214 research outputs found

    Peri-articular diseases of the hip: emerging frontiers in arthroscopic and endoscopic treatments

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    The precise diagnosis of both intra and extra-capsular disease of the hip is now possible because of commonly available advanced diagnostic imaging techniques. An increasing number of reports in the orthopedic literature describe new endoscopic and arthroscopic techniques to address peri-articular pathology of the hip. The purpose of this paper is to review current techniques in the management of extra-articular hip conditions


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    A study was conducted on a successional vegetation in an abandoned uprooted rubber fieldat Kamburupitiya in 1999. It involved determination of growth parameters such as height.girth. biomass accumulation and partitioning of dry matter in three most widely occurringearly successional woody species, namely Macarange peltata, Alstonia scliolaris and Tremaoricnralis of varying ages (3. 5 and 7 years). Here three trees of each species were sampledexcept A. scholaris where only 3 and 5 year old trees were sampled for each age class fromeach succeessional stand.Growth parameters (height, gbh and rate of height and diameter), growth of all three speciesat 3. 5 and 7 years and the partitioning of dry matter to the leaves were compared among thethree tree species and the ages sampled. According to the results obtained A. scholarisshowed the highest absolute and relative stem elongation followed by M. peltata and then Torienta/is. However it recorded the lowest rate of increment in girth. At three years of agemore dry matter is heing partitioned to leaves and as the age progressed this proportion ISsignificantly reduced in all the tree species sampled.The implications of inter-specific variations in growth attrihutes and accumulation andpartition of dry matter on nutrient conservation and restoration of disturhed agro-ecosystemsare discussed.


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    A study was made in /996 ofthe composition, abundance, and density oftheflora ofthis type ofpigmyforest. In the overstorey ( 8 cm girth at 20 cm laboveground level) there were recorded /8 species oll3 genera and 8falllilies, and inthe understorey (non-woody species and woody species . 8 cm).J / species ol35genera and 25.families; 16 species (39%) were common to hoth. Syzygiumsclerophyllum \Vas the most dominant species in both storeys. Many species wereendemics

    Privacy in a time of Covid-19: how concerned are you?

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    We introduce a study examining people’s privacy concerns in a time of Covid-19 and we reflect on people’s willingness to share their personal data in the interest of controlling the spread of the virus and save lives

    Public attitudes towards privacy in COVID-19 times in the Republic of Ireland: a pilot study

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    This research focuses on designing methods aimed at assessing Irish public attitudes regarding privacy in COVID-19 times and their influence on the adoption of COVID-19 spread control technology such as the COVID tracker app. The success of such technologies is dependent on their adoption rate and privacy concerns may be a factor delaying or preventing thus adoption. An online questionnaire was built to collect: demographic data, participant's general privacy profile using the Privacy Segmentation Index (PSI) which classifies individuals into 3 groups (privacy fundamentalists, pragmatists, and unconcerned), and the attitudes toward privacy in COVID-19 times. The questionnaire was shared via websites and social networks. The data was collected between 27/08/2020 to 27/9/2020. We received and analysed 258 responses. The initial pilot study found that almost 73% of the respondents were pragmatists or unconcerned about privacy when it came to sharing their private data. Comparable results were obtained with other privacy studies that have employed PSI. The pilot indicates a huge increase, from 12% pre-pandemic to 61% during the pandemic, of people willing to share their data. The questionnaire developed following this study is further used in a national survey on privacy in COVID-19 times

    Molecular characteristics of long-term epilepsy-associated tumours (LEATs) and mechanisms for tumour-related epilepsy (TRE)

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    Brain tumours are the second most common cause of seizures identified in epilepsy surgical series. While any tumour involving the brain has the potential to cause seizures, specific subtypes are more frequently associated with epilepsy. Tumour-related epilepsy has a profound impact on patients with brain tumours and these seizures are often refractory to anti-epileptic treatments, resulting in long-term disability and patient morbidity. Despite the drastic impact epilepsy-associated tumours have on patients, they have not traditionally enjoyed as much attention as more malignant neoplasms. However, recently a number of developments have been achieved towards furthering our understanding of the molecular and developmental backgrounds of specific epilepsy associated tumours. In addition, the past decade has seen an expansion in the literature on the pathophysiology of tumour-related epilepsy. In this review, we aim to summarise the mechanisms by which tumours may cause seizures and detail recent data regarding the pathogenesis of specific developmental epilepsy-associated tumours. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved