266 research outputs found

    Metal-protein interactions for proteomics applications

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    In the quest of deciphering biological mechanisms, the understanding of proteins and their functions is a vital component. However the complexity of the proteome poses an immense challenge for analytical chemists to explore it comprehensively. Currently mass spectrometry is at the forefront of proteome analysis, providing great capabilities to couple with modern separation techniques for wide applications. One major objective of current proteomic technologies is to identify proteins of interest among high background, in particular from complex biological samples. A variety of techniques have been developed over the years to simplify protein samples, which are broadly classified as enrichment, high abundance protein depletion and sample fractionation. Metal ions play critical roles in most protein enzymes and their interactions with proteins have been well documented, but their applications in proteomics are underdeveloped. We have been developing and applying metal-protein interaction based approaches for proteomics studies due to their affordability, versatility and tunability. Previously, the Tao lab introduced Polymer-based Metal Affinity Capture with Ti(IV) (PolyMAC-Ti) for phosphopeptide enrichment in solution phase as opposed to commonly used solid phase extraction methods. In chapter 2 we discuss further extension of PolyMAC technology to PolyMAC-Zr and the use of complementary metal ion enrichment to study Syk dependent phosphorylation in B-cells. In chapter 3, we discuss a study to couple PolyMAC-Ti with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody to investigate Syk and Lyn dependent phosphorylation in B-cells. In chapter 4, we introduce a method to capture and fractionate proteins based on copper-protein interactions. Its unique application in enriching and fractionating secretomes was demonstrated by identifying low abundance cytokines and chemokines

    Student, teacher and researcher perspectives on self-Study and knowledge building

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    Paper presented at the structured poster symposium of the AERA 2003 Annual MeetingTheme: Probing individual, social, and cultural aspects of knowledge buildingAn interpretative style was employed in reporting teacher and students’ action in a context of teaching and learning in an urban high school in Canada, with a teacher of 30 years of experience, in a grade 11 Physics class. Student and teacher interviews, student discussions in the database, videotapes of special events and artefacts of the poster presentation were the main data sources. Two narratives were constructed for the perspectives of an average student and a high school physics teacher within the project that took place. These narratives were used to provide a detailed description of what happened in the class; it describes the beliefs of students and the teacher about the role of a learner, the role of a teacher and their learning/teaching goals. These findings are discussed in terms of (1) the difficulties of initiating and sustaining new knowledge building strategies when students are satisfied with the existing practices and other sociocultural factors that tend to preserve the existing pattern. (2) the importance of the researcher’s role in helping the teacher to make sense of what is happening in his/her own class which facilitate sustainability and continuation of the innovation.postprintThis work is supported by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to the second author and Marlene Scardamalia. (Grant 410-2000-0998)

    Multichromophore light harvesting in hybrid solar cells

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    Economic development of Ceylon Tea Industry in Sri Lanka

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    The functioning of the tea industry forms the main source of revenue for Sri Lanka's budget, which is now ranked as the world's fourth largest tea producer and second largest exporter. About 20% of the world's tea products are sourced from Sri Lanka. The key objective of this study is to analyze the financial and economic aspects in the context of studying the peculiarities of sales of tea production enterprises

    Ancient Sri Lankan Economic Systems

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    The Greek philosopher Father of History Herodotus realized the value of studying the past as not how it happened but what happened. It is also a critical analysis that shows the human development; a phenomenon that changes rapidly and a methodical study that helps to acquire knowledge. The strategies implied by Sri Lankan aristocrats who lived in the ancient society to maintain their existence safely and in a balance manner, is the philosophy and all the Victories and Failures are involved in the Present! Moreover, both the ordinary vendor and the Mayor or Tax Collectors were advised wisely by the Kings, legitimate heir and clergy to do the needful. You can obtain some experience by looking into the ancestral methods they practiced in trade and economy which are similar to the present situation. As trade becomes strong against new challenges and when the immunity is created through society the historical heritage and perception become the same. Therefore, it is essential to study their nature of the contribution to render services to trade and economy, which has been complied, based on that standpoint. This strengthens minds for criticizing the everlasting conversation of past to present trade and economy and opens gateways to other activities as well. Whilst studying, a person is well disciplined, improves his own ability, learns human ideologies other than their own ways, gains access to inter relationships and most importantly distinguish associate

    White Flowers

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    I think of the act of writing a poem as a ritual--the precise timing, the arrangement of the steps following one another until it becomes a whole, an eternal return of the way memory works. The poems are a means of walking--often blindly, hesitantly-into the self as into a cave, vast and complete, and the only light is the flashlight in my hand that shines into a dark corner barely letting me see the images that quickly disappear before the light. The darkness, defining, takes on a life of its own, so that the act of writing becomes listening to the silence within the self as if the past can only be retraced by hand. The central event in the speaker's life is the death of her father. This book is framed by his presence, as the poems in Part 11 are her attempt to hold the past in place

    The evolution of mental health facilities and treatment in Sri Lanka

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    Історичні події показують, що терапевтичні заходи для психічних захворювань практикувалися на Шрі-Ланці з 6 століття до нашої ери. Індійський принц Віджая страждав психічною хворобою. Він одружився на місцевій принцесі на ім'я Кувені і лікувався місцевою медициною за словами її племінних родичів. Це був найвидатніший інцидент в історії Шрі-Ланки. Західне лікування було введено на початку 19 століття нашої ери з прибуттям європейських колоністів. Крім того, щоб розвинути лікування відповідно до закону, незалежний уряд Шрі-Ланки вніс зміни до Закону про божевільних 1873 року в 1956 році як Закон № 27 про психічні захворювання. Психічний розлад до того часу був мало знайомий серед жителів Шрі-Ланки. Перший психіатричний притулок був заснований у Гендалі, округ Гампаха, для пацієнтів, які страждали на психічні розлади через проказу. На Шрі-Ланці не було жодних записів про хвороби, поки туди не прибули європейці. Під час правління Великобританії було створено два інших притулки для психічно хворих у Борелла та Джаватте, округ Коломбо, коли кількість стаціонарних пацієнтів зросла. Це доводить, що в минулому (до здобуття Шрі-Ланкою незалежності в 1948 році) через погане поводження і жорстку політику колоністів місцеві жителі страждали від психічних розладів. Найвідоміша некомерційна організація Sumithrayo, розташована на Horton Place, Коломбо, була заснована в 1974 році для надання емоційної підтримки тим, хто ризикує вчинити самогубство на Шрі-Ланці. На острові є десять центрів Сумітрайо, де працюють спеціальні волонтери. Ці послуги є безкоштовними та функціонують як незалежні організації без будь-яких перешкод. Семінари, просвітницькі програми, вебінари надають емоційну підтримку людям, які щодня відчувають стрес і напруження під девізом «Є допомога – є надія». Sumithrayo також зосереджується на підтримці тих, хто переживає важкі часи в житті, забезпечуючи конфіденційність, а також прийняття з повагою та турботою через свої консультації з метою зменшення психічних захворювань. Ще одна мета – надати школярам емоційну підтримку для розвитку навичок і того, як справлятися зі щоденним стресом, перш ніж вони зіткнуться з суспільством, ставши дорослими. Через психологічні, соціальні, біологічні та культурні фактори без расової чи класової відмінності люди можуть бути депресивними та відчувати себе ізольованими з власними проблемами. Sumithrayao піклується про них без засудження. Крім того, їх приймають, вислуховуючи та дружачи.The historical events reveal that therapeutic measures for mental illness were practised in Sri Lanka since the 6th century BC. The Indian Prince Vijaya suffered with mental illness. He got married to local princess named Kuweni and was treated with native medicine according to her tribal relatives. This was the most prominent incident in Sri Lankan history. The Western treatment was introduced in the early 19th century AD with arrival of European colonists. Further, to develop the treatment under law, the Lunatic Ordinance of 1873 Act was amended in 1956 as Mental Diseases Act No. 27 by the independent government of Sri Lanka. The mental disorder was not much familiar among Sri Lankans till then. The first mental asylum was established in Hendala, Gampaha District for patients who suffered from mental disorder due to leprosy. There are no records of diseases in Sri Lanka till Europeans landed in. During the British ruling period, two other asylums for mentally ill were established in Borella and Jawatte, Colombo District when the in-patient count went up. This proves that ill treatment and harsh policies of colonists have made locals to suffer from mental disorders in the past (before Sri Lanka gained independence in 1948). The most recognised non-profitable organisation Sumithrayo situated at Horton Place, Colombo, was introduced in 1974 to provide an emotional support to those who are at risk of suicide in Sri Lanka. There are ten Sumithrayo centres across the island with some special volunteer officers. These services are free of charge and function as independent organisations without any barriers. Workshops, awareness programmes, webinars provide emotional support for people who are stressed and strained of life everyday under the motto “There is a help – there is a hope”. Sumithrayo also focuses on supporting those who are going through difficult times in life, assuring confidentiality as well as acceptance with respect and care through their consultations to reduce mental illness. Another goal is to provide emotional support for school children to develop skills and how to deal with everyday stress before they face the society as adults. Due to psychological, social, biological and cultural factors without racial or class distinction, persons can be depressed and feel isolated with own problems. Sumithrayao takes care of them with non-judgemental approaches. Also, they are accepted by listening and befriending

    Medicinal value of three agricultural weed species of the asteraceae family : a review

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    Ageratum conyzoides L., Tridax procumbens L. and Bidens pilosa L. are well known plant species of the Asteraceae family that are considered weeds in intensive agriculture. These weeds are traditionally known to have medicinal properties and have been used for therapeutic treatments. However, it is only the lack of proper knowledge, awareness and screening that have limited their use in pharmaceutical sectors. This review attempts to consolidate the traditional, phytochemical and pharmacological studies that have been carried out on Ageratum conyzoides L., Tridax procumbens L. and Bidens pilosa L., which we note are widely spread throughout the world. This study was conducted through a coherent search on Ageratum conyzoides L., Tridax procumbens L. and Bidens pilosa L. with respect to traditional uses, phytochemical and pharmacological studies that have been performed on these three agricultural weeds all over the world. An exploration of reported descriptions of the potential medical importance of three agricultural weed species (A. conyzoides, T. procumbens and B. pilosa) has been presented. The present review would encourage further clinical investigations into these three plants and their extracts to more closely define the range of uses of these herbs for clinical applications. This, in turn, would give a clear understanding whether these weed species might be targeted to be conserved in a sustainable manner rather than eradicated. © 2021 Phcogj.Com. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

    Are Early Warning Scores Useful Predictors for Mortality and Morbidity in Hospitalised Acutely Unwell Older Patients? : A Systematic Review

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    Funding: No funding was gained to directly support the conduct of this study. Toby Smith is supported by funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR. Acknowledgments: We thank Samuel Ronald Neal who proofread the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD