2 research outputs found
Influence of different types of partial dentures on dental plaque accumulation
The aim of the paper was to assess influence of different types of partial dentures on dental plaque accumulation. The study was conducted in three experimental and one control group with 30 examinees each. In the first experimental group were patients with partial acrylic dentures, in the second were patients with overdentures and in the third group were the patients with metal skeletal dentures. Dental plaque on the remaining teeth was measured by Silness-Loe modified method. Dental plaque scores were obtained at a time when dentures were given to patients and after 6 and 12 months of wearing, respectively. The plaque index of all teeth after 12 months of wearing dentures was relatively low in all three examined groups which resulted from previous education and motivation of examinees for oral hygiene maintenance. However, the highest risk of oral diseases caused by dental plaque is in patients with partial acrylic dentures, then in patients with overdentures, and best preventive effect was achieved in patients with metal skeletal dentures
Rendgengrafska analiza restauracija endodontski leÄenih zuba individualno izraÄenim koÄiÄima
Timely und quality restauration of endodontically treated teeth is one of the major conditions for success of endodontic therapy. The aim of this study was to determine the efficiency of individual post cemented in endodontically treated teeth using radiographie parameters. 142 endodontically treated teeth restored with individual posts and permanent prosthetic restaurations were included in the clinical and radiographie research. The results of radiographie analysis reveled correctly made and cemented posts in 64% of the cases, inadequately placed posts in 14,4% and inadequate obturation between the tip of the post and radiographie apex, in 19,9% of the case. As a conclusion, correct course of endodontic treatment, clinicians knowing of anatomomorphological characteristics of root canals, correct gutta-percha removal and clinicians adaptibility to a specific case, are essential for the correct restauration of endodonticaly treated teeth with individual posts.Pravovremena i kvalitetna restauracija endodontski leÄenih zuba, jedan je od osnovnih uslova za uspeÅ”an ishod leÄenja obolelog zuba. Cilj rada je bio da se na osnovu rendgengrafskih parametara u endodontski leÄenim zubima i restauriranim stalnim zubnim nadoknadama, analizira efiksnost individualno izraÄenih i cementiranih koÄiÄa. KliniÄka i rendgengrafska ispitivanja obuhvatila su 142 zuba pacijenata kod kojih je nakon endodontskog leÄenja uraÄena i cementirana individualna nadogradnja, a potom uraÄena stalna zubna nadoknada. Dobijeni rezultati rendgengrafske analize ukazali su na korektno uraÄen i cementiran koÄiÄ u 64% sluÄajeva, neadekvatno postavljen koÄiÄ u 14,9% sluÄajeva, a neadekvatna kanalna obturacija od vrha kanala do apeksa konstatovana je u 19,9% sluÄajeva. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se zakljuÄiti daje za korektnu restauraciju endodontski leÄenih zuba individualnim koÄiÄima, neophodan pravilan plan tretmana, poznavanje anatomomorfoloÅ”kih karakteristika kanala korena zuba, pravilno uklanjanje gutaperke iz kanala korena zuba, kao i moguÄnost prilagoÄavanja terapeuta odgovarajuÄem kliniÄkom sluÄaju