219 research outputs found

    Characterizing Bars at z~0 in the optical and NIR: Implications for the Evolution of Barred Disks with Redshift

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    Critical insights on galaxy evolution stem from the study of bars. With the advent of HST surveys that trace bars in the rest-frame optical out to z~1, it is critical to provide a reference baseline for bars at z~0 in the optical band. We present results on bars at z~0 in the optical and NIR bands based on 180 spirals from OSUBSGS. (1) The deprojected bar fraction at z~0 is ~60% +/-6% in the NIR H-band and ~44% +/-6% in the optical B-band. (2) The results before and after deprojection are similar, which is encouraging for high-redshift studies that forego deprojection. (3) Studies of bars at z~0.2-1.0 (lookback time of 3-8 Gyr) have reported an optical bar fraction of ~30% +/-6%, after applying cutoffs in absolute magnitude (M_V = 1.5 kpc), and bar ellipticity (e_bar >= 0.4). Applying these exact cutoffs to the OSUBSGS data yields a comparable optical B-band bar fraction at z~0 of ~ 34%+/-6%. This rules out scenarios where the optical bar fraction in bright disks declines strongly with redshift. (4) Most (~70%) bars have moderate to high strentgh or ellipticity (0.50 <= e_bar <= 0.75). There is no bimodality in the distribution of e_bar. The H-band bar fraction and e_bar show no substantial variation across RC3 Hubble types Sa to Scd. (5) RC3 bar types should be used with caution. Many galaxies with RC3 types "AB" turn out to be unbarred and RC3 bar classes "B" and "AB" have a significant overlap in e_bar. (6) Most bars have sizes below 5 kpc. Bar and disk sizes correlate, and most bars have a_bar/R_25~0.1-0.5. This suggests that the growths of bars and disks are intimately tied.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, ApJ accepted, abridged abstract below. Minor changes and shortened paper for ApJ limits. For high resolution figures see http://www.as.utexas.edu/~marinova/paper1-highres.pd

    The rotation curves of dwarf galaxies: a problem for Cold Dark Matter?

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    We address the issue of accuracy in recovering density profiles from observations of rotation curves of galaxies. We ``observe'' and analyze our models in much the same way as observers do the real galaxies. We find that the tilted ring model analysis produces an underestimate of the central rotational velocity. In some cases the galaxy halo density profile seems to have a flat core, while in reality it does not. We identify three effects, which explain the systematic biases: (1) inclination (2), small bulge, and (3) bar. The presence of even a small non-rotating bulge component reduces the rotation velocity. In the case of a disk with a bar, the underestimate of the circular velocity is larger due to a combination of non-circular motions and random velocities. Signatures of bars can be difficult to detect in the surface brightness profiles of the model galaxies. The variation of inclination angle and isophote position angle with radius are more reliable indicators of bar presence than the surface brightness profiles. The systematic biases in the central ~ 1 kpc of galaxies are not large. Each effect separately gives typically a few kms error, but the effects add up. In some cases the error in circular velocity was a factor of two, but typically we get about 20 percent. The result is the false inference that the density profile of the halo flattens in the central parts. Our observations of real galaxies show that for a large fraction of galaxies the velocity of gas rotation (as measured by emission lines) is very close to the rotation of stellar component (as measured by absorption lines). This implies that the systematic effects discussed in this paper are also applicable both for the stars and emission-line gas.Comment: ApJ, in press, 30 pages, Latex, 21 .eps figure

    Morphological Dependence of MIR Properties of SDSS Galaxies in the Spitzer SWIRE Survey

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    We explore the correlation between morphological types and mid-infrared (MIR) properties of an optically flux-limited sample of 154 galaxies from the Forth Data Release (DR4) of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), cross-correlated with Spitzer SWIRE (Spitzer Wide-Area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey) fields of ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2 and Lockman Hole. Aperture photometry is performed on the SDSS and Spitzer images to obtain optical and MIR properties. The morphological classifications are given based on both visual inspection and bulge-disk decomposition on SDSS g- and r-band images. The average bulge-to-total ratio (B/T) is a smooth function over different morphological types. Both the 8um(dust) and 24um(dust) luminosities and their relative luminosity ratios to 3.6um (MIR dust-to-star ratios) present obvious correlations with both the Hubble T-type and B/T. The early-type galaxies notably differ from the late-types in the MIR properties, especially in the MIR dust-to-star ratios. It is suggested that the MIR dust-to-star ratio is an effective way to separate the early-type galaxies from the late-type ones. Based on the tight correlation between the stellar mass and the 3.6um luminosity, we have derived a formula to calculate the stellar mass from the latter. We have also investigated the MIR properties of both edge-on galaxies and barred galaxies in our sample. Since they present similar MIR properties to the other sample galaxies, they do not influence the MIR properties obtained for the entire sample.Comment: Accepted for publication by AJ. 18 pages, 14 figures, and 4 table

    Alignments of the Dominant Galaxies in Poor Clusters

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    We have examined the orientations of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in poor MKW and AWM clusters and find that, like their counterparts in richer Abell clusters, poor cluster BCGs exhibit a strong propensity to be aligned with the principal axes of their host clusters as well as the surrounding distribution of nearby (< 20/h Mpc) Abell clusters. The processes responsible for dominant galaxy alignments are therefore independent of cluster richness. We argue that these alignments most likely arise from anisotropic infall of material into clusters along large-scale filaments.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A Near-Solar Metallicity, Nitrogen-Deficient Lyman Limit Absorber Associated with two S0 Galaxies

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    From UV spectra of the bright quasar PHL 1811 recorded by FUSE and the E140M configuration on STIS, we have determined the abundances of various atomic species in a Lyman limit system at z = 0.0809 with log N(H I) = 17.98. Considerably more hydrogen may be in ionized form, since the abundances of C II, Si II, S II and Fe II are very large compared to that of O I, when compared to their respective solar abundance ratios. Our determination [O/H] = -0.19 in the H I-bearing gas indicates that the chemical enrichment of the gas is unusually high for an extragalactic QSO absorption system. However, this same material has an unusually low abundance of nitrogen, [N/O] < -0.59, indicating that there may not have been enough time during this enrichment for secondary nitrogen to arise from low and intermediate mass stars. In an earlier investigation we found two galaxies at nearly the same redshift as this absorption system and displaced by 34 and 87 kpc from the line of sight. An r-band image recorded by the ACS on HST indicates these are S0 galaxies. One or both of these galaxies may be the source of the gas, which might have been expelled in a fast wind, by tidal stripping, or by ram-pressure stripping. Subtraction of the ACS point-spread function from the image of the QSO reveals the presence of a face-on spiral galaxy under the glare of the quasar; although it is possible that this galaxy may be responsible for the Lyman limit absorption, the exact alignment of the QSO with the center of the galaxy suggests that the spiral is the quasar host.Comment: 74 pages, 14 figures; to be published in the Astrophysical Journal (Part 1) May 1, 2005 issue. A version of the paper with figures of better quality may be found at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~ebj/PHL1811_paper.ps (postscript) or http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~ebj/PHL1811_paper.pdf (pdf

    Evidence for a 3 x 10^8 solar mass black hole in NGC 7052 from HST observations of the nuclear gas disk

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    We present an HST study of the nuclear region of the E4 radio galaxy NGC 7052, which has a nuclear disk of dust and gas. The WFPC2 was used to obtain B, V and I broad-band images and an H_alpha+[NII] narrow-band image. The FOS was used to obtain H_alpha+[NII] spectra along the major axis, using a 0.26 arcsec diameter circular aperture. The observed rotation velocity of the ionized gas is V = 155 +/- 17 km/s at r = 0.2 arcsec from the nucleus. The Gaussian dispersion of the emission lines increases from sigma = 70 km/s at r=1 arcsec, to sigma = 400 km/s on the nucleus. To interpret the gas kinematics we construct axisymmetric models in which the gas and dust reside in a disk in the equatorial plane of the stellar body. It is assumed that the gas moves on circular orbits, with an intrinsic velocity dispersion due to turbulence. The circular velocity is calculated from the combined gravitational potential of the stars and a possible nuclear black hole (BH). Models without a BH predict a rotation curve that is shallower than observed (V_pred = 92 km/s at r = 0.2 arcsec), and are ruled out at > 99% confidence. Models with a BH of 3.3^{+2.3}_{-1.3} x 10^8 solar masses provide an acceptable fit. NGC 7052 can be added to the list of active galaxies for which HST spectra of a nuclear gas disk provide evidence for the presence of a central BH. The BH masses inferred for M87, M84, NGC 6251, NGC 4261 and NGC 7052 span a range of a factor 10, with NGC 7052 falling on the low end. By contrast, the luminosities of these galaxies are identical to within 25%. Any relation between BH mass and luminosity, as suggested by independent arguments, must therefore have a scatter of at least a factor 10.Comment: 39 pages, LaTeX, with 16 PostScript figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journal. Postscript version with higher resolution figures available from http://sol.stsci.edu/~marel/abstracts/abs_R22.htm

    A Merger Scenario for the Dynamics of Abell 665

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    We present new redshift measurements for 55 galaxies in the vicinity of the rich galaxy cluster Abell 665. When combined with results from the literature, we have good velocity measurements for a sample of 77 confirmed cluster members from which we derive the cluster's redshift z=0.1829 +/- 0.0005 and line-of-sight velocity dispersion of 1390 +/- 120 km/s. Our analysis of the kinematical and spatial data for the subset of galaxies located within the central 750 kpc reveals only subtle evidence for substructure and non-Gaussianity in the velocity distribution. We find that the brightest cluster member is not moving significantly relative to the other galaxies near the center of the cluster. On the other hand, our deep ROSAT high resolution image of A665 shows strong evidence for isophotal twisting and centroid variation, thereby confirming previous suggestions of significant substructure in the hot X-ray--emitting intracluster gas. In light of this evident substructure, we have compared the optical velocity data with N-body simulations of head-on cluster mergers. We find that a merger of two similar mass subclusters (mass ratios of 1:1 or 1:2) seen close to the time of core-crossing produces velocity distributions that are consistent with that observed.Comment: 30 pages and 7 figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal Full resoultion figures 1 and 3 available in postscript at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~percy/A665paper.htm

    Old and young bulges in late-type disk galaxies

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    ABRIDGED: We use HSTACS and NICMOS imaging to study the structure and colors of a sample of nine late-type spirals. We find: (1) A correlation between bulge and disks scale-lengths, and a correlation between the colors of the bulges and those of the inner disks. Our data show a trend for bulges to be more metal-enriched than their surrounding disks, but otherwise no simple age-metallicity connection between these systems; (2) A large range in bulge stellar population properties, and, in particular, in stellar ages. Specifically, in about a half of the late-type bulges in our sample the bulk of the stellar mass was produced recently. Thus, in a substantial fraction of the z=0 disk-dominated bulged galaxies, bulge formation occurs after the formation/accretion of the disk; (3) In about a half of the late-type bulges in our sample, however, the bulk of the stellar mass was produced at early epochs; (4) Even these "old" late-type bulges host a significant fraction of stellar mass in a young(er) c component; (5) A correlation for bulges between stellar age and stellar mass, in the sense that more massive late-type bulges are older than less massive late-type bulges. Since the overall galaxy luminosity (mass) also correlates with the bulge luminosity (mass), it appears that the galaxy mass regulates not only what fraction of itself ends up in the bulge component, but also "when" bulge formation takes place. We show that dynamical friction of massive clumps in gas-rich disks is a plausible disk-driven mode for the formation of "old" late-type bulges. If disk evolutionary processes are responsible for the formation of the entire family of late-type bulges, CDM simulations need to produce a similar number of initially bulgeless disks in addition to the disk galaxies that are observed to be bulgeless at z=0.Comment: ApJ in press; paper with high resolution figures available at http://www.exp-astro.phys.ethz.ch/carollo/carollo1_2006.pdf; B, I, and H surface brightness profiles published in electronic tabular for

    WFPC2 Images of the Central Regions of Early-Type Galaxies - I. The Data

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    We present high resolution R-band images of the central regions of 67 early-type galaxies obtained with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Our sample strikingly confirms the complex morphologies of the central regions of early-type galaxies. In particular, we detect dust in 43 percent of all galaxies, and evidence for embedded stellar disks in a remarkably large fraction of 51 percent. In 14 of those galaxies the disk-like structures are misaligned with the main galaxy, suggesting that they correspond to stellar bars in S0 galaxies. We analyze the luminosity profiles of the galaxies in our sample, and classify galaxies according to their central cusp slope. To a large extent we confirm the clear dichotomy found in previous HST surveys: bright, boxy ellipticals with shallow inner cusps (`core' galaxies) on one hand and faint, disky ellipticals with steep central cusps (`power-law' galaxies) on the other hand. The advantages and shortcomings of classification schemes utilizing the extrapolated central cusp slope are discussed, and it is shown that this cusp slope might be an inadequate representation for galaxies whose luminosity profile slope changes smoothly with radius rather than resembling a broken power-law. In fact, we find evidence for an `intermediate' class of galaxies, that cannot unambiguously be classified as either core or power-law galaxies, and which have central cusp slopes and absolute magnitudes intermediate between those of core and power-law galaxies.Comment: 44 pages, 7 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. The associated Appendix with figures of luminosity profiles, contour plots and isophotal parameters for all galaxies is available at http://www.astro.washington.edu/rest/centralpro

    CO-bandhead spectroscopy of IC 342: mass and age of the nuclear star cluster

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    We have used the NASA Infra-Red Telescope Facility (IRTF) to observe the nuclear stellar cluster in the nearby, face-on, giant Scd spiral IC 342. From high resolution (R = 21500) spectra at the 12CO (2-0) bandhead at 2.3 micron we derive a line-of-sight stellar velocity dispersion sigma = (33 +- 3) km/s. To interpret this observation we construct dynamical models based on the Jeans equation for a spherical system. The light distribution of the cluster is modeled using an isophotal analysis of an HST V-band image from the HST Data Archive, combined with new ground-based K-band imaging. Under the assumption of an isotropic velocity distribution, the observed kinematics imply a K-band mass-to-light ratio M/L_K = 0.05, and a cluster mass M ~ 6 times 10^6 Msun. We model the mass-to-light ratio with the `starburst99' stellar population synthesis models of Leitherer and collaborators, and infer a best-fitting cluster age in the range 63-630 Myears. Although this result depends somewhat on a number of uncertainties in the modeling (e.g., the assumed extinction along the line-of-sight towards the nucleus, the IMF of the stellar population model, and the velocity dispersion anisotropy of the cluster), none of these can be plausibly modified to yield a significantly larger age. We discuss the implications of this result on possible scenarios for the frequency of nuclear starbursts and their impact on secular evolution of spiral galaxy nuclei. As a byproduct of our analysis, we infer that IC 342 cannot have any central black hole more massive than 0.5 million solar masses. This is ~ 6 times less massive than the black hole inferred to exist in our Galaxy, consistent with the accumulating evidence that galaxies with less massive bulges harbor less massive black holes.Comment: 27 pages, incl. 9 figures, submitted to The Astronomical Journa
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