340 research outputs found

    GloptiPoly 3: moments, optimization and semidefinite programming

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    We describe a major update of our Matlab freeware GloptiPoly for parsing generalized problems of moments and solving them numerically with semidefinite programming

    Moment and SDP relaxation techniques for smooth approximations of problems involving nonlinear differential equations

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    Combining recent moment and sparse semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation techniques, we propose an approach to find smooth approximations for solutions of problems involving nonlinear differential equations. Given a system of nonlinear differential equations, we apply a technique based on finite differences and sparse SDP relaxations for polynomial optimization problems (POP) to obtain a discrete approximation of its solution. In a second step we apply maximum entropy estimation (using moments of a Borel measure associated with the discrete solution) to obtain a smooth closed-form approximation. The approach is illustrated on a variety of linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODE), partial differential equations (PDE) and optimal control problems (OCP), and preliminary numerical results are reported

    Stokes, Gibbs and volume computation of semi-algebraic sets

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    We consider the problem of computing the Lebesgue volume of compact basic semi-algebraic sets. In full generality, it can be approximated as closely as desired by a converging hierarchy of upper bounds obtained by applying the Moment-SOS (sums of squares) methodology to a certain innite-dimensional linear program (LP). At each step one solves a semidenite relaxation of the LP which involves pseudo-moments up to a certain degree. Its dual computes a polynomial of same degree which approximates from above the discon-tinuous indicator function of the set, hence with a typical Gibbs phenomenon which results in a slow convergence of the associated numerical scheme. Drastic improvements have been observed by introducing in the initial LP additional linear moment constraints obtained from a certain application of Stokes' theorem for integration on the set. However and so far there was no rationale to explain this behavior. We provide a rened version of this extended LP formulation. When the set is the smooth super-level set of a single polynomial, we show that the dual of this rened LP has an optimal solution which is a continuous function. Therefore in this dual one now approximates a continuous function by a polynomial, hence with no Gibbs phenomenon, which explains and improves the already observed drastic acceleration of the convergence of the hierarchy. Interestingly, the technique of proof involves classical results on Poisson's partial dierential equation (PDE)

    Polynomial argmin for recovery and approximation of multivariate discontinuous functions

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    We propose to approximate a (possibly discontinuous) multivariate function f (x) on a compact set by the partial minimizer arg miny p(x, y) of an appropriate polynomial p whose construction can be cast in a univariate sum of squares (SOS) framework, resulting in a highly structured convex semidefinite program. In a number of non-trivial cases (e.g. when f is a piecewise polynomial) we prove that the approximation is exact with a low-degree polynomial p. Our approach has three distinguishing features: (i) It is mesh-free and does not require the knowledge of the discontinuity locations. (ii) It is model-free in the sense that we only assume that the function to be approximated is available through samples (point evaluations). (iii) The size of the semidefinite program is independent of the ambient dimension and depends linearly on the number of samples. We also analyze the sample complexity of the approach, proving a generalization error bound in a probabilistic setting. This allows for a comparison with machine learning approaches
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