134 research outputs found

    Critical aspect ratio for tungsten fibers in copper-nickel matrix composites

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    Stress-rupture and tensile tests were conducted at 816 C (1500 F) to determine the effect of matrix composition on the minimum fiber length to diameter ratio (critical aspect ratio) below which fibers in a tungsten fiber/copper-nickel alloy matrix composite could not be stressed to their ultimate load carrying capability. This study was intended to simulate some of the conditions that might be encountered with materials combinations used in high-temperature composites. The critical aspect ratio for stress-rupture was found to be greater than for short-time tension, and it increased as the time to rupture increased. The increase was relatively slight, and calculated fiber lengths for long service appear to be well within practical size limits for effective reinforcement and ease of fabrication of potential gas turbine components

    Influence of fiber aspect ratio on the stress- rupture life of discontinuous fiber composites

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    Critical aspect ratio and stress rupture of discontinuous fiber reinforced composite

    Surface profilometer for examining grain-boundary grooves

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    Surface profilometer, consisting primarily of commercially available components, measures surface topographical features accurately and precisely. It shows improvement over the interferometric technique in measurement of grain-boundary grooves formed during annealing on nickel-oxide bicrystals

    The effect of interfiber distance and temperature on the critical aspect ratio in composites

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    Interfiber distance and temperature effects on critical aspect ratio in composite

    Evaluation of silicon carbide fiber/titanium composites

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    Izod impact, tensile, and modulus of elasticity were determined for silicon carbide fiber/titanium composites to evaluate their potential usefulness as substitutes for titanium alloys or stainless steel in stiffness critical applications for aircraft turbine engines. Variations in processing conditions and matrix ductility were examined to produce composites having good impact strength in both the as-fabricated condition and after air exposure at elevated temperature. The impact strengths of composites containing 36 volume percent silicon carbide (SiC) fiber in an unalloyed (A-40) titanium matrix were found to be equal to unreinforced titanium-6 aluminum-4 vanadium alloy; the tensile strengths of the composites were marginally better than the unreinforced unalloyed (A-70) matrix at elevated temperature, though not at room temperature. At room temperature the modulus of elasticity of the composites was 48 percent higher than titanium or its alloys and 40 percent higher than that of stainless steel

    Method for producing fiber reinforced metallic composites Patent

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    Description of method for producing metallic composites reinforced with ceramic and refractory hard metals that are fibered in plac

    Reinforced metallic composites Patent

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    High strength reinforced metallic composites for applications over wide temperature rang

    New distinguished classes of spectral spaces: a survey

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    In the present survey paper, we present several new classes of Hochster's spectral spaces "occurring in nature", actually in multiplicative ideal theory, and not linked to or realized in an explicit way by prime spectra of rings. The general setting is the space of the semistar operations (of finite type), endowed with a Zariski-like topology, which turns out to be a natural topological extension of the space of the overrings of an integral domain, endowed with a topology introduced by Zariski. One of the key tool is a recent characterization of spectral spaces, based on the ultrafilter topology, given in a paper by C. Finocchiaro in Comm. Algebra 2014. Several applications are also discussed

    Weight Gain Is Associated with Medial Contact Site of Subthalamic Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease

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    The aim of our study was to assess changes in body-weight in relation to active electrode contact position in the subthalamic nucleus. Regular body weight measurements were done in 20 patients with advanced Parkinson's disease within a period of 18 months after implantation. T1-weighted (1.5T) magnetic resonance images were used to determine electrode position in the subthalamic nucleus and the Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale (UPDRS-III) was used for motor assessment. The distance of the contacts from the wall of the third ventricle in the mediolateral direction inversely correlated with weight gain (r = −0.55, p<0.01) and with neurostimulation-related motor condition expressed as the contralateral hemi-body UPDRS-III (r = −0.42, p<0.01). Patients with at least one contact within 9.3 mm of the wall experienced significantly greater weight gain (9.4±(SD)4.4 kg, N = 11) than those with both contacts located laterally (3.9±2.7 kg, N = 9) (p<0.001). The position of the active contact is critical not only for motor outcome but is also associated with weight gain, suggesting a regional effect of subthalamic stimulation on adjacent structures involved in the central regulation of energy balance, food intake or reward

    Preoperative short-term radiation therapy (25 Gy, 2.5 Gy twice daily) for primary resectable rectal cancer (phase II)

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    To evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness, and long-term bowel function of preoperative hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy in primary resectable rectal cancer. A total of 184 consecutive patients (median age 65 years, male : female=2 : 1) with clinical T3Nx rectal adenocarcinoma received preoperative pelvic radiation therapy with single fractions of 2.5 Gy twice daily (interval 6 h between fractions) to a total dose of 25 Gy within 1 week. Surgery was conducted the following week. Postoperative histology revealed UICC stage I in 33%, stage II in 26%, stage III in 34%, and stage IV in 7% of the patients. Median follow-up was 43 months (53 months for surviving patients). The actuarial 4-year-local-recurrence rate was 2.1%, overall recurrence 23%. Disease-specific and disease-free survivals at 4 years (excluding stage IV) were 82 and 69%, respectively. Overall survival for 4 years was 68%. Postoperative mortality was 0.5% (one patient), early anastomotic leakage occurred in 11.4%, and anastomotic stenosis requiring treatment in 6%, of 132 patients with primary anastomosis. Seven of 184 patients (3.8%) died of abdominal complications, all within the first year. Bowel function was satisfactory after more than 5 years. Local control in primarily resectable rectal cancer after 10 × 2.5 Gy is excellent, warranting further evaluation of this treatment