621 research outputs found

    Vulnerability : a view from different disciplines

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    Practitioners from different disciplines use different meanings and concepts of vulnerability, which, in turn, have led to diverse methods of measuring it. This paper presents a selective review of the literature from several disciplines to examine how they define and measure vulnerability. The disciplines include economics, sociology/anthropology, disaster management, environmental science, and health/nutrition. Differences between the disciplines can be explained by their tendency to focus on different components of risk, household responses to risk and welfare outcomes. In general, they focus either on the risks (at one extreme) or the underlying conditions (or outcomes) at the other. Trade-offs exist between simple measurement schemes and rich conceptual understanding.Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Economics&Finance,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Economic Theory&Research,Rural Poverty Reduction

    The LCO/Palomar 10,000 km/sec Cluster Survey. II. Constraints on Large-Scale Streaming

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    The LCO/Palomar 10,000 km/sec (LP10K) Tully-Fisher (TF) data set is used to test for bulk streaming motions on a ~150 Mpc scale. The sample consists of 172 cluster galaxies in the original target range of the survey, 9000-13,000 km/sec, plus an additional 72 galaxies with cz < 30,000 km/sec. A maximum-likelihood analysis that is insensitive to Malmquist and selection bias effects is used to constrain the bulk velocity parameters, and realistic Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out to correct residual biases and determine statistical errors. When the analysis is restricted to the original target range, the bias-corrected bulk flow is v_B=720 +/- 280 km/sec toward l=266, b=19. When all objects out to z=0.1 are included the result is virtually unchanged, v_B=700 +/- 250 km/sec toward l=272, b=10. The hypothesis that the Hubble flow has converged to the CMB frame at distances less than ~ 100 Mpc is ruled out at the 97% confidence level. The data are inconsistent with the flow vector found by Lauer & Postman. However, the LP10K bulk flow is consistent with that obtained from the SMAC survey of elliptical galaxies recently described by Hudson et al. If correct, the LP10K results indicate that the convergence depth for the Hubble flow is >~ 150 Mpc.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, uses emulateapj, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. Also available at http://astro.stanford.edu/jeff

    The LCO/Palomar 10,000 km/sec Cluster Survey. I. Properties of the Tully-Fisher Relation

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    The first results from a Tully-Fisher (TF) survey of cluster galaxies are presented. The galaxies are drawn from fifteen Abell clusters that lie in the redshift range 9000-12,000 km/sec and are distributed uniformly around the celestial sky. The data set consists of R-band CCD photometry and long- slit H-alpha spectroscopy. The rotation curves (RCs) are characterized by a turnover radius (r_t) and an asymptotic velocity v_a, while the surface brightness profiles are characterized in terms of an effective exponential surface brightness I_e and a scale length r_e. The TF scatter is minimized when the rotation velocity is measured at 2.0 +/- 0.2 r_e; a significantly larger scatter results when the rotation velocity is measured at > 3 or < 1.5 scale lengths. This effect demonstrates that RCs do not have a universal form, as has been suggested by Persic, Salucci, and Stel. In contrast to previous studies, a modest but statistically significant surface-brightness dependence of the TF relation is found, log v = const + 0.28*log L + 0.14*log I_e. This indicates a stronger parallel between the TF relation and the FP relations of elliptical galaxies than has previously been recognized. Future papers in this series will consider the implications of this cluster sample for deviations from Hubble flow on 100-200 Mpc scales.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures, uses aaspp4.sty. Submitted to ApJ. Also available at http://astro.stanford.edu/jeff

    The Assembly History of Field Spheroidals: Evolution of Mass-to-light Ratios and Signatures of Recent Star Formation

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    We present a comprehensive catalog of high signal-to-noise spectra obtained with the DEIMOS spectrograph on the Keck II telescope for a sample of F850LP<22.43 (AB) field spheroidal (E+S0s; 163) and bulge dominated disk (61) galaxies in the redshift range 0.2<z<1.2. We examine the zero point, tilt and scatter of the Fundamental Plane (FP) as a function of redshift and morphological properties, carefully accounting for luminosity-dependent biases via Montecarlo simulations. The evolution of the overall FP can be represented by a mean change in effective mass-to-light ratio given by <d \log (M/L_{\rm B})/dz>=-0.72^{+0.07}_{-0.05}\pm0.04. However, this evolution depends significantly on the dynamical mass, being slower for larger masses as reported in a previous letter. In addition, we separately show the intrinsic scatter of the FP increases with redshift as d(rms(M/L_{\rm B}))/dz=0.040\pm0.015. Although these trends are consistent with single burst populations which formed at zf>2z_f>2 for high mass spheroidals and z_{f}~1.2 for lower mass systems, a more realistic picture is that most of the stellar mass formed in all systems at z>2 with subsequent activity continuing to lower redshifts (z<1.2). The fraction of stellar mass formed at recent times depend strongly on galactic mass, ranging from <1% for masses above 10^{11.5} M_{\odot} to 20-40% below 10^{11} M_{\odot}. Independent support for recent activity is provided by spectroscopic ([\ion{O}{2}] emission, H\delta) and photometric (blue cores and broad-band colors) diagnostics. Via the analysis of a large sample with many independent diagnostics, we are able to reconcile previously disparate interpretations of the assembly history of field spheroidals. [Abridged]Comment: 26 pages including 24 figures, submitted to ApJ. Complete and compact version with full resolution images available at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~ttreu/ms.pd

    Assessing Landscape Constraints on Species Abundance: Does the Neighborhood Limit Species Response to Local Habitat Conservation Programs?

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    Landscapes in agricultural systems continue to undergo significant change, and the loss of biodiversity is an ever-increasing threat. Although habitat restoration is beneficial, management actions do not always result in the desired outcome. Managers must understand why management actions fail; yet, past studies have focused on assessing habitat attributes at a single spatial scale, and often fail to consider the importance of ecological mechanisms that act across spatial scales. We located survey sites across southern Nebraska, USA and conducted point counts to estimate Ring-necked Pheasant abundance, an economically important species to the region, while simultaneously quantifying landscape effects using a geographic information system. To identify suitable areas for allocating limited management resources, we assessed land cover relationships to our counts using a Bayesian binomial-Poisson hierarchical model to construct predictive Species Distribution Models of relative abundance. Our results indicated that landscape scale land cover variables severely constrained or, alternatively, facilitated the positive effects of local land management for Ring-necked Pheasants

    Additional Ultracool White Dwarfs Found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We identify seven new ultracool white dwarfs discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The SDSS photometry, spectra, and proper motions are presented, and additional BVRI data are given for these and other previously discovered ultracool white dwarfs. The observed colors span a remarkably wide range, qualitatively similar to colors predicted by models for very cool white dwarfs. One of the new stars (SDSS J1251+44) exhibits strong collision-induced absorption (CIA) in its spectra, while the spectra and colors of the other six are consistent with mild CIA. Another of the new discoveries (SDSS J2239+00A) is part of a binary system -- its companion is also a cool white dwarf, and other data indicate that the companion exhibits an infrared flux deficiency, making this the first binary system composed of two CIA white dwarfs. A third discovery (SDSS J0310-00) has weak Balmer emission lines. The proper motions of all seven stars are consistent with membership in the disk or thick disk.Comment: Accepted for Astrophysical Journal. 16 pages (includes 3 figures

    The Membrane-Associated Proteins FCHo and SGIP Are Allosteric Activators of the AP2 Clathrin Adaptor Complex

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    The AP2 clathrin adaptor complex links protein cargo to the endocytic machinery but it is unclear how AP2 is activated on the plasma membrane. Here we demonstrate that the membrane-associated proteins FCHo and SGIP1 convert AP2 into an open, active conformation. We screened for C. elegans mutants that phenocopy the loss of AP2 subunits and found that AP2 remains inactive in fcho-1 mutants. A subsequent screen for bypass suppressors of fcho-1 nulls identified 71 compensatory mutations in all four AP2 subunits. Using a protease-sensitivity assay we show that these mutations restore the open conformation in vivo. The domain of FCHo that induces this rearrangement is not the F-BAR domain or the mu-homology domain, but rather is an uncharacterized 90 amino acid motif, found in both FCHo and SGIP proteins, that directly binds AP2. Thus, these proteins stabilize nascent endocytic pits by exposing membrane and cargo binding sites on AP2

    QM/MM Lineshape Simulation of the Hydrogen-bonded Uracil NH Stretching Vibration of the Adenine:Uracil Base Pair in CDCl3_3

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    A hybrid Car-Parrinello QM/MM molecular dynamics simulation has been carried out for the Watson-Crick base pair of 9-ethyl-8-phenyladenine and 1-cyclohexyluracil in deuterochloroform solution at room temperature. The resulting trajectory is analyzed putting emphasis on the N-H......N Hydrogen bond geometry. Using an empirical correlation between the \NN-distance and the fundamental NH-stretching frequency, the time-dependence of this energy gap along the trajectory is obtained. From the gap-correlation function we determine the infrared absorption spectrum using lineshape theory in combination with a multimode oscillator model. The obtained average transition frequency and the width of the spectrum is in reasonable agreement with recent experimental data.Comment: revised version with small changes submitted to Chem. Phys. Let

    Translating statistical species-habitat models to interactive decision support tools

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    Understanding species-habitat relationships is vital to successful conservation, but the tools used to communicate species-habitat relationships are often poorly suited to the information needs of conservation practitioners. Here we present a novel method for translating a statistical species-habitat model, a regression analysis relating ring-necked pheasant abundance to landcover, into an interactive online tool. The Pheasant Habitat Simulator combines the analytical power of the R programming environment with the user-friendly Shiny web interface to create an online platform in which wildlife professionals can explore the effects of variation in local landcover on relative pheasant habitat suitability within spatial scales relevant to individual wildlife managers. Our tool allows users to virtually manipulate the landcover composition of a simulated space to explore how changes in landcover may affect pheasant relative habitat suitability, and guides users through the economic tradeoffs of landscape changes. We offer suggestions for development of similar interactive applications and demonstrate their potential as innovative science delivery tools for diverse professional and public audience