12 research outputs found

    Incidence, progression and risk factors of age-related macular degeneration in 35–95-year-old individuals from three jointly designed German cohort studies

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    Objective To estimate age-related macular degeneration (AMD) incidence/progression across a wide age range. Methods and analysis AMD at baseline and follow-up (colour fundus imaging, Three Continent AMD Consortium Severity Scale, 3CACSS, clinical classification, CC) was assessed for 1513 individuals aged 35–95 years at baseline from three jointly designed population-based cohorts in Germany: Kooperative Gesundheitsforschung in der Region Augsburg (KORA-Fit, KORA-FF4) and Altersbezogene Untersuchungen zur Gesundheit der Universität Regensburg (AugUR) with 18-year, 14-year or 3-year follow-up, respectively. Baseline assessment included lifestyle, metabolic and genetic markers. We derived cumulative estimates, rates and risk factor association for: (1) incident early AMD, (2) incident late AMD among no AMD at baseline (definition 1), (3) incident late AMD among no/early AMD at baseline (definition 2), (4) progression from early to late AMD. Results Incidence/progression increased by age, except progression in 70+-year old. We observed 35–55-year-old with 3CACSS-based early AMD who progressed to late AMD. Predominant risk factor for incident late AMD definition 2 was early AMD followed by genetics and smoking. When separating incident late AMD definition 1 from progression (instead of combined as incident late AMD definition 2), estimates help judge an individual’s risk based on age and (3CACSS) early AMD status: for example, for a 65-year old, 3-year late AMD risk with no or early AMD is 0.5% or 7%, 3-year early AMD risk is 3%; for an 85-year old, these numbers are 0.5%, 21%, 12%, respectively. For CC-based ‘early/intermediate’ AMD, incidence was higher, but progression was lower. Conclusion We provide a practical guide for AMD risk for ophthalmology practice and healthcare management and document a late AMD risk for individuals aged <55 years

    Screening for retinopathy of prematurity-the most important changes in the new German guidelines 2020

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    Background Due to improvements in neonatal care of premature infants and the development of novel treatment options for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), the requirements for screening for ROP have changed since publication of the last version of the German ROP screening guideline in 2008. Based on results of recent studies, the guideline has been extensively revised in 2020 and published in an updated version. Objective This article summarizes the most important changes in the new guideline. Results The age limit for screening inclusion was lowered to a gestational age of below 31 weeks for infants without additional risk factors. The minimum duration of oxygen supplementation necessitating screening inclusion in preterm infants was increased to more than 5 days. Treatment for ROP in zone II can now be given at any stage 3 with plus disease, regardless of the number of clock hours affected. Criteria for the frequency and duration have been defined for follow-up examinations after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) treatment. The binding document for these and other new recommendations is the guideline itself. Conclusion The guideline recommendations enable a reliable identification of infants at risk for ROP for screening inclusion and a timely detection of advanced disease stages for treatment initiation, thus preventing blindness from ROP

    Retinopathy of Prematurity Update on Classification, Screening, and Therapy

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    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of preventable childhood blindness. This proliferative retinal vascular disease affects only prematurely born infants. Major risk factors include low gestational age and prolonged postnatal oxygen supplementation. ROP screening allows for timely identification of treatment-requiring infants and thus significantly reduces the risk of severe visual impairment and blindness from ROP. Current treatment options comprise retinal laser coagulation and intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy. We provide a review of scientific data and current treatment recommendations, with special attention to the updated German guideline on ROP screening, the statement of the German ophthalmological societies on anti-VEGF therapy of ROP, and the new third edition of the International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ICROP3)

    Retina, Vitreous Humor, Ocular Fundus Prenatal Retinopathy

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    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of preventable childhood blindness. This proliferative retinal vascular disease affects only prematurely born infants. Major risk factors include low gestational age and prolonged postnatal oxygen supplementation. ROP screening allows for timely identification of treatment-requiring infants and thus significantly reduces the risk of severe visual impairment and blindness from ROP. Current treatment options comprise retinal laser coagulation and intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy. We provide a review of scientific data and current treatment recommendations, with special attention to the updated German guideline on ROP screening, the statement of the German ophthalmological societies on anti-VEGF therapy of ROP, and the new third edition of the International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ICROP3)

    The Treatment Exit Options for Uveitis (TOFU) Registry: Involving Patients in the Generation of Evidence

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    Zusammenfassung Uveitis ist eine seltenere entzundliche Augenerkrankung, die zu schwerer Sehbehinderung und Blindheit fuhren kann und besonders Menschen im berufstatigen Alter betrifft. Besonders schwere Verlaufe, die meist einer immunmodulierenden Therapie (IMT) bedurfen, treten bei einer Uveitis auf, die die hinteren Teile des Auges oder das ganze Auge betreffen und nicht infektioser Ursache sind. Fur diese Formen der Erkrankung gibt es nur wenig gute Evidenz zum langfristigen Management der Erkrankung und insbesondere zur Beendigung oder Reduktion einer IMT. Das Treatment exit Options For non-infectious Uveitis (TOFU) Register der Sektion Uveitis der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG) hat das Ziel, Krankheitsverlaufe von Patienten mit nicht-infektioser nicht-anteriorer Uveitis zu dokumentieren und Empfehlungen zur Beendigung einer IMT zu erarbeiten. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt des TOFU-Registers ist die aktive Einbeziehung von Patienten in die Erfassung Patienten-berichteter Endpunkte uber ein Patientenmodul (Patient Reported Outcomes, PROs). Neben seh- und gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualitat werden auch Fragebogen zur Therapieadharenz, Produktivitat und Auswirkungen der Therapien eingesetzt. Die eingesetzten Fragebogen wurden in dieser Kombination in einer Pilotstudie mit Patienten getestet und es hat sich gezeigt, dass die wesentlichen Patienten-relevanten Aspekte der Erkrankung und deren Auswirkungen auf den Alltag erfasst werden. Das Patientenmodul, wie das Register selbst, nutzt zur Dokumentation die electronic data capture (EDC)-Software REDCap (Version 9, Vanderbilt University, USA). Durch die Einbindung von Patienten in sowohl die Konzeption des Registers als auch die fortlaufende Datensammlung wird sichergestellt, dass Patienten-relevante Evidenz fur z.B. die Erstellung von Leitlinien und Behandlungsempfehlungen generiert wird. Abstract Uveitis comprises a group of rare diseases characterised by intraocular inflammation which may cause vision impairment and blindness and mostly affects people of working age. Non-infectious uveitis involving the posterior pole or the entire eye is often treated with different immunomodulating or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). However, the evidence on long-term management strategies and reduction/termination of treatment is limited. To help develop treatment exit strategies for patients with quiescent uveitis on long-term DMARD treatment, the Treatment Exit Options for Non-infectious Uveitis registry was initiated by the German ophthalmological society. A key aspect of the registry is active participation of patients (patient-reported outcomes, PROs). In a pilot study involving members of patient organizations, a combination of questionnaires covering vision- and general health-related quality of life, adherence to treatment, productivity and effects of treatment were evaluated. As the pilot study showed coverage of relevant patient-related aspects of the disease and its effect on daily life, the evaluated questionnaires were implemented in the registry's patient module. The registry including the patient module uses the electronic data capture (EDC) software REDCap (Version 9, Vanderbilt University, USA). By involving patients in both conceptualization and ongoing data collection, the TOFU registry emphasizes the patients' perspectives, and the inclusion of patient-relevant evidence for such as the development of guidelines and treatment recommendations is ensured

    Structural Endpoints and Outcome Measures in Uveitis

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    Most uveitis entities are rare diseases but, taken together, are responsible for 5-10% of worldwide visual impairment which largely affects persons of working age. As with many rare diseases, there is a lack of high-level evidence regarding its clinical management, partly due to a dearth of reliable and objective quantitative endpoints for clinical trials. This review provides an overview of available structural outcome measures for uveitis disease activity and damage in an anatomical order from the anterior to the posterior segment of the eye. While there is a multitude of available structural outcome measures, not all might qualify as endpoints for clinical uveitis trials, and thorough testing of applicability is warranted. Furthermore, a consensus on endpoint definition, standardization, and "core outcomes" is required. As stipulated by regulatory agencies, endpoints should be precisely defined, clinically important, internally consistent, reliable, responsive to treatment, and relevant for the respective subtype of uveitis. Out of all modalities used for assessment of the reviewed structural outcome measures, optical coherence tomography, color fundus photography, fundus autofluorescence, and fluorescein/indocyanine green angiography represent current "core modalities" for reliable and objective quantification of uveitis outcome measures, based on their practical availability and the evidence provided so far

    Impact of visual impairment on physical activity in early and late age-related macular degeneration.

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    BACKGROUND:Modifiable risk factors for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) include smoking, nutrition and likely physical activity (PA). Levels of PA, however, are impacted by any visual impairment which makes the assessment of any association with AMD difficult. PURPOSE:To assess the impact of visual impairment under both high and low luminance conditions on levels of PA in early and late AMD. METHODS:Ninety participants with early to late AMD underwent a clinical assessment including conventional best-corrected visual acuity, low luminance visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and the Moorfields acuity test. PA was recorded using a wrist-worn accelerometer (GENEActiv, Activeinsights) on seven consecutive days. Patient characteristics were compared with the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and determinants of moderate-to-vigorous-PA (MVPA) were assessed using linear regression models. RESULTS:Mean age was 73.9 ± 8.5 years (range 50-89) and 47 subjects (52.2%) were women. Average MVPA time was longer in the early (355.1 ± 252.0 minutes/week) compared to the late AMD group (162.2 ± 134.6 minutes/week; p<0.001). Using linear regression, age [β = -0.25; 95% confidence interval (CI): -12.9; -0.8, p = 0.028] and AMD stage (β = -0.28; 95% CI: -230.9, -25.0; p = 0.015) but not visual impairment on any of the employed tests were associated with MVPA (minutes/week). CONCLUSIONS:We found late AMD to be associated with reduced PA. As performance on any of the visual tests was not associated with PA, this association cannot entirely be explained by functional impairment. More research is needed to further explore the association of PA and AMD as PA may be a potentially modifiable risk factor