2 research outputs found
Democracy in Music: Louis Metcalf’s International Band and Montreal Jazz History
- Author
- Al Palmer
- Alec
- Allana Lindgren
- Bruce Taylor
- Bruce Taylor
- Catherine Charlebois
- D.G.
- Daniel Fischlin
- DeVeaux
- Eric Fillion
- Eric Porter
- Fiona I.B. NgĂ´
- Fischlin
- For an account of the circumstances that led to the integration of the American Federation of Musicians local in Montreal
- François-Marc Gagnon
- Gene Lees
- George Lipsitz
- Gilmore
- Gilmore
- Gilmore
- Gilmore
- Gilmore
- Gilmore
- Gilmore
- Gilmore Swinging in Paradise, 121–3. The personnel of the band changed somewhat over its history. When the band first started working at the St-Michel, it had Gilbert (Buck) Lacombe on guitar and Benny Winestone on tenor saxophone. Before long, Lacombe and Winestone left the band, and Willy Girard and Herb Johnson joined.
- Grant Roberts
- Henry F. Whiston
- Henry F. Whiston
- Henry F. Whiston
- Herb Johnson
- Ibid 15.
- Interview with Butch Watanabe 17 December 1981, John Gilmore fonds, cua
- Interview with Herb Johnson 8 February 1981, John Gilmore fonds, cua
- Jackson
- James W. St G. Walker
- Jean Saucier
- John Gilmore
- Julien St-Georges
- K.S.S.
- Kathy J. Ogren
- Ken Johnstone
- Kunstadt
- Kunstadt
- Kunstadt
- Lara Putnam
- Le Barbot
- Lees
- Lou Hooper
- Mark Miller
- Meilan Lam
- Miles Davis
- Miller
- Miller
- Nathalie Bondil
- NgĂ´
- NgĂ´
- Paul Roussel
- Pierre Dalbec
- Porter
- René Bergeron
- Stephanie Bangarth
- Tad Hershorn
- Transcription of interview with Herb Johnson 27 March 1981, John Gilmore fonds, cua
- William Brown-Forbes
- William Wardwell
- Williams
- Éric Amyot
- Publication venue
- 'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Indeterminate Fate of Sunspots in Economics
- Author
- Aurrlien Saadi
- Azariadis-Guesnerie
- Azariadis-Guesnerie
- Azariadis-Guesnerie&apos
- Beatrice Cherrier
- Cass-Shell
- Cass-Shell
- Cass-Shell
- Cass-Shell
- Cass-Shell
- Cass-Shell
- Charles G Renfro
- Christopher Sims
- Costas Azariadis
- Costas Azariadis
- Costas Azariadis
- Costas Azariadis
- Craig Burnside
- Daniel H Newlon
- David Cass
- David Cass
- De Vroey
- De Vroey
- Douglas W Diamond
- E Spear Stephen
- E Spear Stephen
- Edmund S Phelps
- Ester-Mirjam Sent
- Evelyn L Forget
- Farmer-Woodford
- Francesco Sergi
- Geroge-Marios Angeletos
- Goulven Rubin
- Goulven Rubin
- Grandmont Jean-Michel
- Guillermo A Calvo
- Guo
- Herakles M Polemarchakis
- James Forder
- James Peck
- James Peck
- James S Jordan
- Jean-Michel Interview With
- Jerrold E Marsden
- Jess Benhabib
- Jess Benhabib
- Jess Benhabib
- Jess Benhabib
- Jess Benhabib
- Jess Benhabib
- Jordi Gali
- Joshua S Gans
- Julio J Rotemberg
- Karl Shell
- Karl Shell
- Karl Shell
- Kevin Hoover
- Kevin Hoover
- Kevin Hoover
- Kydland Finn
- Lagos Ricardo
- Marianne Baxter
- Marianne Baxter
- Max Reinert
- Michael Woodford
- Michael Woodford
- Michael Woodford
- Michael Woodford
- Michael Woodford
- Michael Woodford
- Michael Woodford
- Nobuhiro Kiyotaki
- Pedro G Duarte
- Pedro G Duarte
- Peter Howitt
- Peter Howitt
- Pierre-Andrďż˝ Chiappori
- Pierre-Andrďż˝ Chiappori
- Randall Wright
- Ricardo J Caballero
- Ricardo Lagos
- Robert E Lucas
- Robert E Lucas
- Robert E Lucas
- Robert E Lucas
- Robert Hall
- Robert J Aumann
- Robert J Shiller
- Robert Lucas Papers
- Robert M May
- Roger Backhouse
- Roger Backhouse
- Roger Backhouse
- Roger E A Farmer
- Roger E A Farmer
- Roger E A Farmer
- Roger E A Farmer
- Roger Guesnerie
- Roger Guesnerie
- Romain Plassard
- Russel Cooper
- Samuel Bjork
- Shell Cass
- Shell Cass
- Stanley Fischer
- Stephanie Schmitt-Grohďż˝
- Steven N Durlauf
- Supplementary
- Susanto Basu
- Thomas J Sargent
- Thomas J Sargent
- Timothy J Kehoe
- W Jevons
- W Jevons
- Warren Young
- William A Barnett
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study