if co-infection with other respiratory pathogens occurs. We have previously observed the induction of antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses after intramuscular administration of an H9N2 beta-propiolactone inactivated virus vaccine to chickens. Given the fact that in ovo vaccination represents a practical option for vaccination against H9N2 AIV in chickens, in the current study, we set out to characterize immune responses in chickens against a beta-propiolactone inactivated H9N2 virus vaccine after primary vaccination in ovo on embryonic day 18, and secondary intramuscular vaccination on day 14 post-hatch. We also included the Toll-like receptor 21 ligand, CpG ODN 2007, and an oil emulsion adjuvant, AddaVaxâ„¢, as adjuvants for the vaccines. Results Antibody-mediated immune responses were observed after administering the secondary intramuscular vaccine. Cell-mediated immune responses were observed in chickens that received the beta-propiolactone inactivated H9N2 virus combined with AddaVaxâ„¢. Our results demonstrate that adaptive immune responses can be induced in chickens after a primary in ovo vaccination and secondary intramuscular vaccination

    Proximity-Dependent Inhibition of Growth of Mannheimia haemolytica by Pasteurella multocida

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    Mannheimia haemolytica , Pasteurella multocida , and Bibersteinia trehalosi have been identified in the lungs of pneumonic bighorn sheep (BHS; Ovis canadensis ). Of these pathogens, M. haemolytica has been shown to consistently cause fatal pneumonia in BHS under experimental conditions. However, M. haemolytica has been isolated by culture less frequently than the other bacteria. We hypothesized that the growth of M. haemolytica is inhibited by other bacteria in the lungs of BHS. The objective of this study was to determine whether P. multocida inhibits the growth of M. haemolytica . Although in monoculture both bacteria exhibited similar growth characteristics, in coculture with P. multocida there was a clear inhibition of growth of M. haemolytica . The inhibition was detected at mid-log phase and continued through the stationary phase. When cultured in the same medium, the growth of M. haemolytica was inhibited when both bacteria were separated by a membrane that allowed contact (pore size, 8.0 μm) but not when they were separated by a membrane that limited contact (pore size, 0.4 μm). Lytic bacteriophages or bactericidal compounds could not be detected in the culture supernatant fluid from monocultures of P. multocida or from P. multocida - M. haemolytica cocultures. These results indicate that P. multocida inhibits the growth of M. haemolytica by a contact- or proximity-dependent mechanism. If the inhibition of growth of M. haemolytica by P. multocida occurs in vivo as well, it could explain the inconsistent isolation of M. haemolytica from the lungs of pneumonic BHS

    Effectiveness of VSV vectored SARS-CoV-2 spike when administered through intranasal, intramuscular or a combination of both

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    Abstract A critical feature of the VSV vector platform is the ability to pseudotype the virus with different glycoproteins from other viruses, thus altering cellular tropism of the recombinant virus. The route of administration is critical in triggering local and systemic immune response and protection. Most of the vaccine platforms used at the forefront are administered by intramuscular injection. However, it is not known at what level ACE2 is expressed on the surface of skeletal muscle cells, which will have a significant impact on the efficiency of a VSV-SARS-CoV-2 spike vaccine to mount a protective immune response when administered intramuscularly. In this study, we investigate the immunogenicity and efficacy of a prime-boost immunization regimen administered intranasally (IN), intramuscularly (IM), or combinations of the two. We determined that the prime-boost combinations of IM followed by IN immunization (IM + IN) or IN followed by IN immunization (IN + IN) exhibited strong spike-specific IgG, IgA and T cell response in vaccinated K18 knock-in mice. Hamsters vaccinated with two doses of VSV expressing SARS-CoV-2 spike, both delivered by IN or IM + IN, showed strong protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern Alpha and Delta. This protection was also observed in aged hamsters. Our study underscores the highly crucial role immunization routes have with the VSV vector platform to elicit a strong and protective immune response