453 research outputs found


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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the protective effect of COX inhibitors on lipopolysaccharide induced sickness behaviour or neuro inflammation and oxidative stress on male wistar rats.Methods: Male albino wistar rats were divided into 8 groups and each group consisting of 6 rats and drug treatment has done for one week. Control group was given normal saline daily by i. p route for 7 days. Negative control group receives saline for 6 days followed by LPS on 7th day. All other group receives Resveratrol, Celecoxib, and Aspirin for 7 days and LPS (inducing agent) was given on 7th day just before half an hour of drug treatment. After 2 hours of drug administration, the animals were subjected to behavioural testing and after analyzing behavioural parameters, the animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation in order to perform in vitro studies.Results: The results of this study showed that Celecoxib at 10 and 50 mg/kg p. o. showed no changes in body weight but there is the decrease in the temperature, increase in the locomotor activity, increase in the number of line crossing, head dipping/nose poaking, decrease in the floating time when compared to the negative control group. Resveratrol at 50 and 100 mg/kg p. o. showed a significant increase in the Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase, Glutathione Reductase, and showed significant decrease in the Lipid Peroxide and Nitric Oxide level when compared to the negative control group.Conclusion: It was finally concluded that Celecoxib showed neuro protective activity and Resveratrol showed anti-oxidant property. Â


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    Phenolic constituents are the principle bioactivity compounds exist inĂ‚ Feronia limonia; not much of the phenolic compounds are reported from the plant previously. The present paper describes the isolation, identification of flavonoid from medicinal plant Feronia limonia. Fruit pulp was defatted using petroleum ether and further extracted with methanol by Soxhlet extraction. Shinoda test and ferric chloride tests were carried out for preliminary confirmation of flavonoids; thin layer chromatography was employed for the separation of flavonoids. Isolated flavonoid was purified using silica gel column chromatography and further subjected to spectral characterization using FT-IR, 1H-NMR and LC-MS studies. Pure compound was identified as luteolin having molecular formula 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one, chemical formula C15H10O7 and molecular mass 283.35 by comparing their retention time (RT) and MS spectrum values with those that had been identified and the published data. With the help of the obtained phytochemical and spectral data, structure of the flavonoid was drawn using the software Chem Draw ultra version 12. Moreover, the compound 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one has been isolated for the first time from the plant Feronia limonia


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    Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) belongs to Cucurbitaceae family which is abundantly found in India. It is widely cultivated plant. The fruit is used as supplementary to principal food components & also Medicine since ages. Its Diuretic function is well known and it is systematically described in Charak and Sushrut samhita. According to its stages, its different properties are described. Cucumis Sativus is economic and rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fibres, vitamins mainly A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, E, macro nutrients like Na, K, Ca and micro nutrients such as Cu, Ze, Fe. In addition to this, the plant has many phyto constituents like glycosides, flavones, terpenoids, phytosterol, saponine and carotene B. Fruit can be used in the form of conc. juice, slices (slices dried or fresh). It helps to promote health and cure diseases. Its fresh fruit is rich source of moisture. It can be used in place of mineral water for oral rehydration. It needs to be used in preparing sqash, jam and jelly. It is also used in various cosmetics due to its high moisture content. Malnutrition is worldwide problem. Cucumber is easily available, affordable and fulfils requirements of micro & macronutrients in the body. Therefore, Cucumber can be used as food supplement in the malnutrition areas. Adulteration in synthetic food and its side effects is one of the serious health related issue. Use of Cucumber as supplementary to food helps to overcome these problems

    Institutional Repository at National Aerospace Laboratories

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    The Information Centre of NAL with its state-of-the-art expertise, infrastructure and services initiated setting up of its own repository during 2003 using, the then most popular open source software Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL). The work progressed rapidly with the adoption of the open source software GNU EPrints for archiving and managing the digital collections. This paper in detail explains the working model of NAL’s Institutional Repository. It discusses the technology employed and methodology adopted in building the same. The collection process of different data types, processing and depositing the same to IR is discussed in detail. It is summarized by providing the current status and the statistics on number of hits receive


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      A cancer biomarker refers to a substance or process that is used as an indicative the presence of cancer in the body. A biomarker may be a molecule secreted by a tumor or a specific response of the body to the presence of cancer. Biomarkers are utilized in three elementary ways as a diagnostic tool, prognostic tool, and predictive tool. The screening tests employed are clinical and breast exams, mammography, hereditary screening, ultrasound, and attractive reverberation imaging. Biomarkers involved in breast cancer are human epidermal growth factor-2, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Cyclin D1, and Cyclin E. Specific bioactive phytoconstituents used as anticancer include curcumin, genistein, resveratrol, isothiocyanates, silymarin, diallyl sulfisoxazole, lycopene, apigenin, and gingerol. Hence, this review indicates the study of screening methods, various biomarkers in breast cancer and phytoconstituents against breast cancer


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    Cancer is a disease which leads to death, and chemotherapy is a treatment used to treat cancer. Lung cancer and breast cancer are most effective one in the world. The present study examines the anticancer property of culinary vegetables such as Allium vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, and beetroot which are used in day-to-day life have anticancer properties. Allicin and gallic acid in garlic decreases the risk of colon, pancreas, stomach, esophagus, and breast cancers. In onion, cysteine sulfoxide is sulfur compounds which have ant-cancer, antiplatelet, and antithrombotic property. In broccoli, glucosinolates and sulfur compounds play a major role in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer. Betacyanin is a compound present in beetroot which has antioxidant property and anticancer activity

    Unravelling Kuttanad's Drinking Water Paradox

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    Surrounded by vast expanses of water, the Kuttanad region in Alleppey district, Kerala faces severe drinking water scarcity due to infrastructure failure and civic body inaction. This picture-perfect expanse that lies at the heart of the backwaters experiences “frequent floods, waterlogging, contamination from the houseboat and domestic effluents, degradation of natural reserves, poor sanitation and land management systems in the catchment and supply-demand mismatch” (Shiney and Geeja, 2013). Water to cater to the needs of a population of 2.4 lakh population is sourced from the Neerettupuram plant in Thiruvalla that has a production of 14 million litres per day against a demand of 24 million litres. Nearly, half of the water gets lost through the supply system creating a huge shortfall in drinking water

    Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM): antenatal and postnatal management

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    Background: Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) is a rare abnormality of lung development. The estimated incidence ranges from 1: 10,000 to 1.35,000 live births. It is diagnosed by prenatal screening at 18-20 weeks of gestation. Surgical excision of symptomatic lesions is relatively straight forward, but management of asymptomatic lesions is controversial.Methods: Among women who delivered at St. Johns medical college and hospital, Bangalore between Jan 2011 to Dec 2016, those with the diagnosis of CCAM during anomaly scan were included in the study. Antenatal and Post-natal period and their outcomes were evaluated. Follow up was extend up to the childhood in the affected foetus.Results: There were 5 cases of CCAM in 13057 deliveries during 5-year study. Incidence was 1:2611. Mean gestational age at diagnosis was 21.6±2.5weeks. All foetus had CVR (CCAM volume) ratio more than 1.6 and there was no compromise on lung volume. Mean lung volume was 62.8±8.6 cc. and mean Apgar score at 1minute was 6.8±2.7 and at 5 minutes was 8.0±2.2. Among 5 foetuses, 2 foetuses had regression of cyst by birth and 3 underwent surgery for resection after birth.Conclusions: CCAM remains a challenge for obstetricians, neonatologists and paediatric surgeons. The combination of prenatal MRI and serial ultrasound studies optimize foetal surveillance and postnatal care. In asymptomatic CCAM, babies should be followed up to adolescence and adulthood, as they can manifest with malignant changes
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