1,086 research outputs found

    The Mother with the Button Eyes: An Exploration of the Story Construct of the ‘Other-Mother’

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    Neil Gaiman's (2002) children's novel, 'Coraline', which has recently been made into a stop motion movie, introduces its readers to a truly frightening figure: the Other-mother. This Other-mother comes out of a long tradition of stories in which the villain is a mother (or grandmother) figure, starting with the evil stepmothers so prevalent in fairy tales, and continuing in recent books such as Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' series in which the protagonist's mother is a major villain for most of the story. Gaiman drew this character partially from an obscure 19th century story by Lucy Clifford called 'The New Mother', in which a pair of naughty children lose their kind, loving mother, who is replaced by a monstrous one with glass eyes and a wooden tail. In this paper I will examine the parallels between Clifford's 'New Mother' and Gaiman's 'OtherGmother'. I also consider briefly another example of this nightmare mother in 'Ginny' in order to explain the pervasive and persistent presence of this figure in children's stories

    The Effect of Exercise on Cancer-related Fatigue in Women Receiving Treatment for Non-metastatic Breast Cancer: Evidence-based Practice Literature Review

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    The purpose of this integrative literature review is to determine if an exercise program has an effect on reducing cancer-related fatigue in women receiving treatment for non-metastatic breast cancer. Key words used in the database search parameters of nursing (CINAHL) and medical (PubMed) literature (published 2002 to 2012) included “breast cancer,” “exercise,” and “fatigue.” Data analysis and findings of the studies demonstrated that both supervised and home-based exercise programs are safe and effective in reducing cancer-related fatigue in the non-metastatic breast cancer patient population. However, additional studies need to be completed before definitive conclusions can be made, especially in regards to the specific type, duration, and intensity of exercise prescription needed for each patient. Findings of these studies can be applied to the clinical practice of an advanced practice registered nurse by providing evidence on the importance of screening for and providing recommendations to treat cancer-related fatigue in women treated for non-metastatic breast cancer

    Computational Investigation of Stellar Cooling, Noble Gas Nucleation, and Organic Molecular Spectra

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    Since the advent and optimization of the Hartree-Fock method, quantum chemistry has been utilized to investigate systems operating on timeframes and environments traditionally unavailable to bench-top chemistry. As computational methods have grown more robust and less time consuming, quantum chemistry has been utilized to investigate a range of fields, including the steadily growing discipline of computational astrochemistry. Through the lens of computational astrochemistry, chemistry that occurred billions of years ago can be explored with equal clarity to that which is currently happening in the cosmos. The work presented throughout this thesis is a series of investigations into different timeframes of the universe: 1) a study on novel cooling mechanisms of the earliest stars to ever form following the calamity of the big bang; 2) a look into the solvation of a ubiquitous molecule in noble gas atoms; and 3) an investigation of the anharmonic vibrational frequencies of a molecule that has promise to be a fundamental building block of amino acids in the ISM

    Found media: interactivity and community in online horror media 2021

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    Being isolated is a common fear. The fear can take many forms, from the fear of being the last one alive in a horrific situation to being completely deserted by everyone you love. This is a fear that has been showcased many different times in movies, novels, and every other piece of media imaginable. Although not always tied to the horror genre, the fear of being isolated is tightly intertwined with many horror stories. Therefore, it is interesting when a horror production goes out of their way to encourage interactivity within its audience. This goes beyond an artist’s desire for a creation to have a raving fanbase behind it, which is typically generated through external means from the narrative itself. Instead, there is an as-yet-unaccounted-for subgenre of horror that integrates Found Footage techniques with the specific goal of eliciting interactivity within the audience. I call this subgenre “Found Media.” The subgenre’s production of interactivity within its audience allows for something rather counterintuitive to the horror genre—the allowance of hope and community in the face of the terrifying events. Found Media is not necessarily a new concept, as much as it is an as-yet-unnamed genre. A predecessor to Found Media could include epistolary novels. These stories, which take place entirely through letters, ask the reader to understand what they are reading as being a character within the story’s point of view. Whether they succeed at achieving this closeness from the reader, depends on audience and the text itself. However, the invitation of a small level of interactivity between the text and the audience is what is important. The story asks the reader to understand the story much more specifically, which, in theory, could incite a deeper connection to the text. Some of the fundamental horror novels operate through the epistolary format, such as Dracula. This shows that not this technique for narrating horror is not only a long-standing tradition, but something that has been developed as new forms of media were created. Thus, the epistolary novel is a key predecessor for the techniques that define Found Media

    A Rooted-Tree Based Derivation of ROW-Type Methods with Non-Exact Jacobian Entries for Index-One DAEs

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    Solving differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) efficiently by means of appropriate numerical schemes for time-integration is an ongoing topic in applied mathematics. In this context, especially when considering large systems that occur with respect to many fields of practical application effective computation becomes relevant. In particular, corresponding examples are given when having to simulate network structures that consider transport of fluid and gas or electrical circuits. Due to the stiffness properties of DAEs, time-integration of such problems generally demands for implicit strategies. Among the schemes that prove to be an adequate choice are linearly implicit Rung-Kutta methods in the form of Rosenbrock-Wanner (ROW) schemes. Compared to fully implicit methods, they are easy to implement and avoid the solution of non-linear equations by including Jacobian information within their formulation. However, Jacobian calculations are a costly operation. Hence, necessity of having to compute the exact Jacobian with every successful time-step proves to be a considerable drawback. To overcome this drawback, a ROW-type method is introduced that allows for non-exact Jacobian entries when solving semi-explicit DAEs of index one. The resulting scheme thus enables to exploit several strategies for saving computational effort. Examples include using partial explicit integration of non-stiff components, utilizing more advantageous sparse Jacobian structures or making use of time-lagged Jacobian information. In fact, due to the property of allowing for non-exact Jacobian expressions, the given scheme can be interpreted as a generalized ROW-type method for DAEs. This is because it covers many different ROW-type schemes known from literature. To derive the order conditions of the ROW-type method introduced, a theory is developed that allows to identify occurring differentials and coefficients graphically by means of rooted trees. Rooted trees for describing numerical methods were originally introduced by J.C. Butcher. They significantly simplify the determination and definition of relevant characteristics because they allow for applying straightforward procedures. In fact, the theory presented combines strategies used to represent ROW-type methods with exact Jacobian for DAEs and ROW-type methods with non-exact Jacobian for ODEs. For this purpose, new types of vertices are considered in order to describe occurring non-exact elementary differentials completely. The resulting theory thus automatically comprises relevant approaches known from literature. As a consequence, it allows to recognize order conditions of familiar methods covered and to identify new conditions. With the theory developed, new sets of coefficients are derived that allow to realize the ROW-type method introduced up to orders two and three. Some of them are constructed based on methods known from literature that satisfy additional conditions for the purpose of avoiding effects of order reduction. It is shown that these methods can be improved by means of the new order conditions derived without having to increase the number of internal stages. Convergence of the resulting methods is analyzed with respect to several academic test problems. Results verify the theory determined and the order conditions found as only schemes satisfying the order conditions predicted preserve their order when using non-exact Jacobian expressions.Die effiziente Lösung differential-algebraischer Gleichungen (DAEs) mittels geeigneter numerischer Verfahren zur zeitlichen Integration ist ein anhaltendes Thema in der angewandten Mathematik. In diesem Zusammenhang wird eine effektive Berechnung insbesondere im Fall zu betrachtender großer Systeme relevant, die in zahlreichen Feldern der praktischen Anwendung vorkommen. Beispiele hierfür ergeben sich vor allem bezüglich der Simulation von Netzwerk-Strukturen, die den Transport von Fluiden und Gasen oder elektrische Schaltungen betrachten. Bedingt durch die Steifheits-Eigenschaften von DAEs erfordert die Zeitintegration solcher Probleme grundsätzlich implizite Methoden. Zu den Verfahren die sich als eine geeignete Wahl erweisen zählen linear-implizite Runge-Kutta Methoden in der Form von Rosenbrock-Wanner (ROW) Verfahren. Im Vergleich zu voll-impliziten Methoden sind sie einfach zu implementieren und vermeiden eine Lösung nicht-linearer Gleichungen, indem sie die Jacobi-Matrix in ihrer Formulierung berücksichtigen. Allerdings ist die Berechnung der Jacobi-Matrix eine teure Operation. Daher erweist sich die Notwendigkeit der Ermittlung der exakten Jacobi-Matrix mit jedem erfolgreichen Zeitschritt als ein großer Nachteil. Um diesem Nachteil entgegen zu wirken wird ein ROW-Typ Verfahren vorgestellt, das für die Berechnung semi-expliziter DAEs vom Index eins die Verwendung nicht-exakter Einträge in der Jacobi-Matrix erlaubt. Das resultierende Verfahren ermöglicht es somit verschiedene Strategien zur Reduzierung des Rechenaufwands auszunutzen. Hierzu zählt unter anderem die Verwendung partieller expliziter Integration nicht-steifer Anteile, der Einsatz vorteilhafterer dünn besetzter Strukturen der Jacobi-Matrix oder die Nutzung zeitverzögerter Informationen. In der Tat kann das beschriebene Verfahren aufgrund der Eigenschaft einer Betrachtung nicht-exakter Jacobi-Matrizen als eine verallgemeinerte ROW-Typ Methode für DAEs interpretiert werden. Dies ist darauf zurück zu führen, dass es zahlreiche verschiedene, aus der Literatur bekannte ROW-Typ Verfahren beinhaltet. Um die Ordnungsbedingungen der vorgestellten ROW-Typ Methode herzuleiten wird eine Theorie entwickelt, die eine grafische Identifizierung auftretender Differentiale und Koeffizienten mittels Wurzelbäume erlaubt. Wurzelbäume zur Beschreibung numerischer Methoden wurden ursprünglich von J.C. Butcher eingeführt. Sie vereinfachen die Bestimmung und Definition relevanter Eigenschaften erheblich, weil sie die Anwendung unkomplizierter Prozeduren ermöglichen. In der Tat vereint die vorgestellte Theorie Strategien, die zur Darstellung von ROW-Typ Methoden mit exakter Jacobi-Matrix für DAEs und ROW-Typ Methoden mit nicht-exakter Jacobi-Matrix für ODEs geläufig sind. Zu diesem Zweck werden neue Knotentypen berücksichtigt um auftretende nicht-exakte Differentiale vollständig zu beschreiben. Die resultierende Theorie umfasst somit automatisch relevante, aus der Literatur bekannte Ansätze. In der Folge ermöglicht sie es Ordnungsbedingungen enthaltener bekannter Methoden zu erkennen und neue Bedingungen zu ermitteln. Mit der entwickelten Theorie werden neue Koeffizientensätze hergeleitet, die es erlauben die vorgestellte ROW-Typ Methode bis zur Ordnung zwei und drei zu realisieren. Einige von ihnen sind auf Basis von aus der Literatur bekannten Methoden konstruiert, die Zusatzbedingungen zum Zweck der Vermeidung von Effekten der Ordnungsreduktion erfüllen. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Methoden mittels der neu hergeleiteten Ordnungsbedingungen verbessert werden können ohne die Anzahl interner Stufen erhöhen zu müssen. Die Konvergenz der resultierenden Methoden wird bezüglich verschiedener akademischer Testprobleme analysiert. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die ermittelte Theorie und die gefundenen Ordnungsbedingungen, da nur jene Verfahren die Ordnung unter Betrachtung nicht-exakter Jacobi-Matrizen erhalten, welche die prognostizierten Ordnungsbedingungen erfüllen

    Somewhere in Between and Other Stories

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    This thesis is a short story collection which explores themes of queer identity and trauma through the lens of magical realism, written in fulfillment of the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at the University of New Orleans

    Анализ переменных режимов вертикального смешивающего подогревателя

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    Проведен анализ работы вертикального смешивающего подогревателя в переменных установившихся режимах при изменении давления пара в корпусе; расхода и температуры воды на входе в подогреватель и относительной величины отводимого выпара. Показано, что основные изменения температуры нагреваемой воды в подогревателе при работе в переменном режиме происходят в первом отсеке

    Вопросы классификации органов власти

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    Рассматриваются критерии и параметры классификации органов государственной власти, дана классификация органов государственной власти, проводится анализ используемой терминологии

    Event Program: 2019 Humanitarian Awards Dinner

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