7 research outputs found

    The effect of music on stress and anxiety of dental patients

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    Objectives Dental anxiety often leads to avoidance of patients which may result in significant deterioration of oral health. Non‐pharmacological interventions such as music are increasingly used in dental care. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of relaxing music on the stress and anxiety level of dental patients.Methods In this study, 40 adult patients were randomly divided into two groups of music and control (no intervention). Each group included 10 females and 10 males. Subjects in the music group listened to relaxation music throughout their dental procedure while the control group did not. Pre- and post-tests were performed using the Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Hari’s stress questionnaire in both groups.Results There were no significant differences between the two groups for baseline data. The mean age of patients in the music and control groups was 37.70±9.29 years and 39.05±5.36 years, respectively. Comparison of moderated means in the intervention and control groups showed that listening to relaxation music caused a reduction in the mean scores of STAI (x=7.746, SE=416, P<0.05) and stress (x=7.746, SE=2.103, P<0.01) in the intervention compared with the control group.Conclusion This study indicated that relaxing music can decrease the state anxiety and stress of dental patient

    Effectiveness of neurofeedback on attention, working memory, processing speed, and anxiety in dyslexic children

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    BACKGROUND: Presently, some treatments such as neurofeedback therapy (NFT) have become of great importance in the treatment of psychological disorders. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of NFT on attention and working memory, processing speed, and anxiety of dyslexic children. METHODS: This quasi-experimental research was conducted with an unbalanced control group, a pretest-posttest design, and follow-up. The statistical population was all dyslexic children of 7-10 years of age in Karaj, Iran, from December 2021 to January 2022. The participants included 45 dyslexic children who were randomly divided into 3 groups of 15 people. The first and second groups received cognitive rehabilitation and NFT, respectively, and the third group received no treatment (control group). NFT was presented in 15 sessions (30-minutes) in the experimental groups. The instruments included the Integrated Visual and Auditory (IVA) + PLUS, Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), Clinical Q Assessment, and the ‎Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS)‎. SPSS software was applied for data analysis. RESULTS: The findings showed that after NFT, the scores of the experimental group in all outcomes decreased in the posttest and follow-up phases (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the educational content of NFT can be used to increase attention, working memory, and processing speed, and reduce anxiety in dyslexic children. Therefore, it is suggested that the results of similar studies be applied in educational fields

    A Study on the Effect of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy on Students\' Body Image Concerns and Social Anxiety

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    Background and purpose: Body image concern is a cause of social anxiety in adolescents, and it involves an intense and disturbing preoccupation with minor or imagined defects in appearance. Research method: The present research aimed to examine the effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) in improving body image concerns and social anxiety in students. The study was semi-experimental and had a pretest-posttest design with a control group by measuring the baseline, post-intervention, and a 3-month follow-up with the control group. Forty out of 115 students, who were initially interviewed, were randomly selected from second-grade high schools in Alborz province in the academic year of 2019-2020 and assigned to the experimental group (solution-focused brief therapy) and control group (n=20). All the participants completed the demographic questionnaire, the body image concern questionnaire, and Conner's Social Phobia Inventory in three stages. The hypothesis about the effectiveness of the research intervention was implemented using repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Findings: The results indicated that there was no significant difference between the two groups in the mean variables of the pre-test stage, indicating the homogeneity of the two research groups in the pre-test stage, but there was a significant difference between the two groups in the post-test and follow-up stages, indicating the effectiveness of the intervention on the variables and the stability of effectiveness in the follow-up stage. Conclusion: According to the results, the above-mentioned therapy can be used as a psychological intervention to reduce students' body image concerns and social anxiety

    Comparing the Effectiveness Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Emotional Cognitive Regulation in Patients with Chronic Pain

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    Living with chronic pain imposes a significant emotional burden, diminishing a person's emotional and cognitive abilities. Consequently, this research aimed to compare the impact of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy(MBCT) on emotional cognitive regulation among chronic pain patients, with a two-month follow-up period. The clinical trial study was conducted in 2022 at the specialty and physiotherapy clinic of Imam Reza (AS) Hospital in Islamshahr City, Iran. Participants with chronic pain were selected through purposive accessible sampling and randomly assigned to three groups: ISTDP group, MBCT group, and a control group, each consisting of 15 individuals. To gather data, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) by Garnevsky et al. (2002) was employed. The results indicated that both ISTDP and MBCT led to improvements in cognitive-emotional regulation scores, including acceptance, rumination, positive refocusing, refocusing on planning, positive reappraisal, and catastrophizing (P<0.05). These positive effects were observed during the follow-up stage as well. However, ISTDP did not significantly impact the self-blame component (P<0.05). Also, there was no statistically significant difference between ISTDP and MBCT in catastrophizing, positive refocusing, and positive reappraisal. However, MBCT demonstrated superior effectiveness in acceptance, rumination and refocusing on planning compared to ISTDP. In conclusion, both intensive short-term dynamic therapy (ISTDP) and cognitive mindfulness therapy (MBCT) can serve as sustainable interventions in healthcare centers to mitigate cognitive-emotional dysregulation in patients with chronic pain

    Explanation of the Eating Behavior based on the Executive Functions; The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation

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    Aim: This research aims to explain of eating behavior based on executive function and the mediating role of emotional regulation was performed. Method: The method of the current research was a descriptive correlation type. The statistical population of the research was all men and women between 30 and 40 years of age in Tehran in 1400, of which 190 people were selected as the research sample using a random multi-stage cluster sampling method method. In this research, the tools of eating behavior (Dutch, 1986), executive functions (Najati, 2013) and cognitive emotional regulation (Garnefsky and Kraij, 2006) were used. Amos-V8.8 software was used to analyze the data. In order to analyze the research data, structural equation modeling method was used. Findings: The research findings showed that the research model has a good fit. The results showed that neurocognitive executive functions negatively and significantly predict eating behavior. Also, the results showed that neurocognitive executive functions positively and significantly predict eating behavior through the mediation of emotional cognitive regulation. Conclusion: Therefore, executive functions and emotional regulation play an important role in predicting the eating behaviors of overweight and obese people, which should be considered in prevention and treatment programs

    نقش جهت‌گیری‌های دلبستگی و تأثیرات معنوی در پیش‌بینی رشد پس‌آسیبی در دختران بی‌سرپرست

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: انّ الطبیعة المعقدة للمشاکل العاطفیة - السلوکیة لدی المراهقین المشردین، تتطلب دراسة واستخدام خطط تربویة وبرامج دعم إجتماعي - تربوي حدیث. هذه البرامج الحدیثة ترتکز علی دراسة تأثیر التوجه العاطفي والتعلّق، وتأثیر النزعة الروحیة في توقع نمو الطفل بعد الصدمة خاصة لدی المراهقات المشردات. منهجية البحث: اعتمدت الدراسة علی المنهج الوصفي - المقطعي الإرتباطي. اما الجمعیة الإحصائیة فقد شملت جمیع المراهقات المشردات اللائي حظین بدعم منظمات الرعایة الإجتماعیة في مدینة طهران لعام 2022م. وبعد ذلك أختیرت 300 مراهقة من بینهن عبر منهج أخذ العینات المتاحة، وأجبن علی سؤالات استبیان النمو مابعد الصدمة لدی تدیستشي وکالهون، واستبیان هازن و شاور حول أنماط التعلّق، واستبیان کانر ودیفیدسون حول الصمود الإجتماعي. ولتحلیل المعطیات اعتمدت الدراسة علی معامل إرتباط بیرسون ومعامل الإنحدار المتعدد. یُذکر أنّه تمت مراعاة جمیع الموارد الأخلاقیة في هذا البحث وإضافة إلی ذلك فإن مؤلفي البحث لم یشیروا إلی أيّ تصارب في المصالح. المعطیات: اظهرت النتائج أن تأثیر النزعة الروحیة کان (65/0=r و012/0&gt;P)، والتعلّق الموثوق (71/0=r و 011/0&gt;P)، أما التعلّق المتجنب فکان (73/0-=r و 023/0&gt;P)، في حین کان التعلق المتناقض (70/0-=r و 018/0&gt;P)؛ وأظهرت النتائج أنّ نمو مابعد الصدمة لدی المراهقات له علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائیة واضحة. کما أظهر تحلیل معامل الإنحدار أنّ التباین بلغ 53% من مجموع تأثیر مابعد الصدمة عبر متغیرات التوجه العاطفي وتأثیر النزعة الروحیة، یمکن وصفها علی النحو التالي: (53/0=R2). ونظراً لکمیات بتا کان التعلق الآمن (247/0=β و 011/0&gt;P)، وتأثیر النزعة الروحیة (226/0=β و 014/0&gt;P). اما التعلّق المتناقض فکان (173/0-=β و 026/0&gt;P)، وأخیراً کان التعلق المتجنب (159/0-=β و 032/0&gt;P). هذا الترتیب یُظهر العوامل المؤثرة حسب قوة التأثیر في توقع نمو مابعد الصدمة. الاستنتاج: نظراً للنتائج التي حصلت علیها الدراسة فإنّ إصلاح التوجه العاطفي وتعزیز النزعة الروحیة یمکن أن تؤدي دوراً محوریاً في تنمیة المراهقة وتحسّن حالها بعد الصدمة.Background and Objective: The complex nature of the emotional-behavioral problems of homeless teenagers requires the investigation and application of new educational support programs. This research was conducted by examining the role of attachment orientations and spiritual effects in predicting post-traumatic growth in orphaned girls. Methods: The present study was descriptive cross-sectional and correlational. The statistical population included all the unaccompanied teenage girls covered by the Welfare Organization of Tehran in 2022, out of whom 300 were selected by available sampling method. They completed the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory by Tabachenik and Feidel, the Attachment Style Questionnaire by Hazen and Shaver, and the Resilience Questionnaire by Connor and Davidson. Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used for data analysis. In this research, all ethical considerations were observed and the authors of the article did not report any conflict of interest. Results: The results of the research showed that spiritual influences (r=0.65 and P&lt;0.012), secure attachment (r=0.71 and P&lt;0.011), avoidant attachment (r=0.73 and P&lt;0.023), and ambivalent attachment (r=0.70 and P&lt;0.018) have a significant correlation with post-traumatic growth in adolescent girls. Regression analysis showed that about 53% of the variance in post-traumatic growth is explained through the variables of attachment orientations and spiritual effects (R2=0.53). According to beta values, secure attachment (β=0.247 and P&lt;0.011), spiritual influences (β=0.226 and P&lt;0.014), ambivalent attachment (β=0.173 and P&lt;0.026), and avoidant attachment (β=0.159 and P&lt;0.032) were, respectively, the strongest to weakest factors in explaining post-traumatic growth. Conclusion: According to the obtained results, modifying attachment orientations and strengthening spirituality can play a significant role in post-traumatic growth in teenage girls.سابقه و هدف: ماهیت پیچیدۀ مشکلات عاطفی - رفتاری نوجوانان بی‌سرپرست، بررسی و به‌کارگیری برنامه‌های حمایتی - پرورشی جدید را ایجاب می‌کند. این پژوهش با بررسی نقش جهت‌گیری‌های دلبستگی و تأثیرات معنوی در پیش‌بینی رشد پس‌آسیبی در دختران بی‌سرپرست انجام شده است.   روش کار: پژوهش حاضر توصیفی - مقطعی و از نوع همبستگی است. جامعۀ آماری تمامی نوجوانان دختر بی‌سرپرست تحت پوشش سازمان بهزیستی شهر تهران در سال 1401 بودند که با روش نمونه‌گیری دردسترس تعداد 300 نفر انتخاب شدند و پرسش‌نامۀ رشد پس‌آسیبی تدسچی و کالهون، پرسش‌نامۀ سبک‌های دلبستگی هازن و شاور و پرسش‌نامۀ تاب‌آوری کانر و دیویدسون را تکمیل نمودند. برای تحلیل داده‌ها از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون چندگانه استفاده شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج پژوهش نشان داد بین تأثیرات معنوی (65/0=r و 012/0&gt;P)، دلبستگی ایمن (71/0=r و 011/0&gt;P)، دلبستگی اجتنابی (73/0-=r و 023/0&gt;P) و دلبستگی دوسوگرا (70/0-=r و 018/0&gt;P) با رشد پس‌آسیبی دختران نوجوان همبستگی معناداری وجود داشت. تحلیل رگرسیون نشان داد حدود 53% واریانس رشد پس‌آسیبی از طریق متغیّرهای جهت‌گیری‌های دلبستگی و تأثیرات معنوی تبیین می‏شود (53/0=R2). با توجه به مقادیر بتا دلبستگی ایمن (247/0=β و 011/0&gt;P)، تأثیرات معنوی (226/0=β و 014/0&gt;P)، دلبستگی دوسوگرا (173/0-=β و 026/0&gt;P) و دلبستگی اجتنابی (159/0-=β و 032/0&gt;P) به‌ترتیب قوی‌ترین تا ضعیف‌ترین عوامل در تبیین رشد پس‌آسیبی بودند. نتیجه‌گیری: با توجه به نتایج به‌دست‌آمده، اصلاح جهت‏گیری‌های دلبستگی و تقویت معنویت‌گرایی می‌تواند نقش بسزایی در رشد پس‌آسیبی نوجوانان دختر داشته باشد

    Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation and Phototherapy on the Risk-Taking of Clients of Drug Addiction Clinics

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    Aims: Risk-taking is a behavior that endangers a person's health and provides the basis for a person to suffer from physical and psychological diseases. Substance dependence disorder includes cognitive, behavioral, and psychological symptoms along with a pattern of repetition and withdrawal tolerance consequences. The aim of the current research was the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation and phototherapy on the risk-taking of people with substance dependence disorder. Materials and Methods: The research method is based on the practical purpose and from the point of view of data collection, it is a part of quantitative and semi-experimental research, with a pre-test, and post-test design with a control group with a 2-month follow-up. In this research, the statistical population was all clients of Nik, Golrizan and Hami drug abuse treatment clinics in Tehran in 2020. First, the Balloon Analogue Risk Task [23] was performed on the clients who volunteered to participate in the sessions. Then, using available sampling method, among these people, those who scored higher than the others, 63 people were selected as available and randomly assigned in groups (21 people in the cognitive rehabilitation group, 21 people in the phototherapy group and 21 people in the control group). Informed consent to participate in the research, not having specific physical and psychological diseases, at least high school education and an age range of 18 to 50 years were the criteria for entering the research. Absence of more than 2 sessions in therapy sessions, simultaneous participation in other courses and therapeutic interventions at the same time as the research, failure to answer the post-test questions and failure to participate in the follow-up level were the criteria for exiting the research. The Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART): This test was first introduced in 2002 by Lejuez [23]. A higher score in this variable indicates a riskier decision [24]. This computer test examines the possibility of checking a person's level of risk-taking in real conditions and measures the performance or bias of the risk-taking strategy [25]. Because there are 30 computerized balloons in this test, it does not have a range of responses and the adjusted score in the main score of the test and the respondent's riskiness index [26]. In the original version, the convergent validity of the survey test and its Pearson correlation with the survey impulsivity test and the coefficient of 0.43 and significance at the 0.01 level has been obtained [27]. In Iran, this test has been standardized on young Iranians, and to examine its concurrent validity, the high-risk decision-making test in social situations [23] with the subscales of health riskiness, novelty, ambiguity, and economic riskiness and depression, anxiety, and stress scale with three subscales of depression, anxiety and stress have been used as a general construct [25]. The correlation coefficient with risk-taking in social situations was 0.45 and significant at the 0.05 level, and the correlation coefficient with the anxiety/depression/stress test was 0.81 and significant at the 0.05 level and also Cronbach's alpha was used to check its reliability and the coefficient was 0.79 [24]. In the present study, the reliability of the test was calculated and the total coefficient of the questions was calculated as 0.73 using Cronbach's alpha method. In this test, the indicators of the adjusted score, which is equivalent to the average number of times the balloons inflated that did not burst, the unadjusted score, which is equivalent to the average number of times the balloons are inflated, the number of times the balloons burst and the maximum and a minimum number of times a balloon is inflated are measured [23]. In the cognitive rehabilitation part, which was adapted from previous studies [14, 19], 12 sessions of cognitive rehabilitation were used using Stop Signal Software (Sina Psychology Software Company), and two symbols of a circle and a square were used in each test. The size of the visual stimuli was equal to 1.5 cm2, which remained on the screen for 1.250 milliseconds. Respondents should respond to the stimuli as quickly as possible with the left and right clicks of the computer mouse. In a way that they responded to the circle stimulus by right-clicking and to the square stimulus by left-clicking. In 20% of the tests, an audio stimulus (750 Hz-75 ms) was presented shortly after the visual stimulus, and when hearing it, the respondent had to stop responding immediately (stop signal). Also, the phototherapy sessions were adapted from previous studies [28], where 12 sessions of low-power laser treatment were used using a German RJ device, and the subjects were exposed to infrared light (IR) radiation and directly exposed to the skull. Infrared light with a maximum wavelength of 810 nm and 32 J/cm2 was irradiated on the entire frontal and prefrontal with a distance of one centimeter. During this period, 12 sessions were conducted (2 times a week). Ethical Permissions: This article was taken from the PhD thesis titled "The combined effect of cognitive rehabilitation and phototherapy on drug craving and cognitive performance of clients of drug addiction clinics" with the ethical code of IR.IAU.K.REC.1399.054, and all the ethical principles of the research were observed. Statistical Analysis: After checking the defaults of parametric tests, a mixed analysis of variance was used. Also, Bonferroni's post hoc test and SPSS 24 software were used to compare treatment interventions. Findings: The average age of the cognitive rehabilitation group was 34.19±8.27, the phototherapy group was 32.76±7.68, and the control group was 33.33±7.73. The F statistic obtained from the comparison of the frequencies of the 3 groups in the age variable was equal to 0.174, which was not statistically significant (p=0.841) and indicated that the groups were equal in terms of age. Also, the amount of Chi-Square analysis results from the comparison of 3 groups in the education variable was equal to Chi-Square= 2.313, which this amount was not statistically significant (p=0.678) and indicated that the three groups were equal in terms of education. The average risk of the rehabilitation group and the phototherapy group decreased in the post-test compared to the pre-test (Table 1). Considering that the purpose of this article was to investigate the number of balloons bursting before and after the therapeutic intervention and to compare the experimental and control groups; therefore, the examination of the subscales of Barrett's test was omitted and only the criterion of the total number of burst balloons was calculated. To check the significance of the changes obtained in the post-test and follow-up, mixed variance analysis was used and the results of which are included in Tables 2, 3 and 4. The results of mixed analysis of variance showed that cognitive rehabilitation and phototherapy had a significant effect on reducing risk (Table 2). A two-by-two comparison of the mean adjustment of test levels (pre-test, post-test and follow-up) on risk-taking showed that the difference between the mean of post-test and follow-up (intervention stability effect) was not significant, so cognitive rehabilitation and phototherapy did not have a lasting effect over time (Table 3). The results of Bonferroni's post hoc risk test to identify more effective treatment showed that the average difference between the phototherapy group and the control group was greater than the average difference between cognitive rehabilitation and the control group, and phototherapy was more effective than cognitive rehabilitation in reducing risk. The difference between the mean risk factors of the cognitive rehabilitation group and the control group was 2.111, which was statistically significant (p=0.001), the mean difference between the risk variable in the phototherapy group and the control group was 2.857, and this difference was also statistically significant (p=0.001). The results showed that this average difference between the phototherapy and control groups was greater than the average difference between the cognitive rehabilitation group and the control group. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this article, the use of low-power laser plays a significant role in helping to improve the harmful effects of addiction and reducing cravings and in a short time, it produces significant results in improving the brain function of people involved in addiction, and it can be used along with drug therapy and psychotherapy. Clinical & Practical Tips in POLICE MEDICINE: Due to the very low side effects of phototherapy and the possibility of its implementation in different conditions, this method can be used as a new method in controlling the high-risk conditions of the military forces. The findings of the present study can be used to formulate new treatment programs and interventions in addiction treatment and counselling centers. Acknowledgements: The researchers sincerely appreciate all the people who helped us in this research and were involved in coordinating and conducting the research. Conflict of Interest: The authors stated that there is no conflict of interest in the present study. Authors' Contribution: First author, presentation of the idea and design of the study; second author, data analysis; third author, data analysis; fourth author, statistical analysis of data; fifth author, data collection; sixth author, data analysis; all the authors participated in the initial writing of the article and its revision, and all accept the responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the contents of this article with the final approval of this article. Financial Sources: This project was done with the financial support of Karaj Islamic Azad University