94 research outputs found

    Automated method for the determination of a new matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor in ovine plasma and serum by coupling of restricted access material for on-line sample clean-up to liquid chromatography

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    A fully automated liquid chromatographic method was developed for the determination of Ro 28-2653, a new synthetic inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), in ovine serum and plasma. The method was based on the coupling of a pre-column packed with restricted access material, namely LiChrospher RP-8 ADS (alkyl diol silica), for sample clean-up to an analytical column containing octyl silica stationary phase. One hundred mul of biological sample, to which 2-propanol was automatically added, were injected onto the ADS pre-column, which was then washed with a washing liquid consisting of a mixture of 25 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and acetonitrile (90: 10; v/v) for 10 min. By rotation of the switching valve, the analyte was then eluted in the back-flush mode with the LC mobile phase composed of a mixture of acetonitrile and 25 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) (57:43; v/v). The UV detection was performed at 395 nm. The main parameters likely to influence the sample preparation technique were investigated. The method was then validated over a concentration range from 17.5 to 1950 ng/mI, the first concentration level corresponding to the lower limit of quantitation. At this concentration level, the mean bias and the R.S.D. value for intermediate precision were -2.4% and 4.2%, respectively. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Late Quaternary co-seismic sedimentation in the Sea of Marmara's deep basins

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    25 pages, 15 figures, 1 tableauInternational audienceThe deep, northern, part of the Sea of Marmara (northwestern Turkey) is composed of several aligned, actively subsiding, basins, which are the direct structural and morphological expression of the North Anatolian Fault's northern branch. The last 20 kyr of their sedimentary fill (lacustrine before 12 kyr BP) have been investigated through giant piston coring onboard R/V MARION-DUFRESNE (MARMACORE Cruise, 2001) and chirp subbottom profiler onboard R/V ATALANTE during MARMARASCARPS Cruise (2002). Especially during the lacustrine stage, the infilling of the deep basins (Tekirda?, Central, Kumburgaz, and Çinarcic Basins; up to 1250 m depth) was dominated by turbidites (with coarse mixed siliciclastic and bioclastic basal part), intercalated in “hemipelagic-type” finegrained calcareous and slightly siliceous clays. Often – especially in the thickest ones – the turbidites show strong segregation and a sharp boundary between coarse part and suspendedload part. In the Central Basin, 8 m of a unique sedimentary event include a 5 to 8m-thick “homogenite” well imaged on seismic profiles. The latter is interpreted as related to a major – possibly triggered - tsunami effect, as described in the Eastern Mediterranean by Kastens and Cita (1981). In the marine (Holocene) upper part of the sedimentary fill, repeated to-and-from structures, affecting silt or fine sand, are evidencing seiche-like effects and, thus, earthquake triggering. Detailed correlations between two deep coring sites (1250 and 1200 m) indicate more than 100 % overthickening in the deepest one; this implies specific processes of distribution of terrigenous input by dense hyperpycnal currents (high kinetic energy, seiche effect, complex reflections on steep slopes). The peculiar sedimentary infilling of the Sea of Marmara's Central Basin (and, by extrapolation, of the whole set) is tentatively interpreted as a direct consequence of the strong seismic activity; the imprint of the latter is more obvious prior to the base of the Holocene, as environmental conditions favoured marginal accumulation (especially on the southern shelf) of large amounts of erosion products available for mass wasting

    Riociguat treatment in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry

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    Objective: The soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat is approved for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and inoperable or persistent/recurrent chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) following Phase

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Etude de genes de tRNA et de proteines ribosomiques des cyanelles de Cyanophora paradoxa: analyse de la position phylogenetique des cyanelles

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    SIGLEINIST T 77488 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Bases de polynômes à valeurs entières, en analyse p-adique (Factorielles de Bhargava et principe de l'extension q-adique de Conrad)

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    Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons principalement aux polynômes à valeurs entières sur une partie E d'un anneau de valuation discr ete V ainsi qu'à des calculs de factorielles généralisées définies par Bhargava. Nous commençons par étudier une catégorie de parties, que nous nommons parties de Legendre, dont les factorielles vérifent une formule analogue à celle de Legendre. Nous démontrons, grâce à l'utilisation des suites v-ordonnées (introduites par Bhargava) et des suites très bien réparties (introduites par Amice), que les seules parties de Legendre d'un anneau de valuation discrète sont les parties précompactes valuées régulières . Nous prolongeons ensuite un travail de Conrad à propos de bases normales de fonctions continues en étendant sa construction pour des fonctions continues sur V au cas des fonctions continues sur une partie E de V . Désignant par qn le nombre de classes de E modulo Mn (où M est l'idéal maximal de V ), nous démontrons que, dans le cas où qn divise qn+1, une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour obtenir des bases normales, extension par développement qn-adique d'une suite de fonctions, est que la partie E soit une partie de Legendre. Dans le cas général, nous caractérisons les parties pour lesquelles la construction est possible. Nous proposons un exemple de base normale de polynômes à valeurs entières obtenue par développement par extension qn-adique. Enfin, nous cherchons à prolonger la notion de factorielles d'une partie E de V d. Après avoir établi des conditions nécessaires de travail, basées sur un article de Mulay, nous généralisons la notion de suite v-ordonnée et construisons une base du V -module des polynômes à valeurs entières en plusieurs variables, associée à une suite v-ordonnée. Nous proposons alors une nouvelle définition de la notion de factorielles et quelques exemples de calculs.In this thesis, we are interesting in Integer-Valued Polynomials on a subset E of a discrete valuation domain V and we compute generalized factorials as defined by Bhargava. In a the first part, we study what we call Legendre subsets, whose factorial sequence satisfies a similar Legendre formula. We prove, by using v-orderings (introduced by Bhargava) and very well distributed sequences (introduces by Amice), that the precompact regular subsets are the only Legendre subsets. We then extend a Conrad's work about normal bases of continuous functions by replacing his construction for continuous functions on V by continuous functions on a subset E of V . Denoting by qn the number of classes of E modulo Mn (where M is the maximal ideal of V ), we prove that when qn divides qn+1, a necessary and sufficient condition to obtain normal bases by qn-digit expansion is that the subset E is a Legendre subset. In the general case, we characterize all the subsets E of V such that the qn-digit principle works. We give an example of normal bases of integer-valued polynomials, obtained by qn-digit expansion. Finally, we extend the notion of factorial of a subset E of V d. First, we give necessary conditions for this work, based on a Mulay's article. Second, we generalize the notion of v-ordering and construct a basis of the V -module of integer-valued polynomials in several indeterminates, linked with the v-ordering. Finally, we give a new definition for the notion of factorial and we give examples.AMIENS-BU Sciences (800212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le droit et l'édition. Regards français et étrangers sur les mutations engagées

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    International audienceLe présent ouvrage se penche sur les rapports entre l'édition et le droit au travers de regards français et étrangers sur les mutations engagées. Les spécialistes envisagent tout à la fois la question du droit de l'édition, et celle, plus spécifique, de l'édition du droit qui a pris un tour nouveau avec la numérisation des écrits. Ces problématiques sont interrogées à travers un prisme pluridisciplinaire, intéressant à la fois le droit privé, le droit public, l'histoire du droit, le droit européen, le droit comparé et l'économie

    Contribution à l'étude de l'accès lexical aux noms propres chez des adultes d'âges différents en situation de dénomination

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    Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières - Orléans (brgm) / SudocSudocFranceF