262 research outputs found

    The Structural Logic of the Brain’s Representation of Space: How Studies in Rodents can Inform Architectural Design for Humans

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    Architects design buildings for humans to use, and as such, it is relevant to consider how it is that we internally represent space, because this highlights factors that should be prioritised in design. Recent discoveries in neuroscience, made by studying the neural activity patterns in rodents, have uncovered a spatial mapping system that is recruited when physically moving around in a space. This system evidently exists in humans too. The core of the system is formed by sets of neurons that seem to be sensitive to, or “encode”, fundamental aspects of space including the location of the agent within it and its facing direction, how far it is away from the borders and the identity and overall structural symmetry of the space itself. Study of how these neurons adjust their activity when these aspects of the space, or of the subject within it, are changed has yielded insights about how space is mapped. One of the oddest findings has been that – all other things being equal – the fundamental metric structure of this “cognitive map” is hexagonal. In this paper I outline the basics of the cognitive mapping system, describe the properties that have emerged from studying it in rats and mice, and then consider how these might influence architectural design for humans

    Interview with Jeffery Williams

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    The interview discusses the purpose of the Alternative Center and which students typically attend with Jeffery Williams, Magistratehttps://digital.kenyon.edu/ae_interviews/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Symmetries and asymmetries in the neural encoding of 3D space

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    The neural coding of space centres on three foundational cell types: place cells, head direction cells and grid cells. One notable characteristic of these neurons is the symmetry properties of their spatial firing patterns. In symmetric environments, firing patterns are often also symmetric: for example, place cells show translational symmetry in aligned sub-compartments of a multi-compartment environment. A single head direction cell has a mirror-symmetric firing pattern, while a sub-class of head direction cells can show multi-fold rotational symmetries in multi-compartment environments, matching the symmetry of the recently experienced environment. The entorhinal grid cells are notable for the symmetry of their firing patterns in both rotational and translational domains. However, these symmetries are broken in a variety of situations. These symmetry-making and -breaking observations shed light on the underlying computations that generate these firing patterns, and also invite speculation as to whether they may have a functional role. This article outlines these findings and speculates on the consequences of the resultant firing symmetries and asymmetries for spatial coding and cognition. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘New approaches to 3D vision’

    How environmental movement constraints shape the neural code for space

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    Study of the neural code for space in rodents has many insights to offer for how mammals, including humans, construct a mental representation of space. This code is centered on the hippocampal place cells, which are active in particular places in the environment. Place cells are informed by numerous other spatial cell types including grid cells, which provide a signal for distance and direction and are thought to help anchor the place cell signal. These neurons combine self-motion and environmental information to create and update their map-like representation. Study of their activity patterns in complex environments of varying structure has revealed that this "cognitive map" of space is not a fixed and rigid entity that permeates space, but rather is variably affected by the movement constraints of the environment. These findings are pointing toward a more flexible spatial code in which the map is adapted to the movement possibilities of the space. An as-yet-unanswered question is whether these different forms of representation have functional consequences, as suggested by an enactivist view of spatial cognition

    The mosaic structure of the mammalian cognitive map

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    The cognitive map, proposed by Tolman in the 1940s, is a hypothetical internal representation of space constructed by the brain to enable an animal to undertake flexible spatial behaviors such as navigation. The subsequent discovery of place cells in the hippocampus of rats suggested that such a map-like representation does exist, and also provided a tool with which to explore its properties. Single-neuron studies in rodents conducted in small singular spaces have suggested that the map is founded on a metric framework, preserving distances and directions in an abstract representational format. An open question is whether this metric structure pertains over extended, often complexly structured real-world space. The data reviewed here suggest that this is not the case. The emerging picture is that instead of being a single, unified construct, the map is a mosaic of fragments that are heterogeneous, variably metric, multiply scaled, and sometimes laid on top of each other. Important organizing factors within and between fragments include boundaries, context, compass direction, and gravity. The map functions not to provide a comprehensive and precise rendering of the environment but rather to support adaptive behavior, tailored to the species and situation

    Using life cycle assessments to guide reduction in the carbon footprint of single-use lab consumables

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    Scientific research pushes forward the boundaries of human knowledge, but often at a sizable environmental cost. The reliance of researchers on single-use plastics and disposable consumables has come under increased scrutiny as decarbonisation and environmental sustainability have become a growing priority. However, there has been very little exploration of the contribution of laboratory consumables to ‘greenhouse gas’ (GHG) carbon emissions. Carbon footprint exercises, if capturing consumables at all, typically rely on analyses of inventory spend which broadly aggregate plastic and chemical products, providing inaccurate data and thus limited insight as to how changes to procurement can reduce emissions. This paper documents the first effort to quantify the carbon footprint of common, single-use lab consumables through emission factors derived from life cycle assessments (LCAs). A literature review of LCAs was conducted to develop emission factors for lab consumables, considering the emission hotspots along each product’s life cycle to identify where emission reduction policies can be most effective. Results can be used as inputs for lab practitioners seeking to understand and mitigate their carbon footprint

    Distorting the metric fabric of the cognitive map

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    Grid cells are neurons whose regularly spaced firing fields form apparently symmetric arrays, or grids, that are thought to collectively provide an environment-independent metric framework for the brain's cognitive map of space. However, two recent studies show that grids are naturally distorted, revealing greater local environment-specific effects than previously recognized

    Grid cells on steeply sloping terrain: evidence for planar rather than volumetric encoding

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    Neural encoding of navigable space involves a network of structures centred on the hippocampus, whose neurons –place cells – encode current location. Input to the place cells includes afferents from the entorhinal cortex, which contains grid cells. These are neurons expressing spatially localised activity patches, or firing fields, that are evenly spaced across the floor in a hexagonal close-packed array called a grid. It is thought that grid cell grids function to enable the calculation of distances. The question arises as to whether this odometry process operates in three dimensions, and so we queried whether grids permeate three-dimensional space – that is, form a lattice – or whether they simply follow the environment surface. If grids form a three-dimensional lattice then a tilted floor should transect several layers of this lattice, resulting in interruption of the hexagonal pattern. We model this prediction with simulated grid lattices and show that on a 40-degree slope the firing of a grid cell should cover proportionally less of the surface, with smaller field size and fewer fields and reduced hexagonal symmetry. However, recording of grid cells as animals foraged on a 40-degree-tilted surface found that firing of grid cells was almost indistinguishable, in pattern or rate, from that on the horizontal surface, with if anything increased coverage and field number, and preserved field size. It thus appears unlikely that the sloping surface transected a lattice. However, grid cells on the slope displayed slightly degraded firing patterns, with reduced coherence and slightly reduced symmetry. These findings collectively suggest that the grid cell component of the metric representation of space is not fixed in absolute three-dimensional space but is influenced both by the surface the animal is on and by the relationship of this surface to the horizontal, supporting the hypothesis that the neural map of space is multi-planar rather than fully volumetric

    Altered neural odometry in the vertical dimension

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    Entorhinal grid cells integrate sensory and self-motion inputs to provide a spatial metric of a characteristic scale. One function of this metric may be to help localize the firing fields of hippocampal place cells during formation and use of the hippocampal spatial representation (“cognitive map”). Of theoretical importance is the question of how this metric, and the resulting map, is configured in 3D space. We find here that when the body plane is vertical as rats climb a wall, grid cells produce stable, almost-circular grid-cell firing fields. This contrasts with previous findings when the body was aligned horizontally during vertical exploration, suggesting a role for the body plane in orienting the plane of the grid cell map. However, in the present experiment, the fields on the wall were fewer and larger, suggesting an altered or absent odometric (distance-measuring) process. Several physiological indices of running speed in the entorhinal cortex showed reduced gain, which may explain the enlarged grid pattern. Hippocampal place fields were found to be sparser but unchanged in size/shape. Together, these observations suggest that the orientation and scale of the grid cell map, at least on a surface, are determined by an interaction between egocentric information (the body plane) and allocentric information (the gravity axis). This may be mediated by the different sensory or locomotor information available on a vertical surface and means that the resulting map has different properties on a vertical plane than a horizontal plane (i.e., is anisotropic)
