7 research outputs found

    Foot strike patterns in runners wearing floating heel, minimalist and conventional footwear

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    The purpose of this study was investigate the vertical loading rate and footstrike angles when running in floating heel shoes (a new concept called FBR (Faster and Better Runners) compared to conventional and minimalist shoes. Footstrike angle and force data were collected from 15 male recreational runners as they ran in three different footwear conditions, floating heel, conventional and minimalist shoes. Results revealed that running in floating heel shoes promotes a non-rearfoot strike and results in reduced vertical loafing rates compared to both conventional and minimalist footwear. These findings suggest that floating heel shoes may offer a new way of running with a nonrearfoot strike without the risk of impact related injuries


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    The purpose of this study was investigate the vertical loading rate and footstrike angles when running in floating heel shoes (a new concept called FBR (Faster and Better Runners) compared to conventional and minimalist shoes. Footstrike angle and force data were collected from 15 male recreational runners as they ran in three different footwear conditions, floating heel, conventional and minimalist shoes. Results revealed that running in floating heel shoes promotes a non-rearfoot strike and results in reduced vertical loafing rates compared to both conventional and minimalist footwear. These findings suggest that floating heel shoes may offer a new way of running with a nonrearfoot strike without the risk of impact related injuries

    Design specifications to develop a pilota valenciana protection glove

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    [EN] This paper covers the first phase of a project aimed at developing a protective glove for pilota valenciana. At present, players do not use specific equipment to protect their hands, and the lack of scientific knowledge for the development of specific materials is notable. Within this context, we present a study based on questionnaires administered to 100 pilota valenciana players (51 playing professionally). The purpose is to establish the design specifications of a future protective glove as well as to determine a standard protection. Some results show that 64% of the players believe their protections to worsen performance and 84% of them spend one hour or more to make them. The need to overcome the disadvantages of the current protections has been proved, and design specifications by players must be kept in mind.[ES] El presente artículo se corresponde con la fase inicial de un proyecto que tiene como objetivo desarrollar un guante de protección para jugar a pilota valenciana. Actualmente, los jugadores no tienen un equipamiento específico de garantía para protegerse las manos y existe una ausencia general de conocimiento científico para desarrollar materiales específicos. En este contexto, se presenta un estudio de encuestas sobre 100 jugadores de pilota valenciana, 51 de ellos profesionales, acerca de las protecciones tradicionales que utilizan. El objetivo es definir las especificaciones de diseño de la futura protección así como definir una protección tipo. Algunos de los resultados más destacables indican que el 84% de los jugadores emplean una hora o más en confeccionarse la protección y que 64% de los jugadores consideran que sus protecciones empeoran el rendimiento. Se ha comprobado que las actuales protecciones resultan ineficaces en términos de rendimiento y confort.Montaner, C.; Llana, S.; Gamez Paya, J.; Alcantara Alcover, E. (2012). Especificaciones de diseño para el desarrollo de un guante de pilota valenciana. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. 12(47):405-429. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/102083S405429124

    Foot and Lower Limb Clinical and Structural Changes in Overuse Injured Recreational Runners Using Floating Heel Shoes: Preliminary Results of a Randomised Control Trial

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    Foot-strike and the associated load rate are factors related to overuse injuries in runners. The purpose of this study was to analyse structural and functional changes in runners using floating heel running shoes, compared with runners using conventional footwear. A randomised control trial was conducted. Twenty runners with overuse injuries were followed over a 12-week gait retraining programme using floating heel running shoes or their conventional footwear. Pain was measured with pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), structural changes were measured with ultrasonography, and severity and impact of injury was scored on the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre Overuse Injury Questionnaire (OSTRC-O). Statistical differences were found between groups after the intervention (p < 0.001), with a medium size effect SE = 0.8, and the floating heel running shoes group reached higher PPTs values. Participants using floating heel running shoes showed higher OSTRC-O scores than those using their conventional footwear (p < 0.05), with higher scores after the intervention (p < 0.05). A 12-week gait retraining programme using floating heel running shoes had positive effects on the injury recovery process when compared to the use of conventional footwear, with significant differences in terms of pain and impact on sports activity

    Foot and Lower Limb Clinical and Structural Changes in Overuse Injured Recreational Runners Using Floating Heel Shoes: Preliminary Results of a Randomised Control Trial

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    Foot-strike and the associated load rate are factors related to overuse injuries in runners. The purpose of this study was to analyse structural and functional changes in runners using floating heel running shoes, compared with runners using conventional footwear. A randomised control trial was conducted. Twenty runners with overuse injuries were followed over a 12-week gait retraining programme using floating heel running shoes or their conventional footwear. Pain was measured with pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), structural changes were measured with ultrasonography, and severity and impact of injury was scored on the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre Overuse Injury Questionnaire (OSTRC-O). Statistical differences were found between groups after the intervention (p p p < 0.05). A 12-week gait retraining programme using floating heel running shoes had positive effects on the injury recovery process when compared to the use of conventional footwear, with significant differences in terms of pain and impact on sports activity

    Development of a soccer boot for artificial turf

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    [EN] Soccer is considered the most popular sport in the world, both by the number of amateur and practitioners. Throughout history, the playing surfaces have changed being artificial turf the current alternative to natural grass fields in areas with bad weather or indoor facilities. Since its introduction, these surfaces have evolved into the so-called 3rd generation. On the other hand, developing specific footwear for soccer practice on artificial turf has not kept pace with the development of such surfaces. This affects a number of aspects of the user-surface interaction such as thermal comfort, shock absorption and traction, resulting in a low sports performance and the emergence of problems such as increased incidence of lower limb injuries. From this situation, the company Kelme considered interesting to develop a specific shoe for artificial turf 3rd generation that optimizes performance and comfort of the athletes, reducing the possibility of injury. The work developed in this project has benefited from the perspective of users, and expert physiologists, biomechanical and medical, so that all scientific fronts were covered to ensure the success of the product.[ES] El fútbol es considerado como el deporte rey en el mundo, tanto por el número de aficionados como de practicantes. A lo largo de la historia las superficies de juego han ido variando, siendo en la actualidad la hierba artificial la alternativa a los campos de césped natural en zonas con meteorología adversa o en instalaciones indoor. Desde su implantación, este tipo de superficies han ido evolucionando hasta la llamada 3a generación. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de calzado específico para la práctica de fútbol sobre césped artificial no ha ido a la par con el desarrollo de dichas superficies. Esto afecta a una serie de aspectos de la interacción entre los usuarios y la superficie como el confort térmico, la absorción de impactos o la tracción, lo que se traduce en un bajo rendimiento deportivo y en la aparición de problemas como una mayor incidencia de lesiones de miembro inferior. A partir de esta situación, la empresa KELME ha desarrollado con el asesoramiento del Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) un calzado específico para césped artificial de 3a generación que, a través de un diseño innovador de tacos y la selección de los materiales más novedosos, optimiza el rendimiento y el confort de los deportistas, reduciendo los riesgos de lesión. En el trabajo desarrollado en este proyecto se ha contado con la perspectiva de los usuarios, así como expertos en fisiología, biomecánica y medicina deportiva, de manera que todos los frentes científicos fueran cubiertos para asegurar el éxito del producto.Vicerrectorado de Deportes de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Proyecto cofinanciado pro los Fondos FEDER, dentro del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2007-2013. Plan de Competitividad de la Empresa Valenciana, convocatoria 2009. Referencia del proyecto: IMPCDB/2009/7Olaso Melis, J.; Unanue Garcia, A.; Navarro Garcia, FJ.; Gamez Paya, J.; Ferrandis Ferrer, R.; Medina Ripoll, E.; Hernández Alonso, A.... (2011). Diseño innovador de botas de fútbol para hierba artificial. Revista de biomecánica. (56):35-40. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38190S35405

    The IBV receives the first conference WEAR in Spain on innovation across the anthropometry

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    [EN] Last 22th and 23rd of September, the group WEAR (World Engineering Anthropometry Resource), formed by the principal world experts in anthropometry, celebrated his annual meeting in Valencia. On the occasion of this event the IBV organized a conference dedicated to the Anthropometry Applied to the Innovation. The aim of this conference, addressed to the manufacturer industries, was to show the availability of world anthropometrical data and its practical application in the design of innovative products and services. In the conference participated more than 20 experts, who presented the last advances in this field through success cases in different sectors as automotive industry, apparel, footwear or personal protective equipment, showing the development of new ergonomic products for different population groups and new services centered on the customization or ¿best fitting¿.[ES] Los pasados días 22 y 23 de septiembre, el grupo WEAR (World Engineering Anthropometry Resource), formado por los principales expertos mundiales en antropometría, celebró su encuentro anual en Valencia. Con motivo de este evento el Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) organizó una conferencia dedicada a la antropometría aplicada a la innovación. El objetivo de esta conferencia, dirigida a las industrias fabricantes, fue mostrar la disponibilidad de los datos antropométricos en todo el mundo y su aplicación práctica en el diseño de productos y servicios innovadores. El programa de estas jornadas contó con la participación de más de veinte expertos que presentaron los últimos avances en este campo a través de casos de éxito en diferentes sectores como automoción, indumentaria, calzado o equipos de protección individual, mostrando el desarrollo de nuevos productos ergonómicos para diferentes grupos de población y nuevos servicios centrados en la personalización o el ¿best fitting¿.A la Universitat Politècnica de València por financiar parcialmente esta iniciativa a través del Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo 2010. A la organización internacional CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology) por financiar la asistencia de algunos de los ponentes.Alemany Mut, MS.; Nacher Fernandez, B.; Gil Garcia, M.; Gamez Paya, J.; De Rosario Martínez, H.; Mateo Martínez, B.; Gil Mora, S.... (2011). El IBV acoge la primera conferencia WEAR en España sobre innovación a través de la antropometría. Revista de biomecánica. (55):39-42. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38798S39425