14 research outputs found

    Scheme of the microbial nitrogen cycle under different climate change conditions.

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    <p>(A) comparison between NW and SW at ambient climate change (T1), (B) comparison between NW and SW at ambient/roof-intensified summer drought (T2) and (C) comparison between NW and SW after rewetting (T3, T4). Decreased N turnover processes under climate change indicated by significantly lower transcripts at SW compared to NW are shown in grey (P <0.05).</p

    Thermal profiles and primer used for real-time PCR quantification of different functional genes and transcripts.

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    a<p>Touchdown: −1°C per cycle.</p><p>Thermal profiles and primer used for real-time PCR quantification of different functional genes and transcripts.</p

    Gravimetric soil moisture related to water holding capacity (WHC), total N and C contents as well as extractable N and C pools of soil of soils at NW and SW, sampled in June (T1), after 39 days drought in August (T2), 24 and 72 hours after rewetting in August (T3, T4) and in September (T5) (n = 8, standard deviation of the mean in parentheses).

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    <p>Asterisks indicate significant differences between NW and SW at the respective sampling times (Student's T test), whereas lower case letters indicate differences among the sampling period for the respective site (multivariate ANOVA). Significant differences between the factors site and sampling time calculated by multivariate ANOVA are indicated by P values <0.05 (bold letters).</p><p>Gravimetric soil moisture related to water holding capacity (WHC), total N and C contents as well as extractable N and C pools of soil of soils at NW and SW, sampled in June (T1), after 39 days drought in August (T2), 24 and 72 hours after rewetting in August (T3, T4) and in September (T5) (n = 8, standard deviation of the mean in parentheses).</p

    Transcript abundance of functional genes involved in the nitrogen cycle (<i>chiA</i>, <i>apr</i>, <i>amoA</i> AOA, <i>nirK</i>, <i>cnor</i> and <i>nosZ</i>) are shown for NW (black bar) and SW (grey bar) in June (T1), after 39 days drought in August (T2), 24 and 72 hours after rewetting in August (T3, T4) and in September (T5) (n = 8, error bars represent standard deviation of the mean).

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    <p>Asterisks indicate significant differences between NW and SW at the respective sampling times (Student's T test), whereas lower case letters indicate differences among the sampling period for the respective site (multivariate ANOVA). Significant differences between the factors site and sampling time calculated by multivariate ANOVA are indicated by P values <0.05 (bold letters).</p

    Metabolites (total amino acids, total soluble proteins, NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>) extracted from fine roots of beech seedlings in June.

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    <p>Blue colour represents the control treatment (NW exposure), red colour represents the climate change treatment (SW exposure). Error bars denote standard errors of the mean (n = 4 per time and treatment). Amino acid and NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> metabolite levels were significantly lower in beech seedlings of the climate change treatment.</p

    <sup>15</sup>N recovery (n = 8) in beech seedlings (sum of fine roots, coarse roots, stem and leaves).

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    <p>Data were collected in September, i.e., three months after isotope labelling with glutamine, NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> or NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> and indicate recovered % of isotopic excess, i.e., after subtracting <sup>15</sup>N natural abundance. Blue: NW exposure (control treatment); red: SW exposure (climate change treatment). <sup>15</sup>N recovery was highest after nitrate labelling both for SW and NW as indicated by different indices. The climate change treatment always reduced <sup>15</sup>N recovery, as indicated by p<0.05.</p