26 research outputs found

    De Macondo a Nazaré. Algumas características do Evangelho de Mateus

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    For the Gospel of Mathew, Jesus Christ fulfils what is announced by the Scriptures, even in the minor details. Therefore, the text might be seen as a landmine for those who know the Old Testament. Indeed, the entire New Testament offers a re-reading of the Old Testament. However, Mathew is more systematic and scientific. For instance, he constantly establishes a dialogue between the Old and the New Testament like in the counterpoint of classical music. The author of the first gospel follows a precise plan in the composition of his text, as it frequently happens in different novels of the universal literature, in our case, in the writings of Gabriel García Márquez.Para el evangelio de Mateo, Jesucristo ha cumplido las Escrituras hasta en los más mínimos detalles. Por lo tanto, el texto es una mina para quien conoceel AT. En verdad todo el NT ofrece una relectura del Antiguo. Sin embargo, Mateo es más sistemático y más científico. Por ejemplo, el hace dialogar sin cesar el Antiguo con el Nuevo Testamento, como en el contrapunto de la música antigua. El autor del primer evangelio sigue un plan preciso en la composiciónde su evangelio, como ocurre con frecuencia en múltiples novelas de la literatura universal, en este caso, con escritos de Gabriel García Márquez. Para o evangelho de Mateus, Jesus Cristo cumpriu as Escrituras até nos mínimos detalhes. Portanto, o texto é uma mina para quem conhece o AT. Na verdade, todo o NT oferece uma releitura do Antigo. No entanto, Mateus é mais sistemático e mais científico. Por exemplo, ele faz dialogar sem cessar o Antigo com o Novo Testamento, como no contraponto da música antiga. O autor do primeiro evangelho segue um plano preciso na composição de seu evangelho, como  ocorre com frequência em múltiplas novelas da literatura universal, neste caso, com os escritos de Gabriel García Márquez

    Le droit et la loi – une distinction fondamentale dans la bible

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    The author deals with the difference between justice and law in the Bible. His starting point are some verses whose analysis show clearly the overlapping of both concepts: Ex 1, 15-22; 2, 1-10; 2 Sam 21, 1-14. This same difference, still in force in our judiciary system today, implies clearly that is necessary to affirm certains rights that are above the Law of the States. The Bible considered the Book of the believers claims God as its own foundation, knows quite well thisdifference and helps us to identify and denunciate those moments when, even today, it is necessary to put justice above the law.El autor se ocupa de la diferencia existente entre el derecho y la ley en la Biblia. Parte para ello del análisis de algunas perícopas donde es evidente la superposición de ambos conceptos: Ex 1,15-22; 2,1-10; 2Sm 21,1-14. Esta diferenciación que se establece también en los ámbitos jurídicos contemporáneos pone en evidencia la necesidad de afirmar ciertos derechos que se ubican por encima de la Ley de los Estados. La Biblia que es un corpus creyente, apela a Dios como fundamento suyo, conoce claramente esta distinción y nos ayuda a identificar y denunciar los momentos en que, también hoy, resulta necesario poner por encima el derecho frente a la ley

    Jonás o conversión en alta mar

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    One of most attractive of Minor Prophets Scroll is Jonah. The author of this article tries to make an interpretation of this Book in its historical context it was originated and places it in the psychological and religious milieu in which it finds his own meaning. He enjoys us with the analysis of little details of the text in which they are meaningful symbols for man and for God.En este breve artículo nos encontramos con uno de los profetas más sugestivos del rollo de los profetas menores, el libro de Jonás. El autor se propone hacer una lectura con base en el análisis narrativo y ayudarnos a situar la obra en el contexto histórico que le ha podido dar origen, y, por sobre todo, situarnos en el ambiente sicológico y religioso que le da sentido. El autor nos deleita con el estudio de pequeños detalles que animan la lectura de este símbolo del hombre y de Dios

    Note Sur La Traduction De WeLō' En Exode III 19b

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    Where Does Salvation Come From? A Reading of 2 Kings 5:1–27

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    2 Kings 5:1–27 describes the healing of a foreigner, Naaman the Syrian, a high officer of the King of Damascus, by Elisha, a prophet in Israel. Naaman the Syrian suffers from a kind of skin disease called “leprosy” in the Bible. He thinks that, being rich and powerful, he is in possession of the means to get healed. He has to change his mind and his behaviour, though. He is healed when he agrees to listen to an Israelian maidservant, a slave, to the prophet Elisha, and to his own servants. When he bathes in the Jordan, he symbolically enters the Promised Land because he is healed and, at the same time, he acknowledges that Yhwh is the only Lord of the universe

    The Crossing of the Sea

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    L'analyse narrative des récits de l'Ancien Testament

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    Présentation de l'analyse narrative de la Bible dans son application aux récits de l'Ancien Testament, depuis le modèle narratif (communicationnel), en passant par l'intrigue, les personnages, le point de vue et l'esthétique biblique de la répétition. Deux exemples d'analyse sont donnés: le livret de Jonas et l'histoire de Juda et Tamar (Gn 38)