140 research outputs found

    Testing PPP for Central American real exchange rates. Evidence from new panel data stationary tests with structural breaks

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    The new panel data stationary test with multiple structural breaks developed by Carrion-i-Silvestre, Del Barrio-Castro and Lopez-Bazo (2005) is used along with standard stationary tests to study the long-run PPP hypothesis in a set of six Central American countries for the period 1976:1-2006:4. Contrary to standard tests, this new procedure provides strong support for PPP.

    Optimizing the new formulation of the United Nations' human development index: An empirical view from data envelopment analysis.

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    In this paper, we propose a new way to simulate an optimal Human Development Index [HDI]. Indeed, the formulation of the original HDI established by the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] relies on a major methodological shortcoming, namely the contestable assumption that all component indices have the same weights. So, we implement a new approach to determine the optimal weights of each sub-indicator in the light of Data Envelopment Analysis [DEA]. Accordingly, we follow the multiplicative optimization approach introduced by Zhou et al. (2010), to assess robustly the relative performance of a set of 169 economies around the world in terms of human development. Finally, the new world ranking is close to and highly correlated with the standard HDI one, giving then some support to the equal weighting method adopted by the UNDP.Human development index, data envelopment analysis, multiplicative optimization approach, optimal weights

    L’approche microĂ©conomique du taux de change rĂ©el d’équilibre : une revue de la littĂ©rature thĂ©orique

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    L’objectif de cet article est de faire un Ă©tat des lieux de la littĂ©rature thĂ©orique sur l’approche microĂ©conomique du taux de change rĂ©el d’équilibre. Celle-ci se focalise sur l’étude du comportement Ă  long terme du taux de change rĂ©el interne, dĂ©fini comme le prix relatif des biens Ă©changeables en termes de biens non Ă©changeables. PlutĂŽt que de faire un inventaire classique, nous prĂ©sentons un modĂšle synthĂ©tique d’équilibre gĂ©nĂ©ral intertemporel Ă  trois agents et Ă  trois secteurs intĂ©grant, dans un cadre unifiĂ©, la plupart des caractĂ©ristiques proposĂ©es par les principaux travaux dans le domaine. Cette mĂ©thodologie permet alors d’identifier clairement un vaste ensemble de dĂ©terminants fondamentaux du taux de change rĂ©el d’équilibre, Ă  la fois du cĂŽtĂ© offre et du cĂŽtĂ© demande, d’une part, et de dĂ©composer de maniĂšre prĂ©cise leurs diffĂ©rents mĂ©canismes de transmission, d’autre part. NĂ©anmoins, la richesse thĂ©orique Ă©vidente de l’approche microĂ©conomique ne doit pas occulter les nombreuses difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es sur le plan empirique, des difficultĂ©s dĂ©coulant pour la plupart des fondements thĂ©oriques mĂȘme de l’approche.This article aims at presenting a theoretical survey relative to the microeconomic approach of the equilibrium real exchange rate. The exchange rate concept considered within this framework is the internal real exchange rate that is the relative price of nontradables. To this regard, we develop an intertemporal general equilibrium model with three agents and three sectors. Then, a large set of fundamental determinants of the equilibrium exchange rate, belonging both to the supply and demand sides, can be put forward. Moreover, this canonical model allows us to isolate transparently the different transmission channels of the fundamentals’ effects


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    This paper analyzes the evolution of foreign direct investment [FDI] inflows for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa [COMESA]. We focus especially on the impact of its creation in 1994 on FDI performances for each member of the organization. On the whole, the results are twofold. Firstly, the COMESA, as a group, has attracted more FDI inflows over the last decade. However the global performance remains largely unsatisfactory in comparison with the other regional trade agreements of the developing world. This situation is not surprising to the extent that many barriers to international investment are still present in Eastern and Southern Africa (macroeconomic and political instabilities, unsuitable economic policies, bad infrastructures, unreliable legal systems
). Secondly, the geographical distribution of FDI is strongly heterogeneous within the COMESA. The winners are clearly the countries which have enormous natural resources, such as oil exporting economies.INTÉGRATION RÉGIONALE, INVESTISSEMENTS DIRECTS ÉTRANGERS, COMESA, DÉVELOPPEMENT

    Short Note on the Unemployment Rate of the ñ€ƓFrench overseas regionsñ€

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    This article analyzes the hysteresis hypothesis in the unemployment rates of the four ñ€ƓFrench overseas regionsñ€ (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Reunion) [FORs] over the period 1993-2008. We use standard univariate and panel unit root tests, among them Choi (2006) and Lopez (2009) that account for cross-sectional dependence and have improved performance when the number of countries and the time dimension of the data are limited. Our results cannot reject the null hypothesis of a unit root and so find evidence supporting hysteresis in the unemployment rates for the FORs.Hysteresis, Unemployment, Panel unit root test, cross-section dependence, convergence

    Does the real GDP per capita convergence hold in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa?

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    This article examines the convergence of real GDP per capita in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) during the period 1950-2003. Income departures across countries were evaluated from several panel data unit root tests, especially we consider the absolute and conditional convergence. We find no evidence supporting the existence of convergence process for the income in the COMESA. Nevertheless, applying economic development criterion allows to identity two absolute convergence clubs into the COMESA, one for the most four developed countries (Egypt, Libya, Mauritius, Seychelles), and one other for the fourteen less developed ones. Thus, we show that most economies of COMESA are locked into a sustained poverty trap process.

    Incidental pseudolymphomatous bladder inflammatory polyp revealing urinary schistosomiasis

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    SummaryA 25-year-old female who had returned from a trip to Madagascar that was not reported, underwent an endoscopic bladder polyp resection. Histopathology examination revealed an intense pseudolymphomatous inflammatory polyp caused by a Schistosoma infection. Bladder polyps due to schistosomiasis represent a rare condition in developed countries and have to be ruled out in the case of any intense unexplained inflammation

    Avantages comparatifs et distance, le cas de l'Ăźle de la RĂ©union

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    Avantages comparatifs et distance, le cas de l'Ăźle de la RĂ©union

    Taux de change réel et compétitivité de l'économie réunionnaise

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    L'Ăźle de La RĂ©union, rĂ©gion française ultrapĂ©riphĂ©rique, se caractĂ©rise par des performances Ă©conomiques gĂ©nĂ©ralement en deçà de celles de la mĂ©tropole, mais aussi de celles de partenaires commerciaux qui partagent nombre de caractĂ©ristiques communes. Le trĂšs fort dĂ©ficit de la balance commerciale rĂ©unionnaise en est un des rĂ©vĂ©lateurs. Ceci nous conduit Ă  Ă©tudier la compĂ©titivitĂ©-prix de La RĂ©union grĂące au calcul et Ă  l'examen des propriĂ©tĂ©s statistiques de l'indicateur de taux de change effectif rĂ©el. Il ressort que ce taux est stationnaire autour d'une tendance et qu'il ne rĂ©vĂšle pas de phĂ©nomĂšne de surĂ©valuation significatif. Par consĂ©quent les piĂštres performances en matiĂšre de commerce extĂ©rieur ne peuvent ĂȘtre mises sur le compte d'un euro qui serait « trop fort », mais doivent conduirent les dĂ©cideurs Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir sur les causes structurelles d'un modĂšle Ă©conomique peu performant.taux de change rĂ©el;StationnaritĂ©;racine unitaire;la reunion

    Taux de change réel et compétitivité de l'économie réunionnaise

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    Taux de change réel et compétitivité de l'économie réunionnaise
