4 research outputs found

    MOESM1 of Carotid and femoral Doppler do not allow the assessment of passive leg raising effects

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Ability of different Doppler variable to detect a positive passive leg raising test. Table S2. Diagnostic ability of changes in carotid and femoral blood flows to detect changes in cardiacindex ≥ 10% and ≥ 15%. Figure S1. Study design. Figure S2. Correlation between absolute values of carotid blood flow (measured by TAMEAN) and of cardiac index, n = 135 (n = 38 before PLR, 38 during passive leg raising (PLR), 38 after PLR and 21 after volume expansion = 135 in total). Figure S3. Correlation between absolute values of femoral blood flow and of cardiac index, n = 45 ( n = 14 before PLR, 14 during passive leg raising (PLR), 14 after PLR and 3 after volume expansion = 45 in total)

    Additional file 1 of Inspiratory effort impacts the accuracy of pulse pressure variations for fluid responsiveness prediction in mechanically ventilated patients with spontaneous breathing activity: a prospective cohort study

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Baseline Characteristics of included patients at enrollment stratified by fluid responsiveness. Table S2. Effects of volume expansion on hemodynamic parameters in fluid Responders and Non-responders. Table S3. Impact of different degrees of inspiratory effort on the correct classification of fluid responsiveness using the univariable logistical regression model. Figure S1. Patients selection in the study. Figure S2. Gray zone (8.5–15.5%) of pulse pressure variation (PPV) to predict fluid responsiveness in all patients

    Additional file 2. of A hypoperfusion context may aid to interpret hyperlactatemia in sepsis-3 septic shock patients: a proof-of-concept study

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    Table S1 Clinical, demographic, severity scores, perfusion and hemodynamic variables at baseline for the whole cohort and according to different combinations of hypoperfusion criteria. A p < 0.05 was considered as significant. Values are expressed as mean ± SD. APACHE Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, P(cv-a)CO 2 central venous-arterial pCO2 gradient, ICU intensive care unit, LOS length of stay