5 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Asam Askorbat Buah Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) Terhadap Pemutihan Gigi

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    Teeth discoloration has been complained by most of Indonesians. A treatment of teeth discoloration can be overcome by using a bleaching treatment. Bleaching itself, can be done using a natural ingredients, for instance avocado (Persea americana Mill.),which contained an ascorbic acid for a dental bleaching. The aim of this study is to find out the effectiveness of avocado with concentrations of 30%, 70%, and 100% on a teeth bleaching. It is a laboratory experimental research using a pretest-posttest control group design. The sample used are 24 post-extraction of premolar teeth, and ascorbic acid which was taken from the avocado by an isolation method. The teeth soaked in a black tea for 6 days and replaced every 2 days, then soaked with ascorbic acid in the avocado extract 30%, 70%, 100%, and control aquades for 3 days.The degree of teeth color was measured by using a spectrophotometer. The data analysis used a discrimination test with One Way Anova and further discrimination test with Pos Hoc Anova. The results of discrimination test with One Way Anova showed the significant value was 0,019 (p<0,05), which means there was difference colour between before and after the soaking teeth treatment using the ascorbic acid in avocado with concentrations of 30%, 70%, and 100%. Based on Pos Hoc Anova test, showed that 30% and 100% concentrations of ascorbic acid is more effective than the aquades. As the 100% concentration of ascorbic acid showed a demineralization. Therefore the 30% concentration of ascorbic acid is the most effective. The ascorbic acid in avocado extract (Persea americana Mill.) with 30%, 70%, dan 100% concentrations is effective for a dental bleaching

    Effect of 35% hydrogen peroxide on in-office bleaching against changes in tooth enamel hardness: Literature review

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    Teeth bleaching is one of the treatments for teeth discolouration. Teeth bleaching can do in-home or in-office. The material for that use in-office bleaching is 35% hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound that is tough and has a micro molecule that can easily penetrate enamel tissue and dentin tissue. Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide in-office is now more attractive because can be faster to see the result. Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide when done repeat will make teeth more sensitive, and damage enamel tissue and dentin tissue.  The objective of this study is to know the influence of in-office bleaching using 35% hydrogen peroxide on microhardness enamel.  This research is made with a literature review with search engine google scholar, PubMed, and science direct. The results of 10 articles show the effectiveness of teeth discolouration after bleaching using 35% hydrogen peroxide in-office.  The reduction in enamel microhardness seen using SEM, knob and Vickers is visible although not significant. Based on the literature review research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that there is a reduction in enamel hardness after the in-office bleaching process by using 35% hydrogen peroxide

    Lama Perendaman Asam Askorbat Buah Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) dalam Meningkatkan Warna Gigi

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    Tooth color is one of the factors that influence self confidence and appearance.  Chemicals ingredient in whitening teeth can cause negative effects such as reduced enamel hardness, sensitive teeth and irritation of the oral mucosa. Avocados contain ascorbic acid which can be used as an alternative ingredient to whiten teeth. Objective, to determine the effectiveness of ascorbic acid in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) 100% concentration in improving tooth color with a difference of 2, 3 and 4 days immersion time in vitro. This research is a type of experimental laboratory research with pre-test-post-only control group design. The 24 post extraction premolars were used as samples immersion in tea solution for 6 days and replaced every 2 days to make discoloration. Samples were divided into 4 groups, immersion of the sample in 100% ascorbic acid within 2, 3 and 4 days, and the control group immersed in sterile aquades. Tooth color measurements before and after immersion with a spectrophotometer. One Way ANOVA test results (p <0.05) showed a significant difference between treatment groups. Post-Hoc test results can be concluded that the 2 day immersion is the most effective in improving the color of teeth with a mean rank is 39.47. From the results showed that the comparison of 2 day immersion group was the most effective for increase the color of teeth than 3 day and 4 day immersion groups

    Perubahan Warna Permukaan Resin Komposit Nanohybird Pasca Perendaman Dalam Cuko Pempek

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    The development of science, technology and patient demands regarding restorative materials that are colored with teeth is currently higher. Dental-colored restoration materials are widely used, one of which is nanohybrid composite resin. The nanohybrid composite resin has a small and fine particle size of 0.04 um. Nanohybrid composite resins have many advantages, but they also have the disadvantage of liquid absorption properties which can cause discoloration. One of the liquids that cause discoloration is cuko pempek. Objective: To find out the surface color changes of nanohybrid composite resin after immersion in cuko pempek. Methods, an experimental laboratory study with a pre and post test only group design study design. Sample 16 pieces of nanohybrid composite resin measuring 10 x 2 mm. The sample was immersed using pempek cuko as much as 5 ml with a temperature of 37oC for 7 days. Color change is measured with a spechtrophotometer (UV-2401 PC). Results, there was a change in the surface color of nanohybrid composite resin soaked with pempek cuko which marked an average increase in dE*ab before immersion (18.5925) and after immersion (23.3169) with a difference of 4.7844. The paired t test results also showed a significant color change that is p = 0,000 (p <0.05). Conclusion, there is a change in the surface color of the post-immersion nanohybrid composite resin in pempek cuko