44 research outputs found

    Over de vorming van antilichamen en gamma-globuline in vitro in bloedvormende organen

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    In hoofdstuk 1 worden de verschillende wijzen, waarop men heeft getracht antilichaamvorming in bepaalde organen van het R.H.S. aan te tonen, achtereenvolgens besproken. Een definitief bewijs, dat antilichaamproductie in een orgaan van een geimmuniseerd dier optreedt, kan worden gegeven met behulp van weefselkweek. Voor het aantonen van immuunstoffenproductie in vitro is een vergelijking nodig tussen de antistofgehaltes van een bepaalde hoeveelheid weefsel voor en na de kweekperiode. ... Zie: Samenvattin

    Langerhans Cells as Macrophages in Skin and Lymhphoid Organs

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    Properties of epidermal Langerhans cell were compared with those of a number of other dendritic cells in lymphoid organs and of mononuclear phagocytes. Among the dendritic “reticulum” cells included were indetenninate dendritic cells from the epidermis, inter-digitating “reticulum” cells from T-dependent areas of lymphoid tissue and thymus, follicular dendritic cells of Nossal, and the dendritic cells described by Steinman and Cohn. Luterdigitating cells with typical Birbeck granules, in the thymus and in the paracortices of lymph nodes, which are morphologically indistinguishable from Langerhans cells and indeterminate dendritic cells in the epidermis, appear to belong to the same system and possibly represent a subpopulation of “macrophages.” On the basis of their similarity to these other dendritic cells, we believe Langerhans cells may function in antigen presentation, lymphokine production, provision of a microenvironment for T lymphocytes, and prostaglandin secretion

    Over de vorming van antilichamen en gamma-globuline in vitro in bloedvormende organen

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    In hoofdstuk 1 worden de verschillende wijzen, waarop men heeft getracht antilichaamvorming in bepaalde organen van het R.H.S. aan te tonen, achtereenvolgens besproken. Een definitief bewijs, dat antilichaamproductie in een orgaan van een geimmuniseerd dier optreedt, kan worden gegeven met behulp van weefselkweek. Voor het aantonen van immuunstoffenproductie in vitro is een vergelijking nodig tussen de antistofgehaltes van een bepaalde hoeveelheid weefsel voor en na de kweekperiode. ... Zie: Samenvatting

    Cytotoxicity to Allogeneic Cells in the Chicken. III. Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity in Normal and Agammaglobulinemic Chickens

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    Spleen cells from normal and AÎł chickens mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity ADCC on syngeneic or allogeneic RBC. They are non-T, non-B cells with Fc receptors. They are nylon wool adherent; a proportion of them are also plastic adherent and inhibitable by trypan blue. They are resistant to 2000-rad Îł-irradiation in vitro. Spleen cells can be armed to mediate ADCC on unsensitized target RBC by incubation with antibody


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    Cellular Immune Suppression

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    Although the phenomenon of immune suppression is clearly reproducible in certain experimental systems, the existence of “suppressor cells” as a separate functional T-cell subpopulation is not generally accepted. Suppression may be the result of the production of suppressive cytokines or of the negative interaction between two cytokines, in which case the “suppressor” cells are the T cells and/or macrophages producing the factor with inhibitory effects. In other experimental designs, suppression may be associated with the killing of antigen-presenting cells or with so-called Veto cells, i.e., cells that kill upon contact with any other cell which specifically recognizes antigen on the Veto cells. 1 In the mammalian systems studied, suppressor cells were originally thought to belong to the CD8+ T-cell subpopulation and to exhibit a phenotype distinct from cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. 2 - 9 In many cases they appeared to require induction by suppressor-inducer CD4+ T cells, which also exhibited phenotypic markers different from CD4+ helper T cells. 8, 10 - 18 However, it has since been shown that some immune suppression effects appear mediated directly by CD4+ T cells 19 and/or activated macrophages