10 research outputs found

    La poblaci贸n de la isla de Formentera

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    Aproximaci贸 a la problem脿tica del poblament hum脿 de Catalunya des de l'antropologia

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    The study of human settlement in areas where hominid remains are very ancient becomes, in fact, the study of the biodynamics of the population, which can be ascertained by considering the similitude with the neigbouhring populations whenever such similitudes could be interpretated as genetic kinship. This is the case in Catalonia. After a review of the problem from prehistoric anthropology by means of the morphological traits in human remains, the problem is treated using the comparaison of the circummediterranean populations by means of two genetic markers: dermatoglyphics and blood groups. Using the UPGMA algorithm, hierarchical cluster analysis has been performed on Prevosti's distance matrices, obtaining results which can help us in the understanding of the position of the Catalonian population in the Mediterranean context. Both markers make a distinction between the Southeastern and Northwestern Mediterranean populations. Gibraltar is shown as a marked discontinuity, which indicates the scarce influence of the Muslim invasions in the genetic pool of the Iberian Peninsula. The European populations from the Western Mediterranean are highly homogeneous. A genetic flow has existed among them which has not permitted the establishment of discontinuities. The Catalonian population is to be found within this continuum


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    Genomes i evoluci贸: impacte en la biologia actual

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    L'estudi dels genomes 茅s un tema central en la biologia del segle xxi. Tenim eines per fer-ne la descripci贸 de la seq眉猫ncia que avancen r脿pidament i un repte important ara mateix 茅s la interpretaci贸 de l'allau d'informaci贸 gen貌mica. La comprensi贸 dels genomes comen莽a amb la lectura comparada: les difer猫ncies entre els genomes dels diferents individus d'una poblaci贸 o una esp猫cie i les difer猫ncies entre els genomes de diferents esp猫cies s贸n la clau per a la reconstrucci贸 del proc茅s evolutiu, per entendre els canvis funcionals i per a la integraci贸 de la informaci贸 gen猫tica en complexes xarxes d'interacci贸 funcional. Els genomes, doncs, recullen bona part de la informaci贸 dels 茅ssers vius, i ens permeten entendre detalladament tant l'evoluci贸 de les esp猫cies com les implicacions de l'adquisici贸 de noves funcions i de l'emerg猫ncia de noves adaptacions que, mitjan莽ant la selecci贸 natural, s'han anat esdevenint durant la hist貌ria, la diversificaci贸 i el desplegament de la complexitat de la vida.Genomes and evolution: impact on current biology. The study of genomes is a central theme in 21st century biology. We now have the tools that enable us to advance rapidly to obtain and describe the sequences. However, a major challenge is to interpret the avalanche of genomic information. The understanding of genomes begins with a comparative reading: the differences between the genomes of different individuals in a population or in a species, and the differences between the genomes of different species, are the key to reconstruct the evolutionary process, to understand functional changes, and for the integration of genetic information into functional complex interaction networks. The genome thus includes much of the information of living beings, and it allows us to understand in detail both the evolution of species and the implications of the acquisition of new functions and the emergence of new adaptations, which, by natural selection, have taken place along the history, the diversification and the unfolding of the complexity of life

    Genomes i evoluci贸: impacte en la biologia actual

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    L'estudi dels genomes 茅s un tema central en la biologia del segle xxi. Tenim eines per fer-ne la descripci贸 de la seq眉猫ncia que avancen r脿pidament i un repte important ara mateix 茅s la interpretaci贸 de l'allau d'informaci贸 gen貌mica. La comprensi贸 dels genomes comen莽a amb la lectura comparada: les difer猫ncies entre els genomes dels diferents individus d'una poblaci贸 o una esp猫cie i les difer猫ncies entre els genomes de diferents esp猫cies s贸n la clau per a la reconstrucci贸 del proc茅s evolutiu, per entendre els canvis funcionals i per a la integraci贸 de la informaci贸 gen猫tica en complexes xarxes d'interacci贸 funcional. Els genomes, doncs, recullen bona part de la informaci贸 dels 茅ssers vius, i ens permeten entendre detalladament tant l'evoluci贸 de les esp猫cies com les implicacions de l'adquisici贸 de noves funcions i de l'emerg猫ncia de noves adaptacions que, mitjan莽ant la selecci贸 natural, s'han anat esdevenint durant la hist貌ria, la diversificaci贸 i el desplegament de la complexitat de la vida.Genomes and evolution: impact on current biology. The study of genomes is a central theme in 21st century biology. We now have the tools that enable us to advance rapidly to obtain and describe the sequences. However, a major challenge is to interpret the avalanche of genomic information. The understanding of genomes begins with a comparative reading: the differences between the genomes of different individuals in a population or in a species, and the differences between the genomes of different species, are the key to reconstruct the evolutionary process, to understand functional changes, and for the integration of genetic information into functional complex interaction networks. The genome thus includes much of the information of living beings, and it allows us to understand in detail both the evolution of species and the implications of the acquisition of new functions and the emergence of new adaptations, which, by natural selection, have taken place along the history, the diversification and the unfolding of the complexity of life