18 research outputs found

    Essentials of reaserch methods in psychology/ Zechmeister

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    xii, tak beraturan: ill., tab.; 23 cm

    Essentials of reaserch methods in psychology/ Zechmeister

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    xii, tak beraturan: ill., tab.; 23 cm

    Essentials of research methods in psychology/ Zechmeister

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    xii, 269 hal.: ill, tab.; 25 cm

    Essentials of reaserch methods in psychology/ Zechmeister

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    xii, tak beraturan: ill., tab.; 23 cm

    Essentials of research methods in psychology/ Zechmeister

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    xii, 269 hal.: ill, tab.; 25 cm

    Research methods in psychology

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    xvi, 488 p.; 24 cm

    Research Methods in Psychology

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    Buku edisi kesembilan yang sukses, Research Methods in Psychology menyatukan minat siswa untuk psikologi dengan minat mereka dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang perilaku dan proses mental. Teks ini memperkenalkan siswa pada serangkaian alat metodologi yang digunakan psikolog dalam penelitian mereka - dari dasar-dasar penyelidikan ilmiah, perilaku etis, dan pengamatan terkontrol hingga pendekatan korelasional, eksperimental, dan terapan untuk penelitian. Sepanjang, siswa belajar metode penelitian dalam konteks studi klasik dan kontemporer dari berbagai bidang psikologi

    Research Methods in Psychology, 9th edition

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    Now in its ninth successful edition, Research Methods in Psychology unites students’ passion for Psychology with their interest in answering questions about behavior and mental processes. The text introduces students to an array of methodological tools psychologists use in their research -- from the basics of scientific inquiry, ethical conduct, and controlled observation to correlational, experimental, and applied approaches to research. Throughout, students learn research methods within the context of classic and contemporary studies from diverse areas of Psychology. -- summary from publishe

    Metodologi penelitian psikologi

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