17 research outputs found

    Percents of dead rats and animals presenting neurological symptoms of decompression sickness within 30 min after surfacing.

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    <p>Percents of rats with high bubble grades (Spencer grades 3 and 4) during precordial bubble detection are also represented. Histogram in dark grey represents the group treated with sildenafil and light grey represents the controls. * denotes p<0.05 between groups.</p

    Percents of blood cells consumption after decompression from the baseline in dark grey for the mice treated with fluoxetine and light grey for the controls.

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    <p>*denotes a significant difference between pre- and post-decompression. On the right, changes (%) in circulating cytokine IL-6 levels after decompression from the baseline. $ denotes a significant difference between groups. *denotes p<0.05 from the baseline.</p

    Percents of symptomatic mice suffering from decompression sickness (DCS) within 30 min after surfacing.

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    <p>Histogram in dark grey represents the mice treated with fluoxetine and light grey represents the controls. *denotes p<0.05 between groups. Distribution of symptoms is represented for each group.</p

    Percents of successful grip tests (suspension time ≄30 sec) in dark grey for the mice treated with fluoxetine and light grey for the controls.

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    <p>Grip tests were performed in each group to quantify forelimb involvement 15 and 30 min after surfacing. $ denotes p<0.05 between the groups and *denotes p<0.05 between the paired mice.</p

    Simulation results for the decompression profile from 48-h air exposure to 5 bar (40 msw).

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    <p>Ambient pressure (Pamb, bar), breathing gas Nitrogen fraction (f<sub>N2</sub>), and estimated total bubble volume (v<sub>b</sub>, ml gas ml tissue<sup>−1</sup>) in a conceptual tissue compartment (T<sub>1/2</sub> = 400 min). The corresponding estimated bubble grade according to the Spencer scale is indicated. Periods of pure O<sub>2</sub> breathing appear shaded in the figure.</p