12 research outputs found

    German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Second Wave

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    International migration originating from highly developed countries is a crucial component of global migration flows. There are, however, surprisingly little data about the international mobility of the populations of affluent countries. The German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) aims to provide a resource that enables the analysis of individual consequences of international migration as well as the socio-structural consequences for the country of origin. GERPS is based on an origin-based multistage probability sample using the German population registers as a sampling frame. The second wave yields a net sample of roughly 7,000 persons who recently moved abroad from Germany and persons who returned from Germany after having lived abroad. The study follows a multidestination-country-design and enables the comparative analysis of migrants and nonmigrants, who stayed in the country of origin. GERPS is a panel study with at least four waves during a period of at least 24 months. This documentation presents the methods and data of the second wave. It provides information for researchers and invites them to use the new data infrastructure for their own research

    German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Methodology and Data Manual of the Baseline Survey (Wave 1)

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    International migration between economically highly developed countries is a central component of global migration flows. Still, surprisingly little is known about the international mobility of the populations of these affluent societies. The aim of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) is to collect data to analyse the individual consequences of international migration as well as the consequences for the country of origin. GERPS is based on an origin-based multistage probability sample using the German population registers as a sampling frame. The realised net sample includes more than 11,000 persons who recently moved abroad from Germany and persons returning to Germany after having lived abroad. The study follows a multi-destination country design and allows comparative analyses of migrants and non-migrants who stayed in the country of origin. GERPS is a panel study with at least four waves during a period of at least 24 months. This documentation, however, presents the methodology and the data for the first wave providing the baseline survey. Detailed information is provided to invite external researchers to apply the new data infrastructure to their own research and to disseminate the innovative research design to construct migrant samples

    Ukrainian refugees in Germany: Escape, arrival and everyday life

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    Die gemeinsame Kurzstudie des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB), des Forschungszentrums des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF-FZ) und des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) am DIW Berlin stellt die ersten zentralen Befunde aus der gemeinsamen Studie "Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine in Deutschland" vor. Im Fokus der bundesweiten Studie stehen die Lebensumstände und die damit verbundenen zentralen Unterstützungsbedarfe der ukrainischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland.The short study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) and the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) presents the first key findings from the joint study "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany". The focus of the nationwide study is on the living conditions and the associated central support needs of Ukrainian refugees in Germany

    Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine in Deutschland: Flucht, Ankunft und Leben

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    Die gemeinsame Kurzstudie des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB), des Forschungszentrums des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF-FZ) und des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) am DIW Berlin stellt die ersten zentralen Befunde aus der gemeinsamen Studie "Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine in Deutschland" vor. Im Fokus der bundesweiten Studie stehen die Lebensumstände und die damit verbundenen zentralen Unterstützungsbedarfe der ukrainischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland.The short study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) and the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) presents the first key findings from the joint study "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany". The focus of the nationwide study is on the living conditions and the associated central support needs of Ukrainian refugees in Germany

    Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine in Deutschland: Ergebnisse der ersten Welle der IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Befragung

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    Der gemeinsame Forschungsbericht des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB), des Forschungszentrums des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF-FZ) und des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) am DIW Berlin stellt vertieft zentrale Befunde aus der gemeinsamen Studie "Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine in Deutschland" vor. Im Fokus der bundesweiten Studie stehen das Ankommen, die aktuellen Lebensumstände sowie Zukunftspläne der ukrainischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland. Die Analysen basieren auf rund 11.700 Interviews mit ukrainischen Männern und Frauen, die im Zeitraum vom 24. Februar bis zum 8. Juni 2022 nach Deutschland gekommen sind. Die Interviews wurden deutschlandweit auf Basis standardisierter Fragebögen online (CAWI) oder per Papierfragebogen (PAPI) im Zeitraum von August bis Oktober 2022 durchgeführt. Im Zuge der Stichprobenziehung wurden zunächst anhand des Ausländerzentralregisters (AZR) 100 Gemeinden mit einem hohen Anteil von ukrainischen Geflüchteten ausgewählt. Die ausgewählten Gemeinden wurden dann gebeten, Adressen dieser Zielpopulation zur Verfügung zu stellen. Durch Verwendung von Gewichten ist die Stichprobe repräsentativ für diese Grundgesamtheit. Die Studie ist als Längsschnittbefragung geplant, im Frühjahr 2023 wird eine zweite Befragungswelle durchgeführt. Erste zentrale Befunde aus der ersten Welle wurden bereits im Dezember 2022 im Rahmen einer Kurzanalyse veröffentlicht

    Ukrainian Refugees in Germany: Evidence From a Large Representative Survey

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    This study describes the first wave of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey on Ukrainian Refugees in Germany, a unique panel dataset based on over 11,000 interviews conducted between August and October 2022. The aim of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey is to provide a data-infrastructure for theory-driven and evidence-based research on various aspects of integration among Ukrainian refugees in Germany, the second most important destination country in the EU after Poland, hosting over a million people who arrived in Germany shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Based on the survey, this study also provides first insights into demographic, educational, linguistic, occupational, and social characteristics of this population. The analyses revealed that the refugee population comprised mostly young and educated individuals, with a significant proportion of females without partners and female-headed separated families. While German language skills were limited, about half of Ukrainian refugees had attended or were attending language courses. However, the integration process faced significant challenges, as the participation of children in day-care was relatively low, and the self-reported life satisfaction was markedly below the average of the German population. The study highlights the need for targeted policy measures to address such issues. Additionally, policies may aim at harnessing the high potential of the Ukrainian refugees for the German labor market. Given that a substantial proportion would like to stay in Germany permanently, policymakers should take note of these findings and aim to facilitate their long-term integration process to ensure that these refugees may thrive in Germany

    Mobile friendly design in web survey: Increasing user convenience or additional error sources?

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    Relevance: At the beginning of the era of online surveys, these were programmed to be answered using desktop PCs or notebooks. However, due to technical development such as the increasing role of mobile devices, studies on online survey research detect an increase of questionnaires that are answered on mobile devices (md). However, survey navigation on md is different compared to PC: it takes place on a smaller screen and usually involves a touch pad rather than a mouse and a keyboard. Due to these differences in questionnaire navigation, some of the traditional used web question formats are no longer convenient to be answered on a md. The most common formats are matrix questions. To deal with this development, so called mobile-friendly or responsive-designs were developed, which change the layout of specific questions that are not convenient on a md into an alternative mobile-friendly-design. In case of matrixes, these were separated into item-by-item questions which are suggested to be more comfortable to answer on a mobile device. Research question: However, from a psychometric perspective the question whether these changes in question format produce comparable results is too often ignored. Therefore, this paper elucidates the following research question: Do different versions of responsive-designs actually produce equivalent response? Data & Methods: Using the data of the first two waves of the Germ and Emigration and Remigration Panelstudy we can base our analysis on more than 19.000 cases (appox. 7.000 using different md). As GERPS makes use of a responsive design, we are able to investigate measurement invariance between different md and desktop device groups. Results: As the data management is still in progress and will be finished in the end of October, we will be able to present first-hand information based on fresh data. However, first initial analyses reveal differences between md and desktop device versions. Added Value: Our study is one of the first that elucidates the equivalence of responsive design options. Thus, it enhances the perspective on the existence of possible new biases and error sources due to the increased use of md within web surveys

    German Labor Emigration in Times of Technological Change: Occupational Characteristics and Geographical Patterns

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    Technological change has altered labor market demands within well-developed societies implying global competition for skilled labor and, as a consequence, new forms of labor migration. So far, patterns of this labor migration have been underexplored. Thus, the article analyzes characteristics, geographies and possible underlying drivers of workers migrating from Germany as an exemplary case for a well-developed country. Relying on probability-based and unique data, our findings reveal that, besides demand for people with higher levels of education, performing specific occupational tasks is also in demand in the global competition for talent. Hence, Germans in jobs with a high proportion of analytical non-routine tasks are more likely to emigrate than those with predominantly manual routine tasks. Moreover, the results show that global discrepancies concerning the technological development between the country of origin and the country to which they emigrate are a crucial contextual driver attracting this specifically demanded work force. Workers mainly performing analytical non-routine tasks within their job tend to move to countries which are technologically more developed than Germany while individuals performing jobs with a high share of non-routine manual or interactive tasks tend to emigrate to countries that are less technologically developed than Germany

    Psychometrical Properties of a French Version of the General Self-Efficacy Short Scale (ASKU)

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    General self-efficacy is a central personality trait often evaluated in surveys as context variable. It can be interpreted as a personal coping resource reflecting individual belief in one’s overall competence to perform across a variety of situations. The German-language Allgemeine-Selbstwirksamkeit-Kurzskala (ASKU) is a reliable and valid instrument to assess this disposition in the German-speaking countries based on a three-item equation. This study develops a French version of the ASKU and tests this French version for measurement invariance compared to the original ASKU. A reliable and valid French instrument would make it easy to collect data in the French-speaking countries and allow comparisons between the French and German results. Data were collected on a sample of 1,716 adolescents. Confirmatory factor analysis resulted in a good fit for a single-factor model of the data (in total, French, and German version). Additionally, construct validity was assessed by elucidating intercorrelations between the ASKU and different factors that should theoretically be related to ASKU. Furthermore, we confirmed configural and metric as well as scalar invariance between the different language versions, meaning that all forms of statistical comparison between the developed French version and the original German version are allowed

    Implementation of the forced answering option within online surveys: Do higher item response rates come at the expense of participation and answer quality?

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    Online surveys have become a popular method for data gathering for many reasons, including low costs and the ability to collect data rapidly. However, online data collection is often conducted without adequate attention to implementation details. One example is the frequent use of the forced answering option, which forces the respondent to answer each question in order to proceed through the questionnaire. The avoidance of missing data is often the idea behind the use of the forced answering option. However, we suggest that the costs of a reactance effect in terms of quality reduction and unit nonresponse may be high because respondents typically have plausible reasons for not answering questions. The objective of the study reported in this paper was to test the influence of forced answering on dropout rates and data quality. The results show that requiring participants answer every question increases dropout rates and decreases quality of answers. Our findings suggest that the desire for a complete data set has to be balanced against the consequences of reduced data quality