3 research outputs found

    An alternative for human gait modelling using the Bond Graph Technique

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    The systematic analysis of the human gait with a skeletal or neuromuscular disorder is a valuable clinical instrument to determine the nature and severity of the disease. At present, there are many institutions that have developed a series of numerical models that simulate and analyze biomechanics systems such as the human gait. Many of these models require diverse and segmented programming to incorporate various effects of the dynamics of the body such as the performance of the muscles and tendons, the passive and active resistance to movement, and other physiological effects. One of the alternatives to simulate biomechanical systems is the use of the Bond Graph modeling technique. The modular modeling with multi-domains, a feature of the Bond Graph technique, is one of its potential advantages compare to other methods. The equations generated with the use of this technique are equivalent to those techniques developed with more traditional methods, but the modules can be easier and more comfortable to use in conjunction with models of neuromuscular control functions, models that incorporate the elasticity properties in the bones and tendons, etc. The proposed model, comprised of seven segments, is developed to estimate the torque and the power in the joints. This model is simulated and validated using the processed experimental data of a normal gait in GCD (Gait Cycle Data) format file

    Arabia Saudí: aliado imprescindible para Europa y España

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    Throughout the 20th century, Saudi Arabia has become one of the main Arab-Muslim powers in the world. Its strategic geographical location, the abundance of natural resources such as gas and oil, its close relationship with the United States, or the custody over the holy places of Islam, among other factors, have contributed to position itself in the Persian Gulf country as a regional power confronting directly with the other giant in the area: Iran. Saudi Arabia and Iran wage a struggle for the regional hegemony originated with the Islamic Revolution (Iran 1979). For more than 40 years, Iran has been marginalized as the head of the so-called axis of evil, but the recent nuclear pact seems to have drawn closer ties between the United States and Iran. This agreement has put Saudi Arabia in the global spotlight for issues such as its involvement in several conflicts such as Syria and Yemen, or for the danger of radicalization of its population. However, Saudi Arabia must continue to be an ally to the West and to Spain, because of the established ties, for its economic and political potential, but also because its solo career might become a serious problem for the world security. The present paper offers a brief introduction on the Saudi kingdom, placing its strengths within the current historical and political context, and then describing the two most imminent threats facing the country: the strengthening of Iran and terrorist radicalization. Subsequently, it explores the relationship of the Arab kingdom with Spain and the opportunities it offers for Spanish industry.A lo largo del siglo XX Arabia Saudí se ha erigido en una de las principales potencias árabe-musulmanas del mundo. Su estratégica ubicación geográfica, la abundancia de recursos naturales como el gas y el petróleo, su estrecha relación con Estados Unidos, o la custodia sobre los lugares santos del Islam, entre otros factores, han contribuido a posicionar al país del golfo Pérsico como potencia regional enfrentándola de modo directo con el otro gigante de la zona: Irán. Arabia Saudí e Irán libran una lucha originada con la Revolución Islámica (Irán 1979) por la hegemonía de la región. Durante más de 40 años, Irán ha estado marginada como cabeza del denominado eje del mal, pero el reciente pacto nuclear, parece haber acercado posturas entre USA e Irán. Este acuerdo ha puesto a Arabia Saudí en el punto de mira mundial por cuestiones como su participación en diversos conflictos como los de Siria y Yemen, o por el peligro de radicalización de su población. Sin embargo, Arabia Saudí debe continuar siendo un aliado para Occidente y para España, por los lazos ya establecidos, por su potencial económico y político, pero también porque su carrera en solitario podría representar un serio problema para la seguridad mundial. El presente trabajo ofrece una breve introducción sobre el reino saudí, situando sus fortalezas en el contexto histórico y político actual para, a continuación, describir las dos amenazas más inminentes a las que se enfrenta el país: el fortalecimiento de Irán y la radicalización terrorista. Posteriormente, se explora la relación del reino árabe con España y las oportunidades que ofrece para la industria española

    RTVE en árabe: la importancia de la diplomacia cultural

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    The increase of the population of the MENA Region and the Arab population in the western countries, as well as the consumption of foreign media by the population in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) have drove proliferate international initiatives to participate in the Arab television market. The current political context makes the exercise of public diplomacy in North Africa and in the Middle East a priority for Western countries; hence they are seeking a better understanding of their policies and their way of life as it impacts directly the foreign perception of their country and their own security. Television initiatives such as BBC Arabic, Russia Today, and France 24 have highlighted the importance of communicating with the Arab population especially those with a higher percentage of migrants originally coming from the Middle East and North Africa. In the case of Spain, the launching of Arabic RTVE could be used to bring the Spanish culture closer to the Arab world to achieve a deeper mutual understanding of each other’s culture that would ultimately enhance the intercultural dialogue.El aumento de la población árabe a nivel mundial, así como su consumo de medios de comunicación extranjeros por parte de la población de la región MENA (Oriente Próximo y norte de África, por sus siglas en inglés) han hecho proliferar las iniciativas internacionales para participar en el mercado televisivo árabe. El contexto político actual hace que el ejercicio de la diplomacia pública en los países del norte de África y Oriente Próximo sea una prioridad para los países occidentales que buscan un mejor entendimiento de sus políticas y forma de vida que repercuta de modo directo en la percepción extranjera de su propio país y en la propia seguridad. Las iniciativas de televisiones como BBC Arabic, Rusia Today y France 24 han puesto de manifiesto la importancia de la comunicación con la población árabe especialmente para países con una importante diáspora proveniente de Oriente Medio y el norte de África. En el caso de España, el lanzamiento de RTVE árabe podría servir para acercar la cultura española al mundo árabe, de modo que se lograse extender un conocimiento más profundo de la misma que garantizaría un fructífero diálogo intercultural