41 research outputs found

    Scrutinizing History: Library Research Scholar Pursues Inclusive Inquiry

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    Civil Engineering/ Graduate Students/ Johnston & Jeffryes/ University of Minnesota/ 2012

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    From the University of Minnesota, this case study describes the seven modules that comprise their data information literacy program for students in Civil Engineering. The modules include: data management, organization and documentation, data access and ownership, data sharing and re-use, and preservation. Materials include a book chapter describing the case study, the syllabus for the program, a template for developing a data management plan and the evaluation forms that were used

    Making the Most of an Adjunct Placement

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    This poster discusses approaches to ensure that adjunct placements leverage the temporary placement to the benefit of both adjunct librarians and institutions. Librarians can leverage short-term employment to develop skills and gain experience in new library environments. Libraries maintain services while seeking longterm solutions and progress on key projects leveraging skill areas supporting adjunct librarians’ professional development. Clear career goals, intentional supervision, and guidance on translating experience to future job applications can ground an adjunct appointment in mutually-beneficial principles

    IDEA Reinvisioned Charge

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    This documents details the purpose, accountabilities, and timeline for IDEA 2.0, a group of university library staff who focus on active interrogation of existing policies and practices. The group works to ensure that the library’s policies and practices do not reinforce existing inequitable power structures with an early focus on white supremacy culture, but not to the exclusion of other inequities such as patriarchy, ableism, and others. IDEA 2.0 acts as a guiding body to establish best practices and mechanisms of accountability

    Leveraging User Experience Expertise for Engaging and Sustainable Social Media

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    This presentation discusses an evolution of our staffing model that revived our library’s Twitter account, beginning with creating a sustainable workflow to allow for more engaging content by leveraging the expertise and creativity of front line user experience staff. We’ll discuss the entire evolution from having a single librarian generating content to this team-based approach, discuss missteps, and share the positive outcomes. Lastly, we’ll discuss meaningful assessment to ensure the identifying and transmitting of key messages frequently and effectively, and sustainable expansion into new social media platforms

    Ithaka S+R: Supporting the Changing Practices of Teaching in Business

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    In the Fall of 2018, Grand Valley State University (GVSU) joined twelve other institutions to participate in an Ithaka S+R study to understand the pedagogical support needs of business school faculty. Each participating institution served as a research site with a local team of researchers. This report will outline the methodology, findings, and recommendations for instructional faculty, librarians, and administrators

    A Multi-Institutional Project to Develop Discipline-Specific Data Literacy Instruction for Graduate Students

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    What data stewardship skills are needed by future scientists to fulfill their professional responsibilities and take advantage of opportunities in e-science? How can academic librarians contribute their expertise in information organization, dissemination and preservation to better serve modern science? With support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), four research libraries have formed a partnership to address these questions. The aims of the partnership are to identify the data stewardship skills, including data management and curation, needed by graduate students at the research discipline level, to identify trends that extend across the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, and to collaborate with faculty to develop and implement “data information literacy” (DIL) curricula to address those needs. If you use content from this presentation, please cite: Wright, Sarah, Michael Fosmire, Jon Jeffryes, Marianne Stowell Bracke, Brian Westra. (2012) “A Multi-institutional Project to Develop Discipline-Specific Data Literacy Instruction for Graduate Students” Abstract IN22A-08 [oral presentation] 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 3-7, San Francisco, CA