1,447 research outputs found

    Calcium-Permeable AMPA Receptors in the Retina

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    The retina transforms light entering the eye into a sophisticated neural representation of our visual world. Specialized synapses, cells, and circuits in the retina have evolved to encode luminance, contrast, motion, and other complex visual features. Although a great deal has been learned about the cellular morphology and circuitry that underlies this image processing, many of the synapses in the retina remain incompletely understood. For example, excitatory synapses in the retina feature the full panoply of glutamate receptors, but in most cases specific roles for different receptor subtypes are unclear. In this brief review, I will discuss recent progress toward understanding how Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-GluARs) contribute to synaptic transmission and newly discovered forms of synaptic plasticity in the retina

    Annuities and Individual Welfare

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    This paper advances the theory of annuity demand. First, we derive sufficient conditions under which complete annuitization is optimal, showing that this well-known result holds true in a more general setting than in Yaari (1965). Specifically, when markets are complete, sufficient conditions need not impose exponential discounting, intertemporal separability or the expected utility axioms; nor need annuities be actuarially fair, nor longevity risk be the only source of consumption uncertainty. All that is required is that consumers have no bequest motive and that annuities pay a rate of return for survivors greater than those of otherwise matching conventional assets, net of administrative costs. Second, we show that full annuitization may not be optimal when markets are incomplete. Some annuitization is optimal as long as conventional asset markets are complete. The incompleteness of markets can lead to zero annuitization but the conditions on both annuity and bond markets are stringent. Third, we extend the simulation literature that calculates the utility gains from annuitization by considering consumers whose utility depends both on present consumption and a which they have become accustomed. The value of annuitization hinges critically on the size of the initial standard-of-living relative to wealth.

    Amacrine cells: Seeing the forest and the trees

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    Father Presence: Enhancing Counseling by Advocating for and Including Dads

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    Research reveals that paternal involvement in counseling is vital for children (Panter-Brick, Burgess, Eggerman, McAllister, Pruett, & Leckerman, 2014). In this presentation, attendees will learn the importance of involving fathers and how to do it effectively, based on best practices. Participants will engage in activities and discussion applying presentation content

    Imperfect Space Clamp Permits Electrotonic Interactions between Inhibitory and Excitatory Synaptic Conductances, Distorting Voltage Clamp Recordings

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    The voltage clamp technique is frequently used to examine the strength and composition of synaptic input to neurons. Even accounting for imperfect voltage control of the entire cell membrane (“space clamp”), it is often assumed that currents measured at the soma are a proportional indicator of the postsynaptic conductance. Here, using NEURON simulation software to model somatic recordings from morphologically realistic neurons, we show that excitatory conductances recorded in voltage clamp mode are distorted significantly by neighboring inhibitory conductances, even when the postsynaptic membrane potential starts at the reversal potential of the inhibitory conductance. Analogous effects are observed when inhibitory postsynaptic currents are recorded at the reversal potential of the excitatory conductance. Escape potentials in poorly clamped dendrites reduce the amplitude of excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic currents recorded at the reversal potential of the other conductance. In addition, unclamped postsynaptic inhibitory conductances linearize the recorded current-voltage relationship of excitatory inputs comprising AMPAR and NMDAR-mediated components, leading to significant underestimation of the relative contribution by NMDARs, which are particularly sensitive to small perturbations in membrane potential. Voltage clamp accuracy varies substantially between neurons and dendritic arbors of different morphology; as expected, more reliable recordings are obtained from dendrites near the soma, but up to 80% of the synaptic signal on thin, distant dendrites may be lost when postsynaptic interactions are present. These limitations of the voltage clamp technique may explain how postsynaptic effects on synaptic transmission could, in some cases, be attributed incorrectly to presynaptic mechanisms

    The effects of a group visit program on outcomes of diabetes care in an urban family practice.

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    Diabetes mellitus is a prevalent chronic health condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Those with diabetes must acquire self-efficacy in the tasks necessary for them to successfully manage their disease. In this study, a controlled pre- and post-design was used to determine the effect of an adult support and education group visit program embedded in an urban academic family medicine practice on weight and the achievement of treatment goals for hemoglobin A1C, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) blood concentration, and blood pressure (BP) several months after it was implemented. Participants in the program were matched to a comparison group based on age, gender, race/ethnicity, and zip code group, a surrogate marker for socioeconomic status. The distribution of demographic characteristics and co-morbidities was similar between the groups. Significant increases occurred in the proportion of participants achieving both an A1C concentratio

    Estudio técnico económico para la instalación de una planta procesadora de cerveza artesanal de papa en la región del Cusco, 2019

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    Es una investigación que se plantea responder todas las incógnitas que existen al momento de implementar una planta de producción de cerveza artesanal. Entre las principales respuestas tenemos que la cerveza artesanal que se va producir va ser la cerveza tipo pale ale, la cual estará compuesta por agua, malta de cebada, levadura, lúpulo, genetrina, papa y azúcar, además de otros insumos secundarios los cuales son botellas de vidrio de 330ml., etiquetas de 20x12 cm. Y chapas tipo corona. El producto estará orientado a las personas mayores de 18 años las cuales son un total de 80,9150 personas en el departamento del Cusco pero debido a que el producto tendrá un costo mayor a la cerveza industrial solo se seleccionó a la población que se encuentra en los niveles socioeconómicos AB y C por lo que nuestro mercado meta serian 65,305, aunque al momento de realizar la encuesta solo se obtuvo un porcentaje de aceptación de 89.97% lo cual nos indica que nuestro mercado meta serian 58,755 personas. Por lo que se proyecta que la demanda inicial que tendrá el proyecto será de 1,011,824.75 unidades con una tasa de crecimiento de 1%, lo que nos daría 337,241.18 litros para el primer año, pero es irreal abarcar el 100% de la demanda por lo que se propone que se abarque solo 8% de esta demanda lo que serían 26,979.2944 litros lo que serían 81,755 botellas necesarias en el primer año de producción que al ser vendida a 10 soles nos daría una ganancia de 817,550 nuevos soles. Para conseguir el precio de venta se analizó el precio de los competidores actuales que producen cerveza pale ale el cual va de 8.60 a 15 soles en las empresas nacionales mientras que en las empresas regionales va de 6.90 a 30 soles, además se vio el precio unitario que tiene al producir una cerveza pale ale el cual nos dio 4.53 soles sin considerar la mano de obra maquinarias, instrumentos y otros costos que se necesitan en la producción, considerando todos los costos se hizo posibles proyecciones con los precios de 8,9 y 10 soles dándonos como resultados que para que el proyecto sea rentable es necesario cobrar 10 soles por nuestro producto. Para seleccionar la micro localización se utilizó el método de ranking de factores el cual sirvió para analizar los factores que se consideran más resaltantes al momento de seleccionar la micro localización dando como resultado el distrito Cachimayo de la provincia de Anta en el lote 6, comité mara huayco margen izquierda. El proceso de producción consiste en seleccionar e inspeccionar la materia prima, filtrar el agua, pesar la malta de cebada, moler la malta de cebada, macerar la malta de cebada, pesar la papa, pelar y cocer la papa, enfriar y estrujar la papa, macerar la papa, enfriar la papa, mezclar el mosto y el almidón de papa, filtrar los residuos de la mezcla, cocer y adicionar el lúpulo, enfriar y airear la mezcla, fermentar, filtrar los residuos producidos durante la fermentación, clarificar el producto, envasar, carbonatar y etiquetar el producto para después almacenarlo donde se le dará una inspección final al producto antes de venderlo En base a la ficha técnica de las maquinas e instrumentos necesarios para la producción se desarrolló los cálculos necesarios para saber el espacio necesario y la cantidad de energía eléctrica que necesitan estas máquinas. Para empezar con el proceso de producción se solicitó a una empresa local de metal mecánica que nos fabrique 4 tanques de acero inoxidable de 330 litros esto debido a que es un producto que cuenta con características especiales, además es más sencillo contratar a una empresa que lo fabrique que importar o buscar un tanque que cumpla con los requerimientos necesarios para producir cerveza. Tomando en cuenta todos los costos para satisfacer la demanda el primer año se necesita una inversión de 899,544.85 soles, por lo que para en marcha el proyecto se tiene que recurrir a financiamiento externo el cual seria 64.42% (762,999.83) ya que el aportado por los interesados en el proyecto es de 35.58% (320,000 nuevos soles) además de proporcionar el terreno (80,000 nuevos soles) que será tomado en cuenta como aporte propio. Según la evaluación económica y financiera el proyecto es rentable.It is a research that aims to answer all the questions that exist at the time of implementing a craft beer production plant. Among the main answers we have that the craft beer that will be produced will be pale ale beer, which will be composed of water, barley malt, yeast, hops, genetrin, potato and sugar, plus the other secondary inputs will be 330ml bottles, labels of 20x12 cm. And crown type plates. The product will be aimed at people over 18 years of age, which is a total of 809150 people in the department of Cusco, but because the product will have a higher cost than industrial beer, only the population in the AB and C socioeconomic levels was selected, so our target market would be 65305, although at the time of the survey we only obtained a percentage of acceptance of 89.97%, which indicates that our target market would be 58755 people. Therefore, it is projected that the initial demand for the project will be 1,011,824.75 units with a growth rate of 1%, which would give us 337,241.18 liters for the first year, but it is unrealistic to cover 100% of the demand, so it is proposed to cover only 8% of this demand, which would be 26979.2944 liters, which would be 81755 bottles needed in the first year of production, which when sold at 10 soles would give us a profit of 817550. To obtain the selling price, the price of current competitors that produce pale ale beer was analyzed, which ranges from 8.60 to 15 soles in national companies while in regional companies it ranges from 6.90 to 30 soles, in addition, the unit price of producing a pale ale beer was analyzed, which gave us 4. Considering all the costs, we made possible projections with prices of 8, 9 and 10 soles, giving us the result that for the project to be profitable it is necessary to charge 10 soles for our product. To select the micro location, we used the ranking of factors method which served to analyze the factors that are considered most important at the time of selecting the micro location resulting in the cachimayo district of the province of anta in lot 6, mara huayco committee left margin. The production process consists of selecting and inspecting the raw material, filtering the water, weighing the barley malt, grinding the barley malt, mashing the barley malt, weighing the potato, peeling and cooking the potato, cooling and crushing the potato, mashing the potato, cooling the potato, mixing the wort and potato starch, filtering the residues from the mixture, boiling and adding hops, cooling and aerating the mixture, fermenting, filtering the residues produced during fermentation, clarifying the product, packaging, carbonating and labeling the product and then storing it for final inspection before selling it. Based on the technical data sheet of the machines and instruments needed for production, the necessary calculations were made to determine the space needed and the amount of electrical energy required by these machines. To start with the production process, a local metal mechanic company was asked to manufacture 4 stainless steel tanks of 330 liters because it is a product that has special characteristics, and it is easier to hire a company to manufacture it than to import or look for a tank that meets the necessary requirements to produce beer. Taking into account all the costs to satisfy the demand in the first year, an investment of 899,544.85 soles is needed, so in order to start the project, it is necessary to resort to external financing, which would be 64.42% (762,999.83), since the amount contributed by those interested in the project is 35.58 (320,000) in addition to providing the land (80,000 new soles) that will be taken into account as their own contribution. According to the economic and financial evaluation, the project will be profitable after the fourth year of operation of the production plant.Sistemas de producción e industrializació

    Precision control of flow rate in microfluidic channels using photoresponsive soft polymer actuators

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    A novel approach that allows control of flow in microfluidic channels with unsurpassed performance using light is described. Valve structures have been created using photoresponsive hydrogels based on spiropyran-functionalised pNIPAAm hydrogels photopolymerised around pillar structures within the channels. Valve actuation is controlled from outside the fluidic system using externally located LEDs. Highly precise and accurate flow rates can be selected by passing real-time flow rate measurements into a PID algorithm. The optimised algorithm also minimises overshoot of the selected flow rate, eliminates flow rate drift, and improves the system response time. In addition to the dramatic improvements in flow rate control, the set up enables the polymer actuation behaviour to be rapidly characterised. The power supply to the LED also provides a useful system diagnostic for monitoring the performance of the valve over time. For example, degradation in the valve actuation due to photodegradation will manifest as an increasing power requirement over time, enabling predictive failure thresholds to be established for particular actuator designs and polymer compositions

    Migraine Frequency and Health Utilities: Findings from a Multisite Survey

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    AbstractObjectivesAssess the relationship between migraine frequency and health utility.MethodsPatients aged ≥18 years diagnosed with episodic migraine were enrolled at three US sites representing varied models of health-care delivery. All subjects completed a questionnaire that included demographic and clinical information, a migraine-specific disability questionnaire, and the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3). The HUI3 is a generic health status and health-related quality-of-life measure. HUI3 health status data are translated into utility scores anchored by 0 (dead) and 1 (perfect health).ResultsThe study enrolled 150 patients. The mean age was 44 years and 87% were female. Mean (±SD) monthly migraine frequency was 4.4 ± 3.6, with 34% reporting ≤2 migraines per month and 20% reporting >6 migraines per month. The mean (±SD) HUI3 score was 0.62 ± 0.26. After controlling for study center, demographics, comorbidities, migraine characteristics, and level of migraine disruptiveness, migraine frequency was found to be significantly (P < 0.05) and negatively associated with HUI3 scores. Subjects with >6 migraines per month had an adjusted mean HUI3 score of 0.41; the corresponding mean for those reporting ≤2 migraines per month was 0.67. Migraine frequency was positively associated with higher levels of disability for the emotion, cognition, and pain components of the HUI3.ConclusionsAmong this group of care-seeking patients, migraineurs' health utilities were inversely related to headache frequency. Although these data may not be generalizable to the entire migraine population, they may be useful in assessing the comparative cost-effectiveness of preventive migraine therapies