103 research outputs found

    Routage et gestion de la mobilité dans les réseaux personnels

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    L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier des méthodes et des stratégies efficaces pour le routage et la gestion de la mobilité dans le cadre des réseaux personnels. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons le cadre de nos études: Personal Ubiquitous Environments (PUE). Un PUE est constitué d'un ensemble d'utilisateurs ayant des terminaux disposant d'interfaces réseau hétérogènes, et dont l'objectif est de mettre en oeuvre des mécanismes de coopération et de partage des ressources de manière totalement distribuée. Dans ce cadre, la thèse a proposé des solutions innovantes contribuant à améliorer la communication inter et intra réseau personnels. La première contribution porte sur le protocole PNRP (Personal Network Routing Protocol) dont le but est de développer un routage à base de politiques (policy-based routing) pour les environnements personnels. La seconde, intitulée ADD (Adaptive Distributed gateway Discovery), est un mécanisme totalement distribué pour la découverte de multiples chemins vers une passerelle vers un réseau opéré. De plus, étant donné que ces environnements sont hétérogènes par leurs compositions (réseaux d'accès, terminaux ...), une architecture de gestion de la mobilité qui permet une gestion unifiée de la localisation et de la mobilité sans coutures appliquant lénsemble des noeuds a également été traitée. Les résultats d'évaluation par simulation démontrent l'applicabilité et léfficacité des ces protocoles.The aim of this thesis is to investigate methods and strategies for efficient routing and mobility management in personal environments. The concept of Personal Ubiquitous Environments (PUE) is introduced which accommodates heterogeneous devices and access networks of different users and sustain the notion of sharing resources in a distributed manner. A prerequisite for achieving the resource (devices, networks) sharing in personal environments is the deployment of suitable communication protocols which establish efficient multi-hop routes betweens the devices of the PUE. Personal Network Routing Protocol (PNRP) has been developed to perform policy-based routing in personal environments. Moreover, in certain personal networking scenarios, the infrastructure network components (i.e. gateways) are more than one-hop distance from the user's devices; Adaptive Distributed gateway Discovery (ADD) protocol is thereby proposed to efficiently discover the multi-hop routes towards the gateway in a totally distributed manner. All the more, since the personal environments regroups heterogeneous access networks, an efficient mobility management architecture is proposed which offers unified location management and seamless handover experience to dynamic personal nodes. The proposed protocols are assessed by means of numerous communication scenarios; the simulation results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed protocols

    Knife Stabbing Resistance of Woven Fabrics

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    Tato práce je zaměřena konstrukci a hodnocení vlastností vrstvených textilních struktur s zvýšenou odolností proti pronikání nožů. Každá vrstva je tkaná textilie vyrobená z para-aramidového vlákna Twaron? se stejnou dostavou ve směru osnovy a útku. Je analyzována anizotropie odporu proti pronikání nože jedné i vice vrstev tkaniny. Orientace odporu proti pronikání je charakterizována úhlem penetrace nože (KPA) mezi osou řezání nožem a směrem osnovy tkaniny. Tento úhel byl měněn v pěti směrech řezu, tedy 0°; 22,5°; 45°; 67,5° a 90°. Byla zkoumána kvazi-statická odolnost proti pronikání nože (QSKPR) a dynamická odolnost proti pronikání nože (DSR) tkaninou. Základním cílem této práce je úprava povrchu vláken tak, aby se změnily jejich třecí vlastnosti. Výběr a aplikaci těchto úprav je třeba provést tak, aby nebyly negativně ovlivněny vlastnosti charakterizující komfort. Ze tří předběžně vytipovaných technik modifikace povrchu byly vybrány dvě, které byly detailně zkoumány. Jedná se o depozici oxidu křemičitého (SiO2) na povrch textilie, dále vystavení textilie působení ozónu spolu s depozicí SiO2 a depozici oxidu titaničitého (TiO2) na povrch textilie. Byly sledovány jednak mechanické vlastnosti upravené tkaniny, dále komfortní vlastnosti, odolnost proti bodání nožem a změny povrchu vláken.Byla vyvinuta nová metoda pro aplikaci SiO2 na povrch textilie s použitím vodního skla (WG) jako prekurzoru. Depozice SiO2 byla analyzována a potvrzená pomocí skenovací elektronové mikroskopie (SEM), infračervené spektroskopie s Fourierovou transformací (FTIR) a spektroskopie rentgenového spektra (EDX). Koncentrace Byla nalezena významná souvislost mezi koncentrací WG a růstem QSKPR. Při koncentrací 40% WG ke zvýšení QSKPR o více než 200%. Navíc se ukázalo, že pro neupravené tkaniny vykazuje QSKPR specifický průběh pro různá KPA. Depozice SiO2 na tkaninu zvýšila koeficient tření vláken v tkanině. Ukázalo se, že u upraveného vzorku je třeba vyšší síly k rozestoupení přízí v tkanině než u vzorku neupraveného. Zvýšení koeficientu tření vláken ve tkanině s deponovaným SiO2 bylo srovnatelné s tkaninou vystavenou působení ozónu s naneseným SiO2. Nicméně u tkanin s naneseným SiO2 byla zjištěna relativně vyšší ohybová tuhost.Bylo zjištěno, že kvazi-statické pronikání nože je silně ovlivněno interakcí osnovních a útkových nití, což bylo popsáno modelem na bázi Fourierovy funkce. Tento model se dobře hodí pro hodnocení kvazi-statického pronikání nože pro různé tkaniny. Bylo také ověřeno, že kvazi-statické pronikání nože je přímo úměrné součiniteli tření tkaniny a nepřímo úměrné vzdálenosti mezi nitěmi.Rozdíly v chování upravené a neupravené tkaniny při pronikání nože byly analyzovány pomocí CCD kamery během QSKPR měření. Bylo pozorováno, že klíčovou roli hraje profil nože. Tupá hrana nože zvyšuje odpor a na křivce tlakové síly způsobuje výrazný pík. Naopak po úplném proniknutí tupého kraje nože jsou jednotlivé nitě přeříznuty jedna za druhou. Lze konstatovat, že depozice částic SiO2 zvyšuje tření mezi vlákny uvnitř příze, a proto se vlákna v upravené přízi chovají jako jednolitá masa proti ostré hraně nože. Byl měřen odpor příze proti prokluzu, chování příze při řezání a síla nutná pro vytažení příze z tkaniny ve směru osnovy i útku v upravené a neupravené tkanině. Vyšší odolnost proti kvazi-statickému pronikání nože vykazuje osnova ve srovnání s útkem v obou textiliích (upravené i neupravené).QSKPR byla měřena také na dvou vrstvách orientovaných vzájemně pod různým úhlem kladení (SA) tj. 0°, 45° a 90°. Bylo zjištěno, že SA 45° vykazuje relativně lepší odolnost proti kvazi-statickému pronikání nože do tkaniny. Stejné vrstvy případ byly vyhodnoceny pomocí testu podle modifikované normy NIJ-0115.00. Bylo zjištěno, že 45° SA vykazuje izotropní odolnost proti kvazi-statickému pronikání nože ve všech KPA. Upravené textilní struktury vykazují dvakrát vyšší odolnost proti kvazi-statickému pronikání nože než neupravené.This research focused on the stabbing response of woven fabrics. Woven fabric investigated in this work had an equal set of warp and weft Twaron? para-Aramid filament yarns. In this work, isotropy of single sheet and multiple-sheets stacked together was analyzed at different orientations of knife stabbing. During knife stabbing a knife penetration angle (KPA) is formed between the knife cutting axis and warp yarn of the fabric. The study was conducted at five different cutting angles i.e. 0°, 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, and 90°. Quasi-static knife penetration resistance (QSKPR) and dynamic stab resistance (DSR) of the woven fabrics were studied in this work.The main objective of this research was to study the behavior of dry woven fabrics whose surface was modified to change their friction. The selection and application of these modifications were made in such a way to keep the comfort and flexibility characteristics minimally affected. We adopted three surface modification techniques; 1) SiO2 deposition, 2) Ozone treatment along with SiO2 deposition and 3) TiO2 deposition. Furthermore, the effect of treatment was characterized against surface topology, anti-stabbing behavior, mechanical, comfort and friction properties of developed fabrics. This research discovered a new method of SiO2 deposition, using Water Glass (WG) as a precursor. The deposition of SiO2 was investigated and confirmed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transfer Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy, and Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. The concentration of WG showed the direct relation for an increase in QSKPR. At 40% solution of WG the QSKPR was observed about 200%. The QSKPR measured at 67.5° KPA for untreated fabric was found statistically significantly higher than the mean QSKPR measured for all KPAs. Moreover, the QSKPR seems to follow a specific pattern for different KPAs, irrespective of fabric treatment. The coefficient of friction of fabric surface was well improved by the deposition layer of SiO2. Hence, the yarn pull-out force was increased for treated fabrics as compared to untreated. It was also observed that, treatment with Ozone before depositing SiO2, reduces the adverse effect on comfort and flexibility characteristics of fabric. The quasi-static stabbing was found to be the complementary response to warp and weft yarns, due to their orthogonal orientation. This response was modelled with the Fourier function, that fits well to the quasi-static stab of different fabrics. It was also observed that the behaviour of this response is directly proportional to fabric's coefficient of friction and inversely proportional to the gap between yarns. The interaction of the knife and the fabric was recorded on CCD camera, during QSKPR measurements. It was observed that the shape of the knife profile plays a major role. The blunt edge of the knife finds maximum resistance and causes the major peak in the force-displacement curve. While after the complete penetration of blunt edge, individual yarns cut one by one. It is proposed that SiO2 deposition increases inter-fiber friction, as a result the filaments of the yarn behave as single assembly rather as individual filament against the sharp edge of the knife. Yarn sliding resistance, individual yarn cutting behaviour and yarn pull out force was measured for warp and weft directions of treated and untreated fabrics. It was found that the major response of stabbing resistance depends upon inter yarn friction, while intra-yarn friction accounts for penetration energy of individual yarn. QSKPR was measured for two sheets, oriented at three stacking angles (SA). The 45° SA was found to exhibit better isotropic response of QSKPR than 0°and 90° SA. A modified version of NIJ standard-0115.00 was followed to verify the dynamic stab resistance at 45° SA. It was found that 45° SA exhibits isotropic stab resistance in all KPAs. Furthermore, treated fabrics showed 200% higher stab resistance tha

    Performance improvement in polymer electrolytic membrane fuel cell based on nonlinear control strategies—A comprehensive study

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    A Polymer Electrolytic Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is an efficient power device for automobiles, but its efficiency and life span depend upon its air delivery system. To ensure improved performance of PEMFC, the air delivery system must ensure proper regulation of Oxygen Excess Ratio (OER). This paper proposes two nonlinear control strategies, namely Integral Sliding Mode Control (ISMC) and Fast Terminal ISMC (FTISMC). Both the controllers are designed to control the OER at a constant level under load disturbances while avoiding oxygen starvation. The derived controllers are implemented in MATLAB/ Simulink. The corresponding simulation results depict that FTISMC has faster tracking performance and lesser fluctuations due to load disturbances in output net power, stack voltage/power, error tracking, OER, and compressor motor voltage. Lesser fluctuations in these parameters ensure increased efficiency and thus extended life of a PEMFC. The results are also compared with super twisting algorithm STA to show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. ISMC and FTISMC yield 7% and 20% improved performance as compared to STA. The proposed research finds potential applications in hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles

    Neural network and URED observer based fast terminal integral sliding mode control for energy efficient polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell used in vehicular technologies

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    In this research work, a Neural Network (NN) and Uniform Robust Exact Differentiator (URED) observer-based Fast Terminal Integral Sliding Mode Control (FTISMC) has been proposed for Oxygen Excess Ratio (OER) regulation of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) power systems for vehicular applications. The controller uses URED as an observer for supply manifold pressure estimation. NN is used to estimate the stack temperature which is unavailable. The suggested control method increased the PEMFC's effectiveness and durability while demonstrating the finite-time convergence of system trajectories. By controlling the air-delivery system in the presence of uncertain current requirements and measurement noise, the approach ensures maximum power efficiency. The Lyapunov stability theorem has been used to confirm the stability of the presented algorithm. In addition, the suggested method eliminated the chattering phenomenon and improved power efficiency. Given these noteworthy characteristics, the research has the potential to decrease sensor dependence and production costs while also improving the transient and steady-state response in vehicular applications

    Tensile, surface and thermal characterization of jute fibres after novel treatments

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    Jute fibres have been treated with enzymes, CO2 pulsed infra red laser, ozone and plasma to study the effect of these treatments on their tensile, surface and thermal properties. Surface characteristics of jute fibres have been examined by scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy while thermal characteristics using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). No significant reduction in the tensile strength of treated jute fibres is observed. Changes in the surface chemical composition and increase in surface roughness are observed after the treatments. DSC data show a decrease in decomposition temperature of hemicellulose of all treated jute fibres. DSC and TGA analyses show no marginal difference in the cellulose decomposition temperature of untreated and treated jute fibres. The study shows a change in the surface chemistry and morphology after treatments without any substantial change in the thermal stability and tensile properties of jute fibres. The study also reveals the potential use of infrared laser and ozone treatments for the modification of natural fibres besides the conventional treatments using enzymes and plasma

    Correlation of Red Cell Distribution Width with Severity of Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Objectives: To determine the correlation of red cell distribution width (RDW) with severity of cardiovascular diseases. Methodology: This study was conducted at the Department of Pathology, Aziz Fatima Medical and Dental College, Faisalabad, over a period of one year from October 2019 to September 2020. A total of 150 participants were included in the study consisting of 75 patients of cardiovascular disease in case group and 75 participants without any cardiovascular disease in control group. All patients in the study underwent trans radial or transfemoral rout coronary angiography using 5F optitorque catheter for trans radial rout or 6F Judkins catheters for transfemoral rout. All the patient had angiography within 24 hours of admission in the hospital. Results: The patients who were diagnosed with Coronary artery Disease (CAD) had significantly higher mean age (51.45 ± 11.29 years) as compared (44.56 ± 9.45 years) to group B without out CAD. There were 53 (70.67%) males in group A, and 42 (56%) males in group B. The rate of hypertension (61.33%) was significantly higher among patient who diagnosed with CAD. The mean value of RDW CV was found significantly (p-value < 0.05) raised among patients of CAD (14.36 ± 1.02vs. 13.52 ± 0.89). The RDW SD was also significantly higher in group A (43.67 ± 4.39 vs. 41.65 ± 3.46, p-value = 0.002) in comparison to group B. Age and male gender were found to be a significant (p-value < 0.05) contributor for CVD with an odds ratio of 1.18 and 3 respectively. Conclusion: RDW is an effective easily available marker for the assessment of severity of coronary artery disease and helps in risk stratification of CAD patients for further events

    Immature Platelet Fraction in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease, A Marker for Evaluating Cirrhotic Changes.

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    Objective: To evaluate the role of Immature platelet fraction in patients with chronic liver disease, a marker for evaluating cirrhotic changes. Methodology: This case control study was conducted at department of Pathology, Aziz Fatima Medical and Dental College, Faisalabad, over a period of Seven months from June 2020 to January 2021. A total of 126 participants were included in the study consisting of 63 patients with chronic liver disease in group A and 63 participants without any known disease in group B as control. The IPF master program in combination with XE-2100 multiparameter automatic hematology analyzer was used to measure the immature platelet fraction. Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid was used to collect the blood sample for IPF measurement and was maintained till analysis on room temperature. Ten repeated analyses, immediately and after 24 hours were done for reproducibility of IPF%. Results: The mean age of liver disease patients was 52.35 ± 13.64 years and in control group the mean age was 51.62 ± 11.27 years. There was no significant (p-value > 0.05) difference between both groups based on age and gender. The hemoglobin level and red cell count was found to be significantly (p-value < 0.05) reduced in cases group. While white blood cells count was comparable in both groups. The mean platelet count was significantly (p-value < 0.05) less in cases group (163.5 ± 90.4 vs 233.4 ± 54.5 (x10*3/µl). The mean value of immature platelet fraction (IPF%) was significantly (p-value < 0.05) raised in cases group (5.62 ± 2.92 vs 3.06 ± 1.87). The multivariate discriminant analysis (MDA) score showed a significant (p-value < 0.05) association with chronic hepatis as compared to other liver related diseases. Conclusions: In chronic liver disease patients, there is an inverse relationship between platelet count and IPF% with decreased platelet count and increased IPF%. The proposed MDA function can be used to identify the cirrhotic changes in liver disease patients

    Development and Fidelity Assessment of Potential Flow based Framework for Aerodynamic Modeling of High Lift Devices

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    High lift devices play a vital role in dictating the accelerated performance of an aircraft for different flight phases such as takeoff, landing, and aerobatic maneuvers. The aerodynamic design of high lift devices for any particular aircraft is an iterative process and is achieved through extensive aerodynamic Analysis of the aircraft for various flap configurations. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Wind tunnel testing are highly effective techniques for performing the required Analysis, yet they have high computational costs and time. To overcome this shortcoming, a robust framework based on potential flow solver (PFS) and geometry parameterization is required without compromising the fidelity of the Analysis. This research aims to develop a highly robust aerodynamic analysis framework based on the Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) coupled with Polhamus Suction Analogy and parametric modeling of high lift devices. The fidelity of the framework is validated through experimental testing and is quantified by developing a fidelity assessment matrix. It is established that the computational cost of CFD has been reduced three times with only a 10% to 20% loss in accuracy when the developed framework is used. The developed PFS framework gives results from 80% to 90%. The framework results for a reference aircraft are thoroughly compared with CFD analyses. The framework provides values that agree with corresponding CFD analyses in a fraction of the time

    Iatrogenic hypoglycaemia following glucose-insulin infusions for the treatment of hyperkalaemia

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    Objectives: To study the incidence of, and risk factors for, iatrogenic hypoglycaemia following GwI infusion in our institution. Context: Hyperkalaemia is a life‐threatening biochemical abnormality. Glucose‐with‐insulin (GwI) infusions form standard management, but risk iatrogenic hypoglycaemia (glucose ≤ 3.9mmol/L). Recently updated UK guidelines include an additional glucose infusion in patients with pre‐treatment capillary blood glucose (CBG) <7.0 mmol/L. Design: Retrospective analysis of outcomes for GwI infusions prescribed for hyperkalaemia from 1st January‐28th February 2019, extracted from the Newcastle‐upon‐Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust electronic platform (eRecord). Participants: 132 patients received 228 GwI infusions for hyperkalaemia. Main outcome measures: Incidence, severity and time‐to‐onset of hypoglycaemia. Results: Hypoglycaemia incidence was 11.8%. At least 1 hypoglycaemic episode occurred in 18.2% of patients with 6.8% having at least 1 episode of severe hypoglycaemia (<3.0 mmol/L). Most episodes (77.8%) occurred within 3 hours of treatment. Lower pre‐treatment CBG(5.9 mmol/L [4.1 mmol/L ‐ 11.2 mmol/L],; versus 7.6 mmol/L [3.7 mmol/L ‐ 31.3 mmol/L], p = 0.000) was associated with hypoglycaemia risk. A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and treatment for hyperkalaemia within the previous 24 hours were negatively associated. Conclusions: Within our inpatient population, around 1 in 8 GwI infusions delivered as treatment for hyperkalaemia resulted in iatrogenic hypoglycaemia. Higher pre‐treatment CBG and a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes were protective, irrespective of renal function. Our findings support the immediate change to current management, either with additional glucose infusions, or by using glucose‐only infusions in patients without diabetes. These approaches should be compared via a prospective randomised study