99 research outputs found

    PREP-Mt: predictive RNA editor for plant mitochondrial genes

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    BACKGROUND: In plants, RNA editing is a process that converts specific cytidines to uridines and uridines to cytidines in transcripts from virtually all mitochondrial protein-coding genes. There are thousands of plant mitochondrial genes in the sequence databases, but sites of RNA editing have not been determined for most. Accurate methods of RNA editing site prediction will be important in filling in this information gap and could reduce or even eliminate the need for experimental determination of editing sites for many sequences. Because RNA editing tends to increase protein conservation across species by "correcting" codons that specify unconserved amino acids, this principle can be used to predict editing sites by identifying positions where an RNA editing event would increase the conservation of a protein to homologues from other plants. PREP-Mt takes this approach to predict editing sites for any protein-coding gene in plant mitochondria. RESULTS: To test the general applicability of the PREP-Mt methodology, RNA editing sites were predicted for 370 full-length or nearly full-length DNA sequences and then compared to the known sites of RNA editing for these sequences. Of 60,263 cytidines in this test set, PREP-Mt correctly classified 58,994 as either an edited or unedited site (accuracy = 97.9%). PREP-Mt properly identified 3,038 of the 3,698 known sites of RNA editing (sensitivity = 82.2%) and 55,956 of the 56,565 known unedited sites (specificity = 98.9%). Accuracy and sensitivity increased to 98.7% and 94.7%, respectively, after excluding the 489 silent editing sites (which have no effect on protein sequence or function) from the test set. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that PREP-Mt is effective at identifying C to U RNA editing sites in plant mitochondrial protein-coding genes. Thus, PREP-Mt should be useful in predicting protein sequences for use in molecular, biochemical, and phylogenetic analyses. In addition, PREP-Mt could be used to determine functionality of a mitochondrial gene or to identify particular sequences with unusual editing properties. The PREP-Mt methodology should be applicable to any system where RNA editing increases protein conservation across species

    Ribosomal protein L10 is encoded in the mitochondrial genome of many land plants and green algae

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    Background: The mitochondrial genomes of plants generally encode 30-40 identified protein-coding genes and a large number of lineage-specific ORFs. The lack of wide conservation for most ORFs suggests they are unlikely to be functional. However, an ORF, termed orf-bryo1, was recently found to be conserved among bryophytes suggesting that it might indeed encode a functional mitochondrial protein. Results: From a broad survey of land plants, we have found that the orf-bryo1 gene is also conserved in the mitochondria of vascular plants and charophycean green algae. This gene is actively transcribed and RNA edited in many flowering plants. Comparative sequence analysis and distribution of editing suggests that it encodes ribosomal protein L10 of the large subunit of the ribosome. In several lineages, such as crucifers and grasses, where the rpl10 gene has been lost from the mitochondrion, we suggest that a copy of the nucleus-encoded chloroplast-derived rpl10 gene may serve as a functional replacement. Conclusion: Despite the fact that there are now over 20 mitochondrial genome sequences for land plants and green algae, this gene has remained unidentified and largely undetected until now because of the unlikely coincidence that most of the earlier sequences were from the few lineages that lack the intact gene. These results illustrate the power of comparative sequencing to identify novel genomic features

    Targeting Transgenic Proteins to the Mitochondria in Plants

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    Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in plants can convert an individual into female through sterilization of the male reproductive parts, creating an inability to produce functional pollen. In nature, this is advantageous for genetic diversity and producing progeny with unique genes that may be beneficial in evolution. For agriculture, this method is preferential for selection of desirable traits in crops when cross breeding. CMS is typically caused by genes in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), such as novel open reading frames (ORFs) that form after imperfect repair of double-stranded breaks in the mtDNA. Specific CMS genes vary among various plant species. It is currently unclear if the CMS gene of one species is effective in inducing sterility to another. These genes are easily predictable from the gene sequence but are rarely experimentally tested to determine their effect to cause male sterility. In this paper, I worked to characterize four different CMS genes identified from Brassica. Using a mitochondrial targeting system, I assessed the ability to transgenically target one of these genes to the mitochondria. For future considerations if these genes can be targeted to the mitochondria, the analysis into the ability to cause CMS can be studied by transgenic expression in Arabidopsis

    Evaluating Mechanisms of RNA Editing in Plants

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    RNA editing is one of several post-transcriptional RNA processes. This process generates RNA and protein diversity in eukaryotes and results in specific amino acid substitutions, deletions, and changes in gene expression levels. It occurs in both plastids and mitochondria and typically involves the changing of specific C to U (cytosine to uracil). Welwitschia belongs to the gymnosperms (a group of seed-producing plants that includes conifers, cycads, Ginkgo, and Gnetales). It has already been substantiated that Welwitschia mirabilis has a major loss of cis-spliced introns and unusual trans-splicing introns. Research in the Mower lab has already proven that ancestral gymnosperm has high editing sites, from examining Ginkgo and Cycas. Knowing these high editing sites in other Gymnosperms, a prediction was made in Welwitschia mirabilis for a major loss of editing. In this study, we wished to evaluate the accuracy of this prediction. Data confirmed that RNA editing is very low in Welwitschia, and surprisingly, even lower than the predicted number. Within the 16 examined functional protein-coding genes in Welwitschia mitogenome, RNA editing sites were detected from only 5 of them

    Evaluating Mechanisms of RNA Editing in Plants

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    RNA editing is one of several post-transcriptional RNA processes. This process generates RNA and protein diversity in eukaryotes and results in specific amino acid substitutions, deletions, and changes in gene expression levels. It occurs in both plastids and mitochondria and typically involves the changing of specific C to U (cytosine to uracil). Welwitschia belongs to the gymnosperms (a group of seed-producing plants that includes conifers, cycads, Ginkgo, and Gnetales). It has already been substantiated that Welwitschia mirabilis has a major loss of cis-spliced introns and unusual trans-splicing introns. Research in the Mower lab has already proven that ancestral gymnosperm has high editing sites, from examining Ginkgo and Cycas. Knowing these high editing sites in other Gymnosperms, a prediction was made in Welwitschia mirabilis for a major loss of editing. In this study, we wished to evaluate the accuracy of this prediction. Data confirmed that RNA editing is very low in Welwitschia, and surprisingly, even lower than the predicted number. Within the 16 examined functional protein-coding genes in Welwitschia mitogenome, RNA editing sites were detected from only 5 of them

    Phylogenomic evidence for ancient recombination between plastid genomes of the Cupressus-Juniperus-Xanthocyparis complex (Cupressaceae)

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    Background: Phylogenetic relationships among Eastern Hemisphere cypresses, Western Hemisphere cypresses, junipers, and their closest relatives are controversial, and generic delimitations have been in flux for the past decade. To address relationships and attempt to produce a more robust classification, we sequenced 11 new plastid genomes (plastomes) from the five variously described genera in this complex (Callitropsis, Cupressus, Hesperocyparis, Juniperus, and Xanthocyparis) and compared them with additional plastomes from diverse members of Cupressaceae. Results: Phylogenetic analysis of protein-coding genes recovered a topology in which Juniperus is sister to Cupressus, whereas a tree based on whole plastomes indicated that the Callitropsis-Hesperocyparis-Xanthocyparis (CaHX) clade is sister to Cupressus. A sliding window analysis of site-specific phylogenetic support identified a ~ 15 kb region, spanning the genes ycf1 and ycf2, which harbored an anomalous signal relative to the rest of the genome. After excluding these genes, trees based on the remainder of the genes and genome consistently recovered a topology grouping the CaHX clade and Cupressus with strong bootstrap support. In contrast, trees based on the ycf1 and ycf2 region strongly supported a sister relationship between Cupressus and Juniperus. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that standard phylogenomic analyses can result in strongly supported but conflicting trees. We suggest that the conflicting plastomic signals result from an ancient introgression event involving ycf1 and ycf2 that occurred in an ancestor of this species complex. The introgression event was facilitated by plastomic recombination in an ancestral heteroplasmic individual carrying distinct plastid haplotypes, offering further evidence that recombination occurs between plastomes. Finally, we provide strong support for previous proposals to recognize five genera in this species complex: Callitropsis, Cupressus, Hesperocyparis, Juniperus, and Xanthocyparis

    Evolutionary dynamics of the plastid inverted repeat: the effects of expansion, contraction, and loss on substitution rates

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    Rates of nucleotide substitution were previously shown to be several times slower in the plastid inverted repeat (IR) compared with single-copy (SC) regions, suggesting that the IR provides enhanced copy-correction activity. To examine the generality of this synonymous rate dependence on the IR, we compared plastomes from 69 pairs of closely related species representing 52 families of angiosperms, gymnosperms, and ferns. We explored the breadth of IR boundary shifts in land plants and demonstrate that synonymous substitution rates are, on average, 3.7 times slower in IR genes than in SC genes. In addition, genes moved from the SC into the IR exhibit lower synonymous rates consistent with other IR genes, while genes moved from the IR into the SC exhibit higher rates consistent with other SC genes. Surprisingly, however, several plastid genes from Pelargonium, Plantago, and Silene have highly accelerated synonymous rates despite their IR localization. Together, these results provide strong evidence that the duplicative nature of the IR reduces the substitution rate within this region. The anomalously fast-evolving genes in Pelargonium, Plantago, and Silene indicate localized hypermutation, potentially induced by a higher level of error-prone double-strand break repair in these regions, which generates substitutional rate variation

    Complete mitochondrial genomes from the ferns \u3ci\u3eOphioglossum californicum\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3ePsilotum nudum\u3c/i\u3e are highly repetitive with the largest organellar introns

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    Currently, complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are available from all major land plant lineages except ferns. Sequencing of fern mitogenomes could shed light on the major evolutionary transitions that established mitogenomic diversity among extant lineages. In this study, we generated complete mitogenomes from the adder’s tongue fern (Ophioglossum californicum) and the whisk fern (Psilotum nudum). The Psilotum mitogenome (628 kb) contains a rich complement of genes and introns, some of which are the largest of any green plant organellar genome. In the Ophioglossum mitogenome (372 kb), gene and intron content is slightly reduced, including the loss of all four mitochondrial ccm genes. Transcripts of nuclear Ccm genes also were not detected, suggesting loss of the entire mitochondrial cytochrome c maturation pathway from Ophioglossum. Both fern mitogenomes are highly repetitive, yet they show extremely low levels of active recombination. Transcriptomic sequencing uncovered ~1000 sites of C-to-U RNA editing in both species, plus a small number (\u3c 60) of U-to-C edit sites. Overall, the first mitochondrial genomes of ferns show a mix of features shared with lycophytes and/or seed plants and several novel genomic features, enabling a robust reconstruction of the mitogenome in the common ancestor of vascular plants

    Extensive variation in synonymous substitution rates in mitochondrial genes of seed plants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has long been known that rates of synonymous substitutions are unusually low in mitochondrial genes of flowering and other land plants. Although two dramatic exceptions to this pattern have recently been reported, it is unclear how often major increases in substitution rates occur during plant mitochondrial evolution and what the overall magnitude of substitution rate variation is across plants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A broad survey was undertaken to evaluate synonymous substitution rates in mitochondrial genes of angiosperms and gymnosperms. Although most taxa conform to the generality that plant mitochondrial sequences evolve slowly, additional cases of highly accelerated rates were found. We explore in detail one of these new cases, within the genus <it>Silene</it>. A roughly 100-fold increase in synonymous substitution rate is estimated to have taken place within the last 5 million years and involves only one of ten species of <it>Silene </it>sampled in this study. Examples of unusually slow sequence evolution were also identified. Comparison of the fastest and slowest lineages shows that synonymous substitution rates vary by four orders of magnitude across seed plants. In other words, some plant mitochondrial lineages accumulate more synonymous change in 10,000 years than do others in 100 million years. Several perplexing cases of gene-to-gene variation in sequence divergence within a plant were uncovered. Some of these probably reflect interesting biological phenomena, such as horizontal gene transfer, mitochondrial-to-nucleus transfer, and intragenomic variation in mitochondrial substitution rates, whereas others are likely the result of various kinds of errors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The extremes of synonymous substitution rates measured here constitute by far the largest known range of rate variation for any group of organisms. These results highlight the utility of examining absolute substitution rates in a phylogenetic context rather than by traditional pairwise methods. Why substitution rates are generally so low in plant mitochondrial genomes yet occasionally increase dramatically remains mysterious.</p

    Multiple origins of endosymbionts in Chlorellaceae with no reductive effects on the plastid or mitochondrial genomes

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    Ancient endosymbiotic relationships have led to extreme genomic reduction in many bacterial and eukaryotic algal endosymbionts. Endosymbionts in more recent and/or facultative relationships can also experience genomic reduction to a lesser extent, but little is known about the effects of the endosymbiotic transition on the organellar genomes of eukaryotes. To understand how the endosymbiotic lifestyle has affected the organellar genomes of photosynthetic green algae, we generated the complete plastid genome (plastome) and mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequences from three green algal endosymbionts (Chlorella heliozoae, Chlorella variabilis and Micractinium conductrix). The mitogenomes and plastomes of the three newly sequenced endosymbionts have a standard set of genes compared with free-living trebouxiophytes, providing no evidence for functional genomic reduction. Instead, their organellar genomes are generally larger and more intron rich. Intron content is highly variable among the members of Chlorella, suggesting very high rates of gain and/or loss of introns during evolution. Phylogenetic analysis of plastid and mitochondrial genes demonstrated that the three endosymbionts do not form a monophyletic group, indicating that the endosymbiotic lifestyle has evolved multiple times in Chlorellaceae. In addition, M. conductrix is deeply nested within the Chlorella clade, suggesting that taxonomic revision is needed for one or both genera
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