280 research outputs found

    Preparation and in vitro evaluation of primaquine-conjugated gum arabic microspheres

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    Gum arabic, a branched polysaccharide, was oxidized using periodate to generate reactive aldehyde groups on the biopolymer. Primaquine, an 8-aminoquinoline, was covalently coupled onto oxidized gum arabic via an imine bond and simultaneously fabricated into microspheres of less than 2 μm in size by heat denaturation in a reverse emulsion of 1:1 light paraffin oil and toluene stabilized by sorbitan sesquioleate as the surfactant. The covalent binding of primaquine to the polysaccharide using the clinically used water-soluble form of the drug primaquine phosphate was achieved in the presence of borate buffer of pH 11. Up to 35% of the drug could be bound to the polymer backbone depending on the concentration of the drug employed initially and the degree of oxidation of the polysaccharide. Interestingly, both the aliphatic and the hindered aromatic amino groups of primaquine were found to react with the aldehyde functions through Schiff base formation leading to cross-linking of the polysaccharide with the drug itself. In vitro release of the drug from microspheres into phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4, 0.1 M) at 37 °C showed that the release of primaquine from the matrix was slow, although gradually increased with time. The maximum released was below 50% of the drug payload even after 10 days. Release into simulated gastric and intestinal fluids was faster compared to the release in PBS due to rapid hydrolysis of the Schiff's linkage in the gastric fluid. A possible reason for the poor hydrolytic susceptibility of the Schiff's linkage is suggested based on the unequal reactivity of the amino groups on primaquine and its relevance in possible therapeutic application of this polymer-drug conjugate discussed

    Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in pregnancies occurring as a result of Fresh and Thawed frozen embryo transfer

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    Background: In vitro fertilization is a known independent risk factor for adverse perinatal outcomes. To explore obstetric and perinatal outcomes in pregnancies occurring as a result of fresh and thawed frozen embryo transfer.Methods: Retrospective observational study with 208 patients. A period of 2 years from October 2015 to October 2017. Tertiary care Fertility, Laparoscopy and research centre. All pregnancies conceived by IVF (n= 208) between the study period were included. The patients were grouped by fresh (n= 108) versus frozen (n= 100) embryo transfer. Patients conceived with donor embryo transfer were excluded. Primary outcomes were missed abortions, ectopic pregnancy, live births. Incidence singleton pregnancies and multiple gestations, preterm delivery, birth weight, an obstetric complication includes gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational DM, placenta previa.Results: A total 208 patient analyzed who conceived with IVF treatments, among them 108 patients were in Fresh ET group and 100 were in Frozen ET group. The incidence of Ectopic Pregnancy was more in fresh ET as compared to Frozen ET (14.8%, 02% respectively, p value <0.05) whereas that of missed abortions were more in Frozen ET (22% versus 11.1%, p value 0.03). There were no significant differences in obstetric and perinatal outcomes in both groups.Conclusions: In this study of IVF pregnancies, adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes did not differ between fresh and frozen embryo transfers. Literature tells that there may be an increased risk of preeclampsia and large for gestational age babies in pregnancies conceiving after frozen embryo transfer. So freeze all policy should be applied to only indicated cases and not to all because both the groups having similar outcomes

    Fertility outcomes following myomectomy in infertile patients at our centre: a retrospective analysis

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    Background: Fibroids have been known to cause infertility due to multiple factors. However, the role of myomectomy in patients with intramural and subserosal fibroids has been a topic of debate. This study evaluates outcomes following myomectomy in patients seeking treatment for infertility at study centre.Methods: This was hospital based retrospective study which evaluated 92 infertile patients who took treatment for infertility.Results: A total 41.3% patients conceived within one year of myomectomy. Pregnancy rates were better in patients with intramural combined with submucous fibroids, age between 30 and 35 years, size of largest fibroid between 3 and 6 cm and when number of fibroids were between 3 and 6 and conception was maximum after ovulation induction.Conclusions: Pregnancy rates after myomectomy are better in young patients with large fibroids. Active management for infertility needs to be done after myomectomy

    Ring Based Planar Crossover for Beamforming Networks

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    AbstractA crossover maintains signal integrity when transmission lines overlap. In this paper, a microstrip patch is used to design the overlapping region thus providing desired isolation and transmission between desired ports. Square and Circular patch configurations for crossovers are analysed using ANSYS HFSS. The basic microstrip patch is further modified by introducing fractals enhancing the electrical length and improving the crossover characteristics

    Factors affecting success of intrauterine insemination: a 3 year prospective study

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    Background: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the therapeutic process of placing washed spermatozoa transcervically into the uterine cavity for the treatment of infertility. The aim of this study is to analyze the variables that contribute to the success of stimulated IUI cycles. A prospective study was done to identify the most important parameters with regard to IUI success that would provide important data for predicting the success of therapy and further help in planning sub fertility treatment for couples.Methods: This prospective analytical study was done at KJK Fertility Research and Gynaec Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala over a period of 3 years from June 2012 to June 2015 in 3851 stimulated IUI cycles.Results: The overall pregnancy rate was 15.2%. Among the predictive factors evaluated, the infertility diagnosis (PCO and male factor, p value &lt;0.001), the post wash semen count (5-10 million, p value &lt;0.001), type of IUI (double IUI over single IUI, p value &lt;0.001) and the endometrial thickness on the day of trigger (9-10mm, χ2 =551.59 df =5 p&lt;0.001) significantly influenced the pregnancy rate.Conclusions: IUI is a successful contemporary treatment for appropriately selected cases of PCO and male factor infertility, especially when female age is &lt;35 years

    Stress-Crack Separation Relationship for Macrosynthetic, Steel and Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete

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    An experimental evaluation of the crack propaga tion and post-cracking response of macro fiber reinforced concrete in flexure is c onducted. Two types of structur al fibers, hooked end steel fibers and continuousl y embossed macro-synthetic fibers are used in this study. A fiber blend of the two fibers is evaluated for spec ific improvements in the post peak residual load carrying response. At 0.5% volume fraction, both steel and macrosynthetic fiber reinforced concrete exhibits load recovery at large crack opening. The blend of 0.2% macrosynthetic fibers and 0.3% steel fibers shows a significa nt improvement in the immediate post peak load response with a significantly smaller load drop and a constant residual load carrying capacity equal to 80% of the peak load. An analytical formulation to predict fle xure load-displacement behaviour considering a multi-linear stress- crack separation (σ -w) relationship is developed. An inverse analysis is developed for obtaining the multi- linear σ -w relation, from the experimental response. The � -w curves of the steel and macrosynthetic fiber reinforced concrete exhibit a stress recovery after a significant drop with increa sing crack opening. Significant residual load carrying capacity is attained only at large crack separation. The fiber blend exhibits a constant residual stress with increasing crack sepa ration following an initial decrease. The constant residual stress is attained at a small crack separation

    Neonatal seizures: our experience of incidence, etiology and outcome in a tertiary care centre

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    Context: Neonatal seizures often evoke a sense of urgency among physician in charge of newborn as they oftenindicate a CNS dysfunction. Incidence of neonatal seizures remains high in our community even in this era ofadvanced perinatal care. Early detection of seizure and its etiology help us to provide specific therapy.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence, etiology and outcome of neonatalseizures. Settings and design: Prospective hospital based descriptive study conducted in the neonatal unit oftertiary care hospital. Material and methods: Consecutive newborns admitted with seizures were included inthis study. Data were collected regarding relevant history and examination, thoroughly evaluated for etiologyand outcome was documented. Analysed by descriptive statistics and conclusions were drawn. Results: Onehundred and eight newborns with seizures were included during study period and incidence of neonatal seizurewas 5.5%. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and sepsis constituted the most common etiologies. HIEwas the most common etiology associated with mortality. Abnormal EEG with supressed background activitywas present in majority of mortality cases. Conclusion: Most of the cases had multifactorial etiology. Measuresfor prevention, prompt recognition and specific management of neonatal seizure help to reduce the burden ofneonatal morbidity in the community